How to Cope with Loneliness After a Break Up?

Monday, September 30, 2013

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Breaking up from a relationship is never easy if you're a man or woman. The immediate effect is emotional and mental stress. They feel depressed and frustrated and the feeling of being lonely as if nobody exists in the world except them. Suddenly a void is created and it’s hard to find ways and means to fill up the space created by the break up. When your ex was around the whole world revolved around her and now that you broke up you don’t know how to live without her. You had become so dependent on them that you feel at loss when they are not around.

So how can you cope with loneliness during a breakup? One thing that anyone who is suffering from a breakup should remember is that, the pain cause from the break up takes time to heal. You cannot escape the memories carried over from the relationship and you have to face this truth and accept it. Once you accept the reality then you can find ways to make yourself busy. Try to get occupied through various ways like community work, social work or try to join some new course and start upgrading your skills. Getting engaged in some form of activity will only make you more confident and allow you to forget about your ex for some time.

Other ways to cope with loneliness are traveling to exotic locations or an exciting night safari etc or if you’re ready just go on a blind date. Who knows your new girl friend might be waiting at the street corner to sweep you off your feet. Don’t take breakups so personal or seriously, no men or women can actually be satisfied or content with just one man or woman. It is a very rare phenomenon to get into such made for each other long term friendship. So take it easy, act cool and find ways to either get her back if you want her or him, or just move on and find some single friends to go out with.

The world is filled up with more wonderful and interesting people and its time for you to experiment with new friends. That’s the kind of attitude which will help you to carry you through a painful breakup. At the end of the day be assured that you will still feel lonely and it takes time to get into terms with this. So do all you can to cope with loneliness during a break up.
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Divorce isn't necessarily A choice - Find out How to Save Your Troubled Marriage

Sunday, September 29, 2013

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Think you're within the brink of ending your marriage and getting to divorce? Before you go on through your plans, it is best that you understand these tips on fixing your marriage.

Marriage is not an accident. Each and every marriages in this world is holy and sacred, even those that are filled with so much problems. Even if you feel that you have a perfect marriage, there will really come a moment where you and your spouse will be faced with so many problems that could even lead to divorce. But before you proceed any further, it is recommended that you read these tips on how to fix your marriage life.

Open Communication is Important

The first step in fixing a troubled marriage is to communicate with your partner well, so as to discuss your problems and look for ways on how to address these problems. So instead of keeping all your sorrows by yourself, it could help if you let it all out, by confronting your partner with whatever pain that you may have. But make sure that you also listen intently to your partner if he also vents out his frustration and dismay on you.

Divorce is Not Always a Good Option

The problem with some couples is that they would often resort to ending the marriage right then, without even doing something to fix it. This happens because of too much pride in oneself, and the fear of being humiliated on the thought that your partner might be the first one to file for a divorce against you. There are actually a lot of things that you should consider before deciding to file for a divorce - think of your kids? Do you think they would be happy with your decision to end the marriage?

Both Parties Must Cooperate

When you are trying to fix a marriage crisis, it is important that you and your spouse should be hand in hand in fixing whatever problems you may have. You cannot fix the problem on your own - you should be able to ask for the cooperation of your spouse, if he too, is interested on fixing the marriage. After all, marriage involves two persons, and therefore, two persons involved in such relationship should also be hand in hand in fixing the problems.

It Takes Time

When it comes to fixing your marriage problems, it is best that you allow yourself to heal from the pain first, before confronting your partner and opening up your decision to fix your problems. You cannot solve your problems if there are still grudges in your heart, so give yourself some time to heal and forgive your partner. And when the time comes for you to confront your partner, you are certain that your issues will be addressed well, because you no longer have the pain in your heart.

Fixing a troubled marriage is not that easy, more especially if you are the one who got hurt. But if you are willing to fix your marriage and resolve your issues to give each other another chance, then do so by following all the tips mentioned above.

Is your marriage worth to save? Discover how to assess the relationship on its own and choose if it is truly worth to saved or not at when to divorce. If you want to fight for it, You might want to take a look at a review of Save My Marriage for recommended course by a specialist to save a marriage in disaster.
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Mrs. Right...or Mrs. Disaster?: 10 Requirements for True Love

Saturday, September 28, 2013

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I still remember getting the call, the call I knew would come but was nonetheless shocked to hear. My friend, Johnny, after just 10 months of marriage to a girl everyone knew was wrong for him, had gotten divorced. Instead of becoming a happily-ever-after couple, Johnny and Marissa had joined millions of other Americans and become statistics. Statistics of the all-too-common divorce.

