How to Save a Failing Marriage! Here Are the Steps Which Will Prevent a Disaster From Happening

Sunday, June 30, 2013

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It can be quite challenging and frustrating trying to save a failing marriage. If your spouse is very serious about leaving, it can be a very traumatic and depressing experience. Here are a few tips on how to save a failing marriage -

Put down on paper qualities you love in your spouse - In a bid to first acknowledge the positives from your perspective, write down on a piece of paper every single quality that you love in your spouse. Ask your spouse to do this too as this will help view each other from a fresh perspective and rekindle the missing love.

Woo your spouse to go on a date with you - Going back in time to those romantic dating days can infuse fresh enthusiasm and excitement into your relationship. Doing something totally different can also deter you from ruminating over the misunderstandings and fights in the recent past.

Communicate with your spouse - Most often than not, lack of communication is one of the main reasons for the collapse of marriage. Sit with your spouse and with a calm demeanour, discuss the problems you both face and try to work out solutions to make your marriage work.

Write down a list of problems and work out solutions - Write down a list of problems that your marriage is facing right now and discuss in detail to work out solutions with a flexible and compromising attitude.

Give each other enough space - Sometimes, being away from each other for a while will ensure that you both do not address issues in a highly emotional manner. A little distance can also help you look at your marriage from a clear perspective.

Focus on solutions rather than on problems - Rather than focusing on and discussing the problems over and over again, give strong attention only to solutions.

Stop asking friends and relatives for advice - We tend to rely on advice given by our close relatives and friends when our marriage is in trouble. If you seriously want to save your failing marriage, avoid taking the advice of outsiders as they are not in a position to judge based on the limited account you give them.

Follow these few tips and you will soon find your marriage well on its way to healing. You will be surprised at how fast you get back with your spouse and start leading a very happy life.

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Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out- Click Here

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Keeping the Riskiness Out of Online Dating

Saturday, June 29, 2013

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Online dating has really soared in popularity in recent years. Online dating sites are great opportunities for beginners to learn about dating because they are targeted according to what the individual indicates their interested in according to certain criteria like sexual preference, geographic location, religion, hobbies, etc. There are many online dating sites all over the internet all offering different features along with many of the same special services.

Becoming a member of an online dating site can be fun and extremely interesting. However, every year we're also hearing horror stories about tragic events resulting from the internet. Most of these events take place because of a failure to be careful and use good judgment. Here are some tips on how to use online dating in a safe and careful manner so you can have fun in the manner in which these sites were intended.

Remain anonymous as much as possible. While all members use a screen name, this should be entirely different from your original name. Do not share any more personal information than necessary. Con men that manage to get the better of many people are able to do so because the individuals are careless with their personal information.

Use a separate email account for your online dating sites and anything having to do with your online dating correspondence. Regardless of how much you're asked, do not give your personal email address to anyone. In fact, if they persist in asking, this is not a good sign, but is someone that should be avoided.

Before you agree to meet with anyone you meet online, check out their photos or webcamming to see if they're who they appear to be. You may not be able to learn of any discrepancies this way but it's always best to try.

If you meet anyone online, whether on online dating sites or elsewhere, and they ask for money or your help with a personal problem, stay clear away from them. Delete their profile or block them. If they somehow manage to still contact you, report them to the administrators of the site.

If you do agree to meet with anyone you meet on an online dating site, always agree to meet in a public place, preferably during daylight hours. Always let someone you know where you are going and what your plans are for that day.

Although many people still believe online dating is risky, by taking the proper precautions, you're not in any more danger than if you were dating someone you met at work, school or in a local place. It's all about making smart and safe choices.
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Affair Surviving - 3 Reasons Why Asking Your Husband To Go To Counselling Is A Big Mistake

Friday, June 28, 2013

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If you have recently found out about your husband's affair, you know just how devastating affair surviving really is. You may want to ask your husband to attend counselling sessions as you feel they are needed to save your marriage. Think again! Asking your husband to go to counselling is a big mistake.

Although counselling can be a perfect solution for couples who have both agreed to participate, if your husband feels pushed or forced into it, the results will not be favourable.

Over 50% of couples and individuals who seek marriage counselling after an affair reported the counselling seldom worked. If both couples were not 100% committed to the affair surviving help, the cheating spouse entered counselling guarded and with little intent to interact or disclose any deep feelings.

The cheating spouse then often sabotaged the sessions and the end result was the counselling pushed them away rather than saved the marriage.

3 Reasons Why Asking Your Husband To Go To Counselling Is A Big Mistake

Reason #1.

Your husband may feel he is being forced or manipulated into a solution. If your husband is not 100% committed to rebuilding your marriage and surviving the affair, do not try to convince him to attend marriage counselling sessions.

Reason #2.

Your husband may feel you are desperate. You are prepared to do whatever it takes to keep him in the marriage. Unfortunately, human nature leans towards wanting what you can't have. If you are pushing for a solution to remain in his life and come across like you can't live without him, this will not attract him but may push him away.

Reason #3

Your husband may feel you want to fix him. Although I'm sure your husband knows he is in the wrong for having an affair, there is still a sense of justification. In his mind his needs were not being met and therefore he looked outside the marriage to fulfill his needs. If he feels you are trying to fix or change him, resentment and distance can develop.

To encourage your husband to join you in affair surviving strategies, whether it be marriage counselling, books or online resources, take control of yourself first. Focus on your own self-care and be willing to take a non-reactive stand and move on with your life. Explain to him that you are getting counselling/advice to change your life. That the marriage hasn't been what it should be for some time and you need to make positive changes within your life. With or without him.

Focusing on your own affair surviving strategies and self-care is the key to engaging your husband to participate whole heartedly in rebuilding your marriage. Once you are both committed to saving your relationship, it's just a matter of time before your marriage will be loving and stronger than ever before.
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Husband's Emotional Affair - How To Save Your Marriage

Thursday, June 27, 2013

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If you are seeking ways to save and rebuild your marriage after discovering about your husband's emotional affair, please read further. In this article you are going to find 3 tips to keep your spouse focused on the marriage instead of getting involve in an affair just so he could avoid dealing with the problem within.

First of all, there is never a good excuse or reason that give your spouse the right to cheat and destroying your marriage vows. Period.

No matter what the excuse you may have heard, your husband's emotional affair could only been caused by one most common reason; they resort to an affair because it’s a lot easier to get caught up in a fantasy world than it is to deal with hard reality that exist in your marriage.

Even as you are trying to do all you can, trying to be the perfect wife to make your spouse happy, there are no guarantees that he will not cheat. There’s only so much you can do, but if a spouse has a character defect and decides to cheat despite all of your best efforts, there’s nothing you could have done "better". A marriage is a responsibility of both... not you alone.

The key is not in what you do, but what your feelings are while doing it and what your spouse feels as the receiving end. Do you, or both of you feel any emotional connection? Are both of you really "communicating" with each other?

To have the right answer, it is time for you to examine your relationship, and then consider a remedy for any issues you’ve identified.

Tip 1: Evaluate Your Emotional Connection

Perhaps you and your husband have come to realize that right now both of you are not happy together. Why has your relationship trembled? Has it been taken for granted? Has there been neglect? Is communication between you strong, or has it evaporated?

As discovered in many other cases before, lost of emotional connection is one of the most important factors that may have caused your husband's emotional affair.

By looking into your marriage this way, you will find areas where your emotional connection has eroded and make an effort to fix it. Perhaps planning a private time spend together without involving any work is what you need, so you can focus on something that can rejuvenate your relationship such as making each other feel special again.

Tip 2: Understand Types of Communication

There are many types of communication, and it is far from just having great conversation or discussions. Do non-verbal communications still exist? Non-verbal communication plays a very important role just as verbal if you want to bring the intimacy between you to a much deeper level.

Can you recall the early days of your courtship? How you couldn't wait to be together, probably couldn't keep your hands off of one another, all those cuddling and kissing as time flies so fast... and then what happened?

Yes, life may have cause things to change a bit, but that doesn't necessarily mean you are out of option to strengthen your non-verbal communication bonds. You always have options to connect on a more intimate level such as going out dancing together, holding hands while going out for a movie or a myriad of other ways to experience your partner.

Tip 3: Experiment with New Communication Methods

Have it came to a point where verbal communication between you and your husband only happened when reciting grocery items needed for a trip to the store? If this is the current state of your relationship, it’s time to pull up the sleeves and put in some serious work to enliven your communication with your spouse.

A little bit of time and patience is needed here, especially if poor communication has become a habit. Your spouse may not be receptive at first, but if you took action on the two tips given earlier, many new ideas will come to you naturally, and it won't be long for you to see positive changes in your relationship.

You can either work separately or together to evaluate your marriage. Each of you will have a different point of view, which will uncover the missing something that the other partner may not even aware of. Bottom-line is, identify the issues and use the 3 tips given above as guidelines to work together to make things better, as it will keep your spouse's attention focused solely on the marriage.

If you are looking for more information on working through the problems that could potentially destroy your marriage, may I suggest? Please visit where you will uncover some of the most effective methods that will let you have improved odds at ending the emotional affair, rebuilding the honesty and wiping the slate clean for you to build a better-than-ever marriage.

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Has Your Wife Confessed to Cheating? Get a Grip on Your Marriage

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

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It is one thing if you hear rumors or suspect that your wife is cheating and completely another if she actually confesses to cheating. You may be so overwhelmed that you think you cannot get a grip on your marriage, but the truth is that you can do it. If you would like to succeed, there are a number of measures that you need to know and take.

Here are some of the important things that will help you to save your marriage and re-establish a stronger relationship.

Get back to the basics

You need to understand the facts behind your wife's cheating if you want to handle it well. Try to find out for how long she has had the affair and how deep the relationship has gone. You should as well determine whether she really loves him or if she is interested in saving your teetering relationship. You do not expect to reach a well informed decision when you are not aware of the facts in the first place.

Keep your emotions under control

When you embark on getting the facts about your wife's cheating, you are bound to experience a mixture of emotions that may threaten to overwhelm you. It is important that she shares her side of the story with you so that you can have a better understanding. Understanding the things that drove her to an affair will help you to deal with your emotions. You should try to keep your emotions under control even before you start working things out.

Set appropriate goals

Once you have taken the time to sort out the emotions you have been going through, you will need to set relevant goals that correspond to the decisions you have reached. If you have decided to mend your broken relationship, you will need to make appropriate plans to see it through. Set goals that will help you to pull out of your emotional turmoil and avoid falling back to self doubt and depression. You should then break down your major goal into a number of smaller ones that you can achieve progressively one after the other.

Make good plans

When you want to get a grip on your marriage, you will need to have something of interest that you are looking forward to. When you make plans about what you want to do, you will avoid the situation whereby you seem to have no hope and you begin to think about your painful experience. Set your eyes on something you want to do and you will leave no room for the painful memories to wear you out.

Think clearly

Emotions have a way of clouding people's thoughts, yet this is one of the times when you need to think very clearly. Emotions can easily make you commit mistakes that may prove difficult to reverse.
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How To Save A Long Distance Relationship

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

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A long distance relationship is probably one of the most difficult relationships to manage. Ultimately, when your lover needs you, you will not be able to be there physically to help him or her. Similarly, when you need your lover's help, he or she won't be able to be with you either.

That is why it takes a lot of commitment from both parties to maintain a long distance relationship. In the past, it is probably worst due to the cost of maintaining a long distance relationship.

Just making overseas phone calls can burn a hole in your wallet. Fortunately, things are getting much better today due to better technology. With invention like Web Camera, it is so much easier and cheaper to communicate with each other over a long distance.

However, just because there are better technologies out there doesn't mean maintaining a long distance relationship is easy. Remember, chatting over the webcam cannot be compared to hugging your lover physically.

So how can you save a long distance relationship? Well, perhaps the most important ingredient is trust. A long distance relationship cannot be maintained without sufficient level of trust.