It’s funny how these short-term marriages and long-term miseries occur. Usually it begins with a bad case of "Oneitis."

Don’t know the word Oneitis? Well, surely you know this infectious disease’s symptoms:

You think you’ve met the girl who’s perfect for you, who you can have a great relationship with and eventually marry

You ignore the bitchy behavior and abuse that comes from this girl, still believing that she’s "The One"

You see and know girls who you know would be much better for you, but ignore them because the girl you’re with is better-looking, taller, skinnier–a number of superficial qualities that don’t add up to the love you know you could get elsewhere

You spend lots and lots of money on this girl, and she never bothers to thank you–or if she does, it’s less than sincere

Your friends all tell you that this girl isn’t right for you, but you ignore their advice

Maybe your friends have even fought with this girl, but you defend her even though you know deep-down her behavior is unacceptable

You spend all your time with this girl, and ignore your friends and family

You find yourself calling her all the time to see what she’s doing, and who she’s with

You can’t get this girl out of your head, even when she’s long gone!

If you’ve ever watched the classic film Swingers, then you know what Oneitis is: it’s the character of Mikey!

Unfortunately, a lot of guys become the Mikeys of this world. And while some men may just go through this with a girl they’re only dating, other guys, like Johnny, take this obsession all the way to marriage. And that’s when the "disease" becomes deadly.

How do you know when a girl is right for you? I could write book after book after book about what’s right and what’s wrong, but what it comes down to are ten essential ingredients for lasting success:

She supports and encourages your goals and interests. A girl who’s right for you should follow you on your path–not try to re-direct it her own way. Unfortunately, Johnny’s wife wanted him to do something completely different to the direction he wanted to head, so it was little wonder that their romance fizzled out so quickly. Guys, if you can’t be open about your feelings, interests, passions and purpose, then you shouldn’t be with the girl. She should be able to listen and understand, not disregard and sneer.

You can accept her and her goals and interests. Just like a woman should support and push you on the path you want to head, so too should you be able to do the same for her. If she’s into motorcycling and you hate it, or if she wants to travel the world and you just want to stay in one place, then chances are you two aren’t made for each other. Likewise, you should be able to understand her emotions and concerns–both of you MUST be good, compassionate listeners.

She loves you for you, not your money and possessions. So many rich and powerful men have destructive relationships with women. Why? Because the woman aren’t marrying these men–they’re marrying their money. And divorce isn’t cheap, so even when these guys break up with the bloodsuckers, the women still get a hefty chunk of the pie!

She generally gets along with your family and friends–and doesn’t mind seeing them. So many guys seem to forget this, watching dumbly as their girlfriend pulls them further and further from their family and friends to have him all for her own. I’ve got an uncle who blindly allowed himself to end all contact with his family because his wife hated them. Somehow they’re still married, but is that the kind of woman you want to be with?

She’s on the same page, spiritually, as you. Spirituality is a big thing for couples–it can unite them like nothing else. I know so many couples who are happily married because they believe in the same God, the same purpose in life, the same deep feelings about their existence. Conversely, couples who battle over the questions of life just do not have the same loving romance. A girl who’s right for you doesn’t necessarily have to believe in the same religious principles and dogmas as you, but if she’s an atheist and you’re a Christian, things may not work out long-term.

She wants to spend as much time with you as with her own friends and family. This may seem like an obvious one, but so many guys fawn over girls who only see them on THEIR schedule. If a girl is really right for you, you shouldn’t have to obsess over her or ask her permission to see her. You should both WANT to see each other and miss being with one another–that’s a sign that you’re both in love.

You both share the same feelings for another. If you know deep in your heart that you want to marry her and spend the rest of your life with her, but she’s non-committal and vague, then you should certainly move on. A true, loving partner should accept you completely for who you are and what you feel. On the other hand, if you both feel comfortable sharing feelings with each other, and she accepts the deep things that you reveal to her, then you’ve found a true catch!

You both make time for each other, even through work and school. Spending quality time with one another is crucial. If your girl is always at her job, concentrating on her career, or studying for a degree, and not making an effort to be with you, then it’s time to move on. True love knows no bounds–including time. While it’s great to have a girl who’s serious about her career and education, this can also be a relationship-breaker if she takes either too seriously.

Money and possessions are not as important as love. This is a simple one: If your girl only talks about possessions and money, if that’s where her true values lie, then you might want to back out of the relationship. Every girl wants good things in life, but if she really loves you, then how much you make and how much you give her shouldn’t be #1 on her priority list.

You both are able to put each other ahead of yourselves. This can be the make or break of a relationship. If she’s willing to do things for you, sacrifice time with her friends or time at work to be with you and make you meals, then you’ve found yourself a winner. However, if she’s always cancelling dates, spending more time with her friends than with you, and never gets you any gifts or acts of service, then you’ve found yourself a bitch. Move on. When she treats herself more important than you, then you’re heading towards disaster.

In the end, you want a girl who can you be you around, and know that you’re valued by her night and day. If you’re in a relationship now that you want to be more serious, ask yourself if the woman you’re with fulfills these 10 requirements. And if you’re looking for love, don’t get too far into it unless you really feel that the girl treats you right.

For all of you in a marriage or just got divorced, I highly recommend you check out this great service I found over the web. You can get free, high-quality newsletters that will tell you how to handle your marriage, or find a new one, and what kinds of signs to look out for that your relationship is on the rocks. Check out save my marriage today now:

And remember: There’s a big difference between "The One" who’s right for youÂ…and "The One" who will become your biggest nightmare!

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5 Dating Rules That You Should Not Break If You Want To Succeed at Dating

Friday, September 27, 2013

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Love is not predictable so why should dating have rules? Well, the reason for this is that when women follow their hearts and not their heads during dating, the way that they act around men is not always in their own best interests. You can't expect to treat a man like you would treat a girlfriend if you want to make him crazy about you. Whether or not you agree, here are 5 dating rules that you must not break if you want to succeed at dating:

Rule #1 - Don't get Attached Too Quickly

He's gorgeous and cute on the surface but take your time and get to know the real person before you allow yourself to attach to him. This will save you a lot of heartbreak and disappointment when you find out he's not the man you thought he was or he was never really looking for a relationship. If you take some time to find out who he is first, you can eliminate the bad ones quickly and find yourself a top quality man.

Rule #2 - Don't Pressurise or Chase

OK, so this one seems unfair. Why should we have to sit back and wait while we let the man do the chasing? The reason is that chasing a man generally does not work in the long-term. A man will generally resist any pressure that you put on him and you could find yourself in a battle. Generally, pursuit is in the genes of a man. If you make it easy for him, he will not find you half as interesting as if you present a challenge. He might be flattered at first, but he will lose interest quickly. Don't believe me? Next time you are dating, try holding back just a little bit and see how much it sparks his interest.

Rule #3 - Don't Expect Too Much Too Soon

Don't think that you are in a relationship just because you've had a few dates or he seems really into you. If you want to succeed at dating, you must take it slowly and be patient. When you start to display premature expectations of a relationship, everything changes and he starts to feel pressurised. Make sure you stay cool if you want to get that guy.

Rule #4 - Don't Reveal Too Much Too Soon

We women are fairly open creatures and we like to be honest. When we feel close to someone it is easy for us to open up and spill everything out about what has gone wrong in our lives and relationships. When you first meet a man, resist the urge to tell him anything that he might interpret negatively. It is easy to put a man off with tales of past boyfriends or premature confessions, so be on your guard and save these for when your relationship is stronger.

Rule #5 - Don't Sleep With Him Straight Away

OK, so you don't like this one either, but it's a fact. When you sleep with a man, you will start to become attached to him, even before you have established that he is a suitable partner. Now that you are attached to him, you will have expectations of a relationship. You have presented yourself as easy prey and the challenge is over for him before it begins. You have already broken most of these dating rules. Yes, he will happily sleep with you, although now he is more likely to see you as someone to have sex with rather than someone to have a relationship with.

When you hold back and see yourself and your body as too valuable to just give away to someone you barely know, he will see you as valuable too. He will be intrigued and want you more. You will be laying the foundations for long-term attraction and a relationship. When you don't give into your urges to break these rules, you will be able succeed at dating.
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How to Recycle Your Ink Cartridges to Save Money and Save the Environment

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What do you do with your ink cartridges when your printer runs out of ink? Do you recycle them or do you just throw them into the trash?