In fact, unconditional trust can be very important in any long distance relationships. Of course, in order for your lover to trust you, you need to earn it. You need to reassure him or her every now and then that you do miss him/her and really want to kiss or hug him/her. Do not underestimate these small gestures. It means you care enough about them to tell them what you feel and these small gestures can go a long way to help you save your relationship.
How To Save A Long Distance Relationship?

Are you making these common mistakes? Watch a 9 minute video that shows you what these mistakes are so that you will not make them again. You will also learn how to salvage the situation if it is already too late and you have already made those mistakes.

How To Save A Long Distance Relationship

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Do You Have a Fremont Rekey Project? Here’s How to Save Money With a Fremont Locksmith

Monday, June 24, 2013

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Don't make the mistake of trying to carry out your Fremont rekey project yourself. Many people, individuals and businesses, try rekeying their locks themselves, in order to try to save some money on the project. But if you do attempt the work yourself you cannot ensure your business or home security and safety. This means that it is always a wise idea to have a Fremont locksmith to do the work for you.

In fact, far from costing extra to have a locksmith carry out your Fremont rekey project for you, you can actually save money this way, for a variety of reasons. A Fremont locksmith is able to obtain discount prices from manufacturers on the locks that they buy, owing to the exclusive deals that they are able to make with them. Often they can buy these at cost price, and this is something that you, as the average consumer, cannot obtain. This saving on materials is then handed on to you.

Another problem when it comes to the installation of locks is that people also try to save money by cutting corners. This, coupled with their own inexperience, means that later on there will be repair and maintenance work that has to be done frequently. People also overlook the fact that their home or company security will actually be compromised by taking on the job themselves rather than using a Fremont locksmith. It is really important, therefore, that you have a professional, with all their experience and expertise, to do your Fremont rekey project for you.

Your Fremont rekey project might mean having multiple keys to operate all your locks, or all locks operated by a master key. This means your project is not simple, and will require special equipment and training on behalf of the person who does it. It also means that doing the work yourself rather than using a Fremont locksmith could result in you losing money for your company. Many rekey projects which have been done by an amateur end up failing to work properly. This then means that you have to start spending even more money on correcting all those mistakes, which would not have been made if you had used a Fremont locksmith from the start.

Using a Fremont locksmith to carry out your work for you means you can be confident in your home or company's security. For a general locksmith job or Fremont rekey project, you will be pleased with the expertise of a company such as the Allied Lock & Safe Locksmith company. With more than thirty years' proven experience in this field, you know they will carry out the work in a professional manner, and at the same time save you money.

In a matter of security, you should not trust a job to the inexperienced. Allied Lock & Safe Locksmith company will carry out your Fremont rekey project in an effective and friendly manner. This company is the Fremont locksmith for you.

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For any kind of Fremont rekey project, the Allied Lock & Safe Locksmith company will be able to handle the work for you. Choose this company when you next need a Fremont Locksmith.

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What Should You Do To Save Your Relationship After The Affair?

Sunday, June 23, 2013

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If you're the cheated on spouse in a marriage that has been torn apart by infidelity, you're probably spending a lot of time trying to figure out what you should do after the affair has been exposed. There are no easy answers. To some extent, every spouse in this situation will have to work this out for themselves.

Learning how to cope with a cheating spouse and how to try to rebuild a marriage after an affair is going to test your patience and your fortitude. There are a few things, however, that will help you move forward with your life though. Do these things so you can get back on with the business of living and stop dwelling on what has happened, it's all in the past and it cannot be undone.

Take care of your pain first

As the cheated on spouse you need to take steps to build a firm internal foundation before you even begin to think about rebuilding a firm foundation in your marriage. That means learning how to effectively manage all of those negative thoughts and emotions, images of the affair, and self-doubts that are now tormenting you. Only when you have regained some semblance of internal peace will you be able to tackle the other problems in your marriage.

Begin working and healing together as a couple

Understandably you probably have a lot of anger toward your spouse, but even so, you need to work on effectively communicating with him or her. After the affair, communicating with your spouse will prove to be quite challenging. After all, emotions are raw and running high, so it will take a lot of effort on the part of both you and your spouse to work together on your communication skills.

Rebuilding the foundation of your marriage

When you and your spouse start communicating in a positive manner instead of angry outbursts and fault finding, then you are ready to begin recreating a stronger foundation for your marriage. Alas, this is no easy journey. It will take time and commitment to the work, not just time alone to overcome the obstacles standing in your way long after the affair is over.
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Prayer To Save A Marriage

Saturday, June 22, 2013

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Are you looking for a prayer to save a marriage? There are many of these available. Of course the simplest is just to ask God, humbly and sincerely, to save the marriage, provided that it is His will.

Prayer is a very strong force in our lives. This force can be strengthened by having two or more people praying together, or sharing the same prayer. Therefore, be sure to let others know that you are praying and invite them to work on the prayer to save a marriage with you.

If the marriage that you are trying to save is your own, and your spouse shares your faith, then the best thing you can do for your marriage is to agree on a shared prayer. Look for ideas on the internet or in books if you want, but work on the wording of your prayer together. Just agreeing on what you want from your marriage will be a huge step toward making it work.

If you are not one of the partners in the marriage, then things may be more difficult. You may want to pray for your parents' marriage, or the marriage of friends or family members.

In this case, you may still be able to involve the marriage partners in your prayer to save a marriage if they share your faith. You could tell them you would like to pray for their marriage and ask them what their ideal solution for their marriage would be. If they are your parents, you could write down your prayer and show it to them. Often, knowing that you care so much about their marriage will help them to work out a solution that considers your happiness as well as their own.

If you are not so directly concerned in the marriage, you will need to be careful how you discuss your prayer with the marriage partners. For example if you want to pray for your son or daughter's marriage, you might be accused of interfering. But it is still a good idea to try to consider the happiness of both partners in your prayer, and encourage them to talk to you about what is happening.

When you are working on a prayer to save a marriage, remember that we can never truly know God's purpose for us. However much we may want something, it may not be best for us. However badly we feel about the breakup of a family or a relationship, it may be necessary for us to grow stronger.