Hundreds of millions of printer ink cartridges are used throughout the world every year. Unfortunately only about five percent of them end up in a recycling center when they're empty. Why is this unfortunate and why should you recycle your ink cartridges?

There are two ecologically sound reasons why printer ink cartridges should be recycled. First of all, both the cartridges as well as any unused ink can harm the environment if they end up in a landfill. The cartridges are manufactured out of plastic and metal and are often non-biodegradable. Also, some inks are potentially toxic. The second reason is that it will put cash in your pocket.

You Help Save the Environment by Recycling Ink Cartridges

Since parts of these cartridges do not decompose they just take up precious space in a landfill. And the components that do decompose are often toxic and can ultimately end up polluting the water you drink.

The second reason is that since plastic comes from petroleum and metals are mined, both sources will ultimately be depleted. If you recycle or refill your printer ink cartridges you will help to extend the lifespan of these natural entities so that future generations may be able to use them.

You Will Save Money When You Recycle Your Cartridges

The second major reason you should consider recycling your printer ink cartridges is because by doing so it will save you money. The easiest way to recycle these cartridges would be to take them to an ink refilling station and have them refilled. Alternatively, you can buy an ink refill kit and refill your cartridges yourself.

If you choose to refill your own cartridges keep in mind that to maintain the best print quality you should only refill each cartridge once or twice.

When your printers ink cartridges can't be refilled anymore it's time to take them to a recycling center. You can either donate your cartridges or be paid for your empty cartridges at the recycling centers.

The recycling centers deconstruct the cartridges in order to reclaim the metal and other components used to make them.

Recycling inkjet cartridges isn't some publicity gimmick or a fad. If we all did our part not only will we help to save our environment we will also save money. And in these challenging times what we get out of doing these simple things can only help us all.
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Advantages of Recessed Lighting

Thursday, September 26, 2013

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When there are talks about home lighting and decoration, recessed lighting are not left out. There are numerous advantages of using recessed lighting for lighting purposes. Apart from being very reasonable and cost-efficient recessed lighting is the best update for the look of any house.

Recent advances in recessed lighting technology like the addition of new low-voltage lights and cost-efficient bulbs has taken the light industry by a storm. These lights can be used to add charm and elegance to any room of the house and even highlight the murals. In addition to that, they add a bright symmetry to the room leaving it sparkling and glowing.

Usually, for the more sophisticated clients, recessed lighting can give their abode a stylish look that suits their needs and requirements. Most recent lights can be installed in such a way that they are not visible on the ceiling walls. Hence, people often don't feel like there are lights at most of the places in the room. With more space, the room gets a more streamlined and neat look.

A good aspect of recessed lighting is the facility to dim the lights as and when required. According to your needs, you can control the amount of brightness of the lights. If you dim the lights, less electricity is utilized and so you may be able to save a certain amount of money.

There are multiple varieties of recessed lighting available in different shapes, sizes and colors. You can be creative and select the fixture that best complements your room decor. You can use recessed lighting with standard line voltage, low-voltage halogen or fluorescent fixtures.

It is mandatory for all recessed lighting fixtures to be IC rated. Here the term "IC rated" implies that the recessed lighting fixture may come in contact with the insulation in the ceiling without posing a fire hazard.
It is not a very good idea to install recessed lighting yourself as it involves a complicated installation process. But if you want to have a light in your closet, then recessed lighting is the best choice.

For safety reasons, recessed lighting is placed at a little distance from the next light as keeping lights in a uniform row doesn't look good in houses. Also if the lights are too close they are not so effective and might overlap. This would be wastage of electricity and might lead to unnecessary expenses.

The distance between the object to be highlighted and the recessed lighting fixture needs to be between 12-18 inches in order to have optimum results. To understand this, get it clear in your mind that the size of the fixture is the distance that needs to be kept between the object and the fixtures.

If you are interested in having such lightings in your house, you can visit USALight.

In a nutshell, recessed lighting fixtures are an ideal source of illumination for any house.