So whatever is the result of your prayer to save a marriage, always try to recognize God's purpose in your life. Look for the best in every situation that life presents to you. Remember that every marriage ends eventually, whether it is through divorce or death.

Of course, when you have been joined in marriage it is important to try as hard as you can to stay together. Keep focused on your prayer to save a marriage and you will have the best chance of happiness.

If you are having problems in your marriage, and want to put the spark back try relationship advice and dating tips from iDate the 100% free internet dating site. You can read reviews for christian dating sites to look for a new partner

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Get Your Husband Back After Cheating � 3 Mistakes You Must Avoid To Get Your Husband Back

Friday, June 21, 2013

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Do you want to get your husband back after cheating? Think it's a game there's no way you can win? Would you believe that there are things you can do that will completely sabotage your efforts to win him back? Could it be that you're making one of these marriage killing mistakes? Read every line of this article to see the mistakes you should avoid. Click on the link at the bottom if you want to find out what you should do to get him back instead.

1) Don't crowd your husband at a time like this. Your first instinct is going to be to shower him with love and affection to try to win him back. That instinct is going to backfire on you big time. You see, you're thinking about things from your perspective. What would it take for him to win you back if the tables were turned? Your husband needs to process this information on his own terms. Give him the space he needs to do so, no matter how difficult it may be or how much your instincts are screaming at you to do something else instead.

2) Don't make the mistake of attempting to keep your options open with the "other man." This has to be an all or nothing attempt to win your husband back. If your husband discovers that you've hedged your bet by staying in contact with the man you cheated on him with, there are few powers on earth that will be able to save your marriage. You need to end things completely with the other man and cut all ties BEFORE you attempt to work things out with your husband or get your husband back.

3) Don't play head games and run hot and cold. This is the time to lay all your cards on the table and play it straight. Your husband doesn't want to play guessing games. Either you're all in and committed to working things out and trying to save your marriage or you're not. It will do no good for your efforts to win him back for you to make efforts that are on again and off again.

When you look at these mistakes from your position they may seem like sound strategies for success. But when you see them from his point of view you'll be able to see just how ripe they are for backfiring.

It's not enough to just avoid the mistakes that would keep your from success when it comes to your chance to get your ex back. You also need to know the secrets for success as well.

Click here: to find out what really works to give you the success you're looking for to save your marriage.

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7 Steps to Repairing Your Marriage

Thursday, June 20, 2013

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Every marriage suffers from arguments and differences that can turn into big marital problems. Couples feel the need to always beat the other person with arguments and keep tabs on their wins and losses. But what separates the successful marriage from a disastrous marriage is the ability to repair your marriage.
Fixing a marriage is no small feat. Yet couples need to continuously work towards a healthy relationship because marriage cannot fly on autopilot. Here are 7 steps on how to repair marital mistakes that have arisen from a lack of communication and emotional support.
Step 1: Don't be afraid to apologize.

Be genuine and sincere with your apology. You will be surprised how far a heartfelt apology can go in a relationship. This is because your spouse wants the marriage to work, and hates the fighting as much as you do. Be the stronger person and repair the hurt any arguments or differences caused.
Step 2: Share your feelings.

Many couples think that somehow, their partners can read their minds. This can cause a lot of misunderstanding. So be honest and share your feelings that are underneath the anger such as fear, embarrassment, or insecurity. Confiding in your spouse is the first step towards a truly trusting, intimate relationship.
Step 3: Acknowledge your partner's point of view.

This doesn't mean you have to agree with it; just acknowledging your partner's point of view and understanding why they did what they did or said what they said can immediately bring the tone from conflict to resolution. Listen to them because often times, you'll have missed something important.
Step 4: Accepting responsibility.

Both sides carry the responsibly, and regardless of how big your involvement was, accept your responsibility of the conflict. Be open to resolving your arguments and differences rather than being defensive and counting the number of wins you have.
Step 5: Solve it together.

Whatever argument or differences there are, you are a couple, and couples solve problems together. Figure out what is causes conflict in your relationship and find out the how to work towards fixing it. This opens up communication and lets both sides have their input on what works and what doesn't.
Step 6: Change your behavior.
Continuous arguments and differences mean one thing: you need to change your behavior or the fighting will continue. Saying I'm sorry then repeatedly continuing offensive behavior only takes away trust. Know what your mistakes were, what your responsibilities were, and keep on improving yourself.
Step 7: Acknowledge the effort.

Couples should always encourage and show appreciation for each other in every stage of their marriage. Being able to talk about what marital problems you are facing, and then making the necessary changes to fix those problems is important - but being able to see those changes and acknowledge them makes the process much more fulfilling and shows how much you really want your marriage to work.
Most all marriages have their share of problems. But proactive and constructive communication is a key factor in deciding what marriages are successful, and which are not. Always be mindful that your spouse wants it to work, even if you just had a huge argument, and make sure to implement the 7 steps together as a couple to overcome marriage problems.
Relationships require two people to continuously work at it. Arguments, doubts, and fear are common in most relationships. Make sure you use those hardships to grow stronger together and not fall apart. Any relationship can be repaired. Continuous curiosity and attraction is a key part of maintaining a healthy relationship. Visit 1000 Questions for Couples to read more about 1000 personal questions designed for couples to ask each other to strengthen their relationship.

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Broadway Musical Tips That Will Save You A Small Fortune

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

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We have all heard the horror stories about sitting at the back of the theater. The show may be great but you are constantly squinting and leaning forward to see around Mr. Tall ahead of you. I know the feeling and how to over come it getting cheaper tickets for your pocket and better seats for your eyes.

When I was in London I saw two Broadway musicals Les Miserables from the very back of the theater and Wicked a prequel to the Wizard of Oz from the best seats in the house front row. The difference was incredible and to tell you the truth it only cost 6 pounds more for front row! Hopefully these five tips will get you to the best seats for only 27 pounds and save you the 75 and upward pounds you spend on premium seats.

So whats the secret? The trick is standing in line in the morning on the day of the performance for the tickets that are in high demand. The box office only sells front row seats the day of the musical and they are usually gone really quick.

This is how you get the tickets you want:

1. Since the front row seats can only be bought the day of the musical the lines can be quite long. You can usually beat the lines by being 30-45 minutes early 30 minutes for the last pickings and 45 for the first (15 minutes makes all the difference).

2. Ask when the box office opens and what the lines are like in the morning normally 30 minutes should be okay but better safe then sorry.

3. Make sure the theater dose this. The theater beside Victoria Station in London selling tickets to the musical Wicked dose and I am sure others must do the same but call ahead or go to the office the day before (going there can also help you find it the next morning when you are tired and half awake).

4. They only sell two tickets per person so if you have a group bring some friends along to help you stand in line.

5. They only have thirty front row seats so you better be there early if you don't want a seat off to the side (trust me you don't) and if you have a really big group... some one gets the back!

So there you have it I hope these tips have been useful and the best of luck at finding the perfect seat!

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What to Do When Your Spouse Wants Out And Your Marriage Is Hanging By a Thread

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You’re the last thing going for your marriage: your spouse wants out, he or she refuses to accompany you to counseling or even consider getting the help you need, and you see little hope of staying together.

You basically need a miracle or something supernatural if you’re going to stick together as a couple. In this article, I’ll reveal three things you can do, starting today, that may save your marriage.

When everyone around you is telling you to give up, there’s still something you can do to save your marriage. Despite your friends and family saying you’re crazy trying to make it work, you’ve still got options. Though your spouse may be totally against getting counseling to heal the rift between the two of you or doing absolutely anything at all to stay together, you’ve still got something going for you.

When all other options have failed, there’s prayer. And yes, God does care, in case you’re wondering. As a last resort, why not pray and ask God to supernaturally heal your marriage? To change your spouse’s heart to reconsider? Stranger things have happened.

Say that your partner could really care less. That’s ok, it’s not ideal, but you may still be able to work on it. After all, you can certainly change yourself, even if your partner doesn’t want to change.

Open your heart right now by considering some of the criticisms of your spouse. What has she or he said that you need to change or that drives him or her crazy? What one or two things could you concentrate on changing that could start that healing process and communicate that you’re serious about making your marriage last?

After you’ve come up with these, make a concerted daily effort to take action and make these changes, regardless of how your spouse responds, good or bad, toward you. Then you’ll need to keep it up. Things didn’t get this bad overnight, so you’ll probably have to persevere for a while before your spouse notices. Then maybe they’ll consider giving your relationship another shot.

With your spouse so dead set against making your marriage work, you’ve got a long uphill battle that’s going to be a tough climb. Whether you’re willing to admit it or not, and whether you believe in God or not, you’re going to need some help to get through it all. Family may be a difficult place to start, as they want the best for you and may tend to side with your happiness.

They may see the quickest fix being the best and advise you to give up, get out and get on with life by divorce. Your friends, alternately, could be the very thing you need, willing to support you in your quest to remain together, and be that shoulder you desperately need to cry on when things turn sour. And then there’s always God, who hates divorce, and will be there if you call on Him, in whatever way you see fit.

Praying for your spouse to reconsider, committing yourself to change, and getting the support you need are the three tactics of last resort that you can implement that may very well end up saving your marriage. Don’t give up, there’s still hope, especially if you’re willing to fight for your marriage by implementing these proven tactics, despite the despair you may see around you.

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Divorce Advice For Men � Cheating Doesn't Have To Lead To Divorce

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The best divorce advice for men who have cheating wives is that cheating doesn't have to lead to divorce. There's still time to save your marriage even after you've been cheated on. Are you ready to take the plunge?

Saving your marriage after cheating may have been the last thing on your mind in the days and weeks after you first found out your wife had been cheating on you. Now that there has been a little time and distance between you and your emotions have begun to cool off a bit, you've realized that your decision to get a divorce may have been a little hasty.

The problem is, you're afraid it's too late to save what is left of your marriage. Here are a few things you can do to turn the tides back in your favor and win your wife back once and for all even though she's the one who cheated on you.

1) Let your wife know how much she means to you. I know you're probably a man of few words but this is a time when you need to figure out how to say what's on your heart. If you can't say them out loud or you're afraid you'll get all tongue-tied when you try, write them down instead. She needs to know how you feel before it's too late for both of you and your marriage.

2) Show your wife all the things you haven't been able to tell her. This doesn't mean you have to go out and buy her expensive gifts. Pick her flowers, cook dinner one night, or watch the kids so she can go take a bubble bath. Little things like this can make a huge difference to just how appreciated, cared for, and loved by you your wife feels. It is a lack of these things or security in these feelings that often lead women to cheat in the first place. Offer them now without strings and the odds are good that she'll fall for you all over again.

3) Tell her she's beautiful. You might think it a thousand times a day but if she doesn't hear that from you, she has no clue. Yes, she'll probably have something to say about "this old thing?" or "what do you want?" but secretly she's thrilled that you still find her attractive.

It might be hard to be the one making the effort to save your marriage when your wife is the one who cheated but the best divorce advice for men not interested in divorce after their wives have cheated is exactly this. You can do it though.

It's not the long shot to get your ex back after she cheated you once might have believed it to be. The bonds of matrimony are strong and there is a long history of love between the two of you.

If you want one more MAJOR way to win her back fast after she's cheated on you then you need to take this free video ==> to heart.

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Save Your Marriage After Cheating - Smoking Hot Tips Sure To Melt Your Man's Heart

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

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You can save your marriage after cheating. You don't even need to jump through a bunch of hoops like a circus dog to do it. Most marriages are stronger than a few bumps in the road along the way. While cheating or having an affair is certainly a big bump to overcome it doesn't have to be the end of your marriage unless you're willing to walk away and let that happen.

You had big dreams for what your life would be like as Mrs. Prince Charming. Reality rarely holds a candle to those dreams. It didn't take too long for a little bit of discontent to creep into the picture on both your parts. Rather than talk about it what wasn't living up to expectations and working together to either adjust expectations or make your collective dreams of marital bliss come true, you internalized everything and became increasingly unhappy.