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Grooms Attire: Tips and Ideas for Choosing A Perfect Suit

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

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Perhaps you are lucky enough to be marrying a man capable enough of choosing his own wedding attire and choosing well, without your help. But do you feel confident enough to let him loose and make such a big decision for himself?

If you are confident of his dress sense and that he will choose a perfect suit for himself and his groomsmen, it may be worthwhile making sure by having your own input on his attire. Tell him it will help you relax, knowing exactly what he has chosen! He could be pleased to have some advice!

As the bride is the most important woman, the groom is the most important man at the wedding and he has to look the part! Don’t be tempted into saving money by buying a cheap suit for the groom, it will nearly always look bad and could make you look bad along with it.

As most men hate shopping, do some homework and make a note of his size, his preferred colors and if a suit or more formal morning attire would be his style. Try and get him to try on at least three different suits in different styles, so you can both gauge what works and what doesn’t. Don’t forget to add in ties/cravats, shoes and top hats for morning suits.

Dark grey suits are the most popular choice for a groom but you can live it up with a bright tie or cravat. Consider a patterned waistcoat aswell.

A morning suit with top hat and tails are still a popular choice, particularly for a formal, traditional wedding. Here it is usual for the groomsmen to wear the same suit and accessories.

Kilts are popular choices for those with a Scottish or Celtic heritage and can be specially made with your choice of tartan. Likewise members of the armed forces may wish to wear dress uniforms for their weddings.

A good gift for the best man and ushers would be good quality cufflinks, tie or cravat pins. You could get them engraved and present them in box to show your appreciation for their help. You may also wish to give the groom an expensive pair of cufflinks as a wedding gift.

Formal grooms’ attire such as morning suits can be hired from many high street gents outfitters. If you are going for a suit you may wish to buy a good quality suit from a reputable retailer which could be re-worn for future occasions.

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The Right Home Air Conditioning Temperature Can Save You Money

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

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Did you know that the right home air conditioning temperature can help you to save money every month? Most people are not aware of this but it is true and you need to understand how you can use the temperature of your air conditioning to save the most money possible.

The first thing to know is when you keep your air conditioning thermostat at a higher temperature you can significantly cut the costs on your bill each month. If you can keep your temperature level at 80 to 85 degrees and use ceiling fans or room fans to help circulate the air then this will help save money each month.

It will save you up to 5% on your home cooling costs for each degree that you are able to raise your thermostat. When you are at home it may not always be possible to keep your temperature set that high, but when you leave home for a vacation definitely set the temperature higher.

Move the temperature to a higher setting right before you leave and this will help save money while you are gone. Once you get back home you can set it to a more comfortable temperature and your home will cool off quickly.

Because you will be blocking out a lot of the sunlight having shades on your windows will also help you save money. Most people don't realize that over 20% of your air conditioning bill can be caused by the sunlight that comes in through windows that don't have shades.

The more you can block the sunlight from coming into your home the less the air conditioner will have to work to keep your home cool.

Because it could end up costing you more money it is always a good idea to be sure your air conditioner is cooling efficiently. Calling a professional and having them test is is the best way to be sure your air conditioner is working efficiently.

That way if there are any problems with it the professional can get it fixed for you right away.

Now that you know how the right home air conditioning temperature can help to save you money; all that remains is for you to start using these tips so you can save as much money as possible each month on your cooling costs.

You do want to use your air conditioner to stay cool, but saving money is also important, and now you know how to do both.
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Those USAF Thunderbird Pilots Must Get All The Women�Well, Except One Of Them

Monday, September 23, 2013

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This past Sunday afternoon was a lazy one here in San Antonio. So when we found out the annual air show was going on out at Lackland AFB we decided to get off our tails and go check it out.

Along with the usual spectacle involving "warbirds" from WWII, aerobatic wizardry and guys jumping out of perfectly good airplanes, the world-famous USAF Thunderbirds were on hand to provide the big finale.

Now, I really enjoy air shows and was looking forward to checking out the T-birds for the first time having seen the Navy's Blue Angels on at least six or seven occasions. But since I do what I do for a living, I couldn't help considering what the dating lives of T-bird pilots must be like. After all, can you think of any more "alpha" a bad boy lifestyle than performing as one of the six most publicly bad-to-the-bone fighter pilots walking the planet? Surely this has to at least help when it comes to attracting women.

Except that one of them--Maj. Nicole Malachowski at slot "3"--is a woman.