In the end, you are both a little unhappy that the other person can't read your mind. Sounds a little absurd in black and white but if you aren't talking about it and trying to work things out but growing more and more unhappy as a result then that is ultimately what's going on.

Do you really want to save your marriage after cheating on your husband? Then here's what you need to do.

Start by asking your husband what he needs from you to make him happy. Open the door to the conversation that should have been had years ago. You may not be able to give him exactly what he wants. Most men want a cross between Betty Page and June Cleaver. In the world we live in that expectation is often unrealistic but you have to talk it over together to come up with a suitable compromise – one that is sure to melt his heart and keep him excited and delighted at the same time.

It could be that what he needs is something altogether different from what he believes he wants. It could also be that the two of you working together will be able to figure out what each of you needs, wants, and what each of you can really live without.

The next thing you need to do is tell him what you need from him. Go through and sort out the difference between what you need from him and what you want from him. When he knows these things he is better able to give them to you too. The bottom line is that you must both stop holding the other person accountable for not giving you something you haven't even asked for if you really want to save your marriage after cheating has really come in and torn it apart.

Want to turn the heat up a notch as you work to get your ex back and save your marriage?

Sizzle plays an important role in marriage and sometimes you need a little nudge in the right direction to get back on track. Watch this free video ==> to learn what you need to do to really turn your marriage around and keep it on the right track.

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Healing Words to Make Your Marriage Stronger After Cheating

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Can your marriage actually be stronger after cheating? For many marriages, this is what happens as a result of a cheating spouse. It's the marital "wake up call" sometimes that gives you both the kick to the rear you need in order to start working things out and putting your marriage first. You can make your efforts to save your marriage go much further when you use these healing words to make your marriage stronger after cheating.

1) Patience. It takes a TON of patience to make a marriage work. Even without cheating there are so many problems facing marriages today. We teach our children to stop, look, and listen before crossing the street but we don't practice that principle before acting in ways that sometimes can make a tense moment monumentally worse. Be patient and stop expecting instant results. Cheating is a big deal and it will take time to overcome. Stop. Look around and see what's going on with your spouse. Listen to what your spouse has to say. Only then can should you react at a critical point in your marriage like this. Your patience will be rewarded well in the end.

2) Communication. This is the one thing that has probably suffered most in recent weeks and months leading up to the cheating. The thing is that communication is what keeps marriages going. You can't have a happy marriage if you are living as though you are two strangers occupying a space. There is also more than one type of communication. You need the verbal communication in your marriage but you also need physical communication. This isn't limited to sexual contact but the casual physical intimacy that draws you closer together as husband and wife. Practice patience in this too. You'll have to take it slow but if you don't move towards a fulfilling physical relationship your marriage is always going to be troubled.

3) Acceptance. While you should always work, as a couple, to improve, there is some degree of acceptance that is essential in successful marriages. You're going to have to give up the fairy tale dream of what a good marriage should be and learn to accept that your marriage is what you make of it. When you reach that point in the healing process you'll find that you need few other words that you and your spouse can't come up with together to make your marriage work after cheating.

If you don't get busy working out those healing words to make your marriage work after cheating you may find yourself trying to work out how to get your ex back instead. That is somewhere you don't want to go.

But, don't put these great words to use saving your marriage until you learn about the words that can harm your marriage beyond repair. Click here => to learn what you should never say while trying to make your marriage work.

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Tips on How to Teach Your Kids to Save Money

Monday, June 17, 2013

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A lot of teens nowadays do not understand the value of earning and spending money. They were not oriented that investing is necessary even if they are still students. As parents, you play a crucial role in this area.

You should be able to teach your kids on how to save money. They should be able to understand the concept of money and investment as early as childhood. This will prepare them to learn money management, as they grow old.

Here are some tips on how you can teach your children how to save money:

1. Your children should be educated of the meaning of money. Once your children have learned how to count, that is the perfect time for you teach them the real meaning of money. You should be consistent and explain to them in simple ways and do this frequently so that they may be able to remember what you taught them.

2. Always explain to them the value of saving money. Make them understand its importance and how it will impact their life. It is important that you entertain questions from them about money and you should be able to answer them right away.

3. When giving them their allowances. You need to give them their allowances in denominations. Then you can encourage them that they should keep a certain bill for the future. You can motivate them to do this by telling them that the money can be saved and they can buy new pair of shoes or the toys they want once they are able to save.

4. You can also teach them to work for money. You can start this at your own home. You can pay them fifty cents to one dollar every time they clean their rooms, do the dishes or feed their pets. This concept of earning little money will make them think that money is something they have worked for and should be spent wisely.

5. You can teach them to save money by giving them piggy banks where they can put coins and wait until they get full. You can also open bank accounts for them and let them deposit money from their allowance. You should always show them how much they have earned to keep them motivated.

Money and saving is not something that is learned by children in one sitting. You should be patient in teaching them and relating the value of money in all of their activities. Children will learn this easily if you are patient and consistent in guiding them and encouraging them in this endeavor.

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How to Save Your Relationship With Your Girlfriend? Follow This Before It's Just Too Late For You

Sunday, June 16, 2013

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You know you have a good thing going! There is no way you want the relationship to breakup, but you can't ignore the facts either. If you are having doubts about your girlfriend and can sense a slow "pulling away" it could mean that you are heading for a breakup. However you can do certain things that can ensure saving your relationship. These tips can be very helpful.

Don't give up
Feeling low and discouraged because you sense your girlfriend is losing interest in you won't help. If you give up on the relationship you won't be able to save it. Your actions and words will prove whether you have hope or not. Be extra loving and caring towards her. Try to rekindle the flames of love and desire.

Understand what works in your relationship and what does not
By now you probably have realized what has caused the rift between the two of you. You are not so foolish to let it get worse are you? Take steps to get rid of the bad habits and attitudes that are causing her to lose interest in you. Take decisions that will help your relationship to work.

Listen to her and act upon it
It is most probably the fact that you have not been really listening to her side of the story. She has been trying to tell you things, give you signs and signals but you have been too busy with yourself and your feelings to be sensitive to hers. This is a sure way to widen the gap between you. Take time to listen to her and act accordingly.

A break is actually good at times
Did you know that a little time apart can actually teach you a lot? Besides she will know what it is to live without you. Make her miss you. Use this time apart to work on yourself so that the reunion will be something to cherish! You will learn to accept one another and value each other's presence.

Be accountable and responsible
When there is no accountability and responsibility, then the relationship truly suffers. As the man you should shoulder a fair share of the responsibility and be accountable for your actions. This will make her feel even more cherished and secure in the relationship.

Show appreciation
A girl likes to feel appreciated. How long has it been since you last complimented her and told her that you love her? Don't neglect her or take her for granted. It is a sure way to lose her love. On the other hand, showering her with compliments and little gestures and gifts to prove your love will delight her and make her want to stay in the relationship.

Build the trust and intimacy
Trust and intimacy form the foundation of a good and long relationship. As long as she knows that she can trust you to be there for her, to confide in and to share her joys and sorrows, she will love to be in the relationship.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out- Click Here

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10 Signs of a Healthy Relationship

Saturday, June 15, 2013

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“My parents had a very good relationship,” I often hear my clients say.

“What do you mean by good?” I ask.

“They didn’t fight. They spent a lot of time with each other.”

That may have been the definition of a good relationship years ago, but now most people want more. Following are ten signs of a healthy relationship.


Is kindness more important to each of you than having your way, being in control, or being right? Do you each receive joy out of being kind to each other? Being kind rather than controlling with each other is essential for a healthy relationship.


Do you and your partner well up with warmth and fullness of heart for each other and express it with affection? Are you each able to see the beautiful essence within each other, rather than just the faults? Are you able to get beyond the outer to the unique inner Self of each other? Do you enjoy sharing affection? Warmth and affection are vital for a healthy relationship.


Can the two of you laugh and play together? Do you appreciate and enjoy each other’s sense of humor? In the midst of difficulties, can you help each other to lighten up with humor? Can you let down and be playful with each other, letting yourselves be like kids together? Laughter and fun play a huge role in a healthy relationship.


Are you both each other’s favorite person to spend time with? Are you motivated to set aside time just to be together?

Do both of you have friends and interests that you enjoy doing? Are both of you fine when you are not together?

Some couples spend a lot of time together because they really enjoy it, while others spend a lot of time together out of fear of being alone. It is important for a healthy relationship for each person to have friends and interests, so that they are not dependent on each other. Dependency is not healthy in a relationship, particularly emotional dependency.


All relationships have some conflict. It is not the conflict that is the issue, but how you deal with it. Do you have a method for resolving conflict, or do the issues just keep getting swept aside? If fighting is part of how you deal with conflict, do you fight fair, or are you hurtful when you fight?


If one or both of you get angry, do you hang on to it, punishing your partner with it, or can you easily let it go? In healthy relationships, both partners are able to quickly move on, back into kindness and affection.


Do you each trust that the love is solid, even in very difficult times between you? Do you each know that you can mess up, fail, disappoint the other, emotionally hurt the other – and the love will still be there? Do you each know that the love is about who you are, not what you do? This level of trust is essential for a healthy relationship.


Do you each feel heard, understood and accepted? Can you share your secrets with your partner without fearing being judged? Are you each more interested in learning about yourselves and each other than you are in controlling each other? Is listening to each other with an open heart and a desire to understand more important than judging each other or defending yourselves?


Is your sexual relationship warm and caring? Can you be sexually spontaneous? Can you talk with each other about what brings pleasure to each of you?


Do you each feel free to be all that you are? Do you each feel supported in pursuing what brings you joy? Does your partner feel joy for your joy?

While some people may naturally be open, kind, affectionate, accepting, and emotionally responsible for themselves, most people need to heal the fears and false beliefs they learned in their families. Healthy relationships evolve as each person evolves in his or her ability to be loving to themselves and each other.