As you can imagine, this plot twist caused me to ruminate on the subject at hand all the more deeply. If Thunderbird pilots have what could be argued the ultimate trump card when it comes to establishing "social proof" with women, how does that translate for Maj. Malachowski?

When the T-birds made their customary sound off before taking flight, the decidedly feminine exclamation of the word "Three!" roused at least one response of "Dude, that was a chick!" from an apparently startled adolescent boy.

Indeed. And "Major M." was runner up for Homecoming Queen back in high school, to complicate matters even more.

So first we had Danica Patrick, driving Indy cars over 200 mph while looking pretty good simultaneously. Now this.

I think the verdict is in, guys. Being a racecar driver or a "flyboy" isn't what makes you a "man". Think about that if ever tempted to feebly coerce a woman into somehow believing you are attractive because of whatever you do on weekends, whatever car you drive or "whatever" else external.

And apparently Nicole Malachowski must get a kick out the steady stream of guys who persist in this lame-o peacock ritual. According to reports, one of Nicole Malachowski's routines when out on the town has historically been to challenge men who approach her with five chances at guessing what she does for a living. If ‘stumped', the ‘loser' would have to buy her a drink.

I'll say.

Did you happen to note a certain ambiguity in this article's title? That was purely intentional. Whichever way you read it, it resonates. Whether Maj. Malachowski is the one who doesn't' share her peers' interest in attracting women or the other five pilots aren't going to win her is irrelevantÂ…the point stands either way. We all know that the sharpest of women have an incredibly "challenging" time finding men who are worthy of them in general. Imagine all the men who fell short of the mark with the Lady T-Bird-they themselves the likely 2% (max) of the single male population who weren't too intimidated to even say "hello".

But check it out, this is where things get even more interestingÂ…Nicole Malachowski is happily married. To a man. Specifically, to a man who somehow, somewhere managed to win her affection, and presumably her respect.

Now granted, I know very little about either one of the Malachowskis except for what I've read in a few Internet snippets from "Feature" sections nationwide. So you'd better believe I'd love to interview them (And if the Malachowskis have been forwarded this article somehow and are reading, I've got a podcast episode with your name on it). That said, my educated guess is that Mr. Malachowski (also an Air Force Major, curiously) is an inherently masculine man with a genuine sense of self-confidence.

Whatever the case is, she found a "keeper", didn't she? And you know what I also have a tendency to believe? It's pure conjecture, of course, but I believe her husband might say he found a "needle in a haystack" himself. I'm sure he was willing to settle for no less than he deserved, a sentiment that his wife no doubt shares. The fact that he met Nicole, was not intimidated by her and chose to spend his life with her tells me something. It tells me that having an "inner game" as bulletproof as his makes him an even badder @$$ than his wife is. Which is exactly why Mrs. Malachowski must dig himÂ…majorly.

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Help Your Marriage Survive the Economy

Sunday, September 22, 2013

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Money is a loaded subject for many couples. It is often why marriages end in divorce. It can be a “hot topic” even when couples are doing well in their personal finances. So, how much more difficult might it be for couples to address money issues when the economy is tanking all around us and no one knows when we’ll be out of this mess? Those relationship issues may become magnified and may be taking a real toll on your marriage now.

Even if you were one of the lucky couples who didn’t fight over money, you may find that money is currently affecting your relationship or partnership.

Read on and discover some tips to help your marriage or partnership survive and even strengthen during this financial crisis.


Even if your style is to keep problems and concerns to yourself rather than talking with your partner, now is the time to challenge yourself and make some changes. Consider your partner your teammate. That sense of, “we are in this together,” can create an incredible bond. It is like a glue that can keep you feeling close when there is a lot of angst in the air. Being transparent and sharing your worries not only helps you feel closer but will also relieve some of the stress you are feeling. In addition, your partner may actually be able to make you feel better.


When you’re talking to your partner go out of your way to really listen to what he or she has to say. Ignore the temptation to interrupt and add your own two cents. Ignore the temptation to come up with solutions (unless asked for one). Just listen. Make good eye contact. Nod and make acknowledging sounds. Even reflect back some of what you think your partner may be feeling based on what they’ve said. Your partner will probably feel so supported by you when they feel you are taking the time to just listen and be there for them. This is a great technique to strengthen your relationship.