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    Any time it comes to considering an outdoor wedding ceremony – the very best advice you can obtain is “be well prepared for anything!” Even with the most painstaking consulting and preparations, weat...
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    It is depressing to see many marriages that are in turmoil, and it is especially disconcerting to see them end up as messy divorces, so you may ask how can I save my marriage? Filing for divorce is n...
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    In this post, I'm heading into providing you with breakup advice. The first piece of advice I can give you is to be strong. A common occurrence that takes place following a break up is those we get d...
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    It is depressing to see many marriages that are in turmoil, and it is especially disconcerting to see them end up as messy divorces, so you may ask how can I save my marriage? Filing for divorce is n...
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    In this post, I'm heading into providing you with breakup advice. The first piece of advice I can give you is to be strong. A common occurrence that takes place following a break up is those we get d...
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    There are various ways to find out if your friend likes you. In this article, I’ll share with you some of these subtle (and sometimes not-so-subtle) ways of getting to the bottom of things. Are you...
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    Do you want to know if your ex boyfriend still likes you? Then perhaps it’s about time you leave the confines of your bedroom and start taking action. There are numerous way to find out whether he st...
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  • Some Things To Remember For The Newly Widowed
    After a that time you buried your beloved husband, you will be called now as newly widowed. But faith will tell you that you would get through it. And here are the some of the things you have to bear...
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    Any time it comes to considering an outdoor wedding ceremony – the very best advice you can obtain is “be well prepared for anything!” Even with the most painstaking consulting and preparations, weat...
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  • Getting Over Your Ex Girlfriend By Keeping Out Of These 5 Mental Mistakes
    Getting over your ex girlfriend brings many challenges, not least of all keeping your sanity throughout the whole thing. If you're having difficulty coming to terms with it all, it could be time for ...
    Author: Glenn Devey
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  • Can I Save My Marriage? It is Up to You
    It is depressing to see many marriages that are in turmoil, and it is especially disconcerting to see them end up as messy divorces, so you may ask how can I save my marriage? Filing for divorce is n...
    Author: Jancar Tsang
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  • Break Up Advice
    In this post, I'm heading into providing you with breakup advice. The first piece of advice I can give you is to be strong. A common occurrence that takes place following a break up is those we get d...
    Author: Ed Banks
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  • Find Out If Your Friend Likes You In 5 Simple Steps
    There are various ways to find out if your friend likes you. In this article, I’ll share with you some of these subtle (and sometimes not-so-subtle) ways of getting to the bottom of things. Are you...
    Author: Michael Lee
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  • Know If Your Ex Boyfriend Still Likes You By Answering 3 Questions
    Do you want to know if your ex boyfriend still likes you? Then perhaps it’s about time you leave the confines of your bedroom and start taking action. There are numerous way to find out whether he st...
    Author: Michael Lee
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  • Some Things To Remember For The Newly Widowed
    After a that time you buried your beloved husband, you will be called now as newly widowed. But faith will tell you that you would get through it. And here are the some of the things you have to bear...
    Author: Amy Twain
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  • Getting Over Your Ex Girlfriend By Keeping Out Of These 5 Mental Mistakes
    Getting over your ex girlfriend brings many challenges, not least of all keeping your sanity throughout the whole thing. If you're having difficulty coming to terms with it all, it could be time for ...
    Author: Glenn Devey
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  • Can I Save My Marriage? It is Up to You
    It is depressing to see many marriages that are in turmoil, and it is especially disconcerting to see them end up as messy divorces, so you may ask how can I save my marriage? Filing for divorce is n...
    Author: Jancar Tsang
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  • Break Up Advice
    In this post, I'm heading into providing you with breakup advice. The first piece of advice I can give you is to be strong. A common occurrence that takes place following a break up is those we get d...
    Author: Ed Banks
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  • Find Out If Your Friend Likes You In 5 Simple Steps
    There are various ways to find out if your friend likes you. In this article, I’ll share with you some of these subtle (and sometimes not-so-subtle) ways of getting to the bottom of things. Are you...
    Author: Michael Lee
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  • Know If Your Ex Boyfriend Still Likes You By Answering 3 Questions
    Do you want to know if your ex boyfriend still likes you? Then perhaps it’s about time you leave the confines of your bedroom and start taking action. There are numerous way to find out whether he st...
    Author: Michael Lee
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  • Some Things To Remember For The Newly Widowed
    After a that time you buried your beloved husband, you will be called now as newly widowed. But faith will tell you that you would get through it. And here are the some of the things you have to bear...
    Author: Amy Twain
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  • Can I Save My Marriage? It is Up to You
    It is depressing to see many marriages that are in turmoil, and it is especially disconcerting to see them end up as messy divorces, so you may ask how can I save my marriage? Filing for divorce is n...
    Author: Jancar Tsang
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  • Break Up Advice
    In this post, I'm heading into providing you with breakup advice. The first piece of advice I can give you is to be strong. A common occurrence that takes place following a break up is those we get d...
    Author: Ed Banks
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  • Find Out If Your Friend Likes You In 5 Simple Steps
    There are various ways to find out if your friend likes you. In this article, I’ll share with you some of these subtle (and sometimes not-so-subtle) ways of getting to the bottom of things. Are you...
    Author: Michael Lee
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  • Know If Your Ex Boyfriend Still Likes You By Answering 3 Questions
    Do you want to know if your ex boyfriend still likes you? Then perhaps it’s about time you leave the confines of your bedroom and start taking action. There are numerous way to find out whether he st...
    Author: Michael Lee
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  • Some Things To Remember For The Newly Widowed
    After a that time you buried your beloved husband, you will be called now as newly widowed. But faith will tell you that you would get through it. And here are the some of the things you have to bear...
    Author: Amy Twain
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  • Break Up Advice
    In this post, I'm heading into providing you with breakup advice. The first piece of advice I can give you is to be strong. A common occurrence that takes place following a break up is those we get d...
    Author: Ed Banks
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  • Find Out If Your Friend Likes You In 5 Simple Steps
    There are various ways to find out if your friend likes you. In this article, I’ll share with you some of these subtle (and sometimes not-so-subtle) ways of getting to the bottom of things. Are you...
    Author: Michael Lee
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  • Know If Your Ex Boyfriend Still Likes You By Answering 3 Questions
    Do you want to know if your ex boyfriend still likes you? Then perhaps it’s about time you leave the confines of your bedroom and start taking action. There are numerous way to find out whether he st...
    Author: Michael Lee
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  • Some Things To Remember For The Newly Widowed
    After a that time you buried your beloved husband, you will be called now as newly widowed. But faith will tell you that you would get through it. And here are the some of the things you have to bear...
    Author: Amy Twain
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  • Find Out If Your Friend Likes You In 5 Simple Steps
    There are various ways to find out if your friend likes you. In this article, I’ll share with you some of these subtle (and sometimes not-so-subtle) ways of getting to the bottom of things. Are you...
    Author: Michael Lee
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  • Know If Your Ex Boyfriend Still Likes You By Answering 3 Questions
    Do you want to know if your ex boyfriend still likes you? Then perhaps it’s about time you leave the confines of your bedroom and start taking action. There are numerous way to find out whether he st...
    Author: Michael Lee
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  • Some Things To Remember For The Newly Widowed
    After a that time you buried your beloved husband, you will be called now as newly widowed. But faith will tell you that you would get through it. And here are the some of the things you have to bear...
    Author: Amy Twain
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  • Know If Your Ex Boyfriend Still Likes You By Answering 3 Questions
    Do you want to know if your ex boyfriend still likes you? Then perhaps it’s about time you leave the confines of your bedroom and start taking action. There are numerous way to find out whether he st...
    Author: Michael Lee
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  • Some Things To Remember For The Newly Widowed
    After a that time you buried your beloved husband, you will be called now as newly widowed. But faith will tell you that you would get through it. And here are the some of the things you have to bear...
    Author: Amy Twain
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  • Some Things To Remember For The Newly Widowed
    After a that time you buried your beloved husband, you will be called now as newly widowed. But faith will tell you that you would get through it. And here are the some of the things you have to bear...
    Author: Amy Twain
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