You may have to make some temporary changes in your schedules, roles and lives for the time being. Perhaps one of you is working more hours than usual. Be flexible and help by picking up the slack with the kids, driving or housecleaning. You may need to let go for the time being of what your standards for a clean house are. You may need change the way you and your family enjoy your time together. Know that doing so in a cooperative way will foster good will between the two of you. Supporting each other in this way can also strengthen your commitment to each other and your relationship.


Proper breathing is a well documented strategy for dealing with anxiety and stress. It has been known in other cultures for centuries to be a way to feeling more calm and more at peace. Recent medical research supports this ancient wisdom and now western mainstream health professionals espouse this advice often. Take a few minutes each day (several times a day of possible) to sit quietly and take full and deep belly breaths. (Feel your belly expand and contract as you breath in and out.) Also just stop during the day occasionally and remind yourself to take a few deep and full breaths in the midst of what you are doing.


Even though it’s a stressful time and finances may be tight, that doesn’t mean you have to give up on the idea of fun. In fact, it is essential you find ways to have fun to reduce stress and help you feel more hopeful. Scheduling fun with your partner can help you feel closer and can help inoculate your relationship against the impact financial stress may be having on the two of you. Take a walk on the beach, ride bikes around in the park, go on a picnic, rent funny and romantic comedies like The Philadelphia Story or Bringing up Baby. If that isn’t your style rent Monty Python. Be creative and come up with something inexpensive you both enjoy.


Sit down with your spouse or partner and take a realistic look at your finances. If it all seems too overwhelming or you don’t seem to get anywhere sit down together with a financial advisor. See what spending and living changes you can make if necessary. Brainstorm solutions to immediate concerns. Think about altering some plans for the near future. You may think that it is too stressful to try and figure out a plan b and so avoid it altogether. Yet, if you are like most people, once you do develop a backup plan you will likely feel a little liberated and more relaxed knowing you have some options to rely on if you need to.

As stressful as times may be for you right now you can choose to what degree it is going to have on your relationship. You, too, can be one of the couples who makes it through hard times stronger, closer and better. I invite you to follow these tips on how to help your marriage survive the economy now.

If you would like more free articles with tips and advice on relationships, marriage and sex, sign up for my free report, “21 WAYS TO RENEW LOVE PASSION AND FUN” and receive my e-newsletter, LOVE YOUR LOVE RELATIONSHIP. You can get both at

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Thursday, September 19, 2013

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What is runtime error 53

You have received the "Runtime error '53': file not found" error message and have no idea how to fix it. In order to fight the enemy, you have to first understand it. Runtime error 53 is commonly faced by programs like Visual C++ and Visual Basic. In seri... Read >

Learn How to Fix "Runtime Error 53 File Not Found" Easily

Have you frustrated to runtime error 53? Are you tired of searching the solution to fix runtime error 53? Computer errors generally plague us a lot. They have to be removed immediately before they can cause any further problems. It shows the message "runt... Read >

How To Repair The R6025 Error On Your Computer

The runtime error R6025 can occur while using some of the popular applications like Internet Explorer, MS Messenger, and Adobe Photoshop. A computer that runs under the Windows 2000 or higher, will experience this error, and it is the user's responsibilit... Read >

Easy steps to fix runtime error r6025

Runtime error r6025 is an error more commonly associated for users who are using Visual Basics or any code compiling software to develop programs. While there are some other causes of the runtime error, this article will discuss this first, then touch bri... Read >

Understanding and fixing runtime error 429

The "Runtime 429 Error" is a problem with the ActiveX (COM / Common Object Model) objects that some of your software applications will want to use to run. ActiveX objects are widely used in Windows applications to load up various important components that... Read >

How to fix runtime error 429 effectively on your computer

While your PC gets runtime error 429, there are some runtime errors symptoms including program freezes, system lock-ups, slow computer performance, startup/shutdown problems and installation errors. Those are why you should solve the runtime problems in y... Read >

How to Fix Runtime Error 13 in a Safe Way

Runtime error 13 often pops up when you are working with Excel 2002, though it does appear on other occasions too. When the error occurs, it shows like this: "Run-time error:'13' Type Mismatch". There are a number of reasons why annoying errors like "runt... Read >

How To Fix Runtime Error 52 Bad File Name Or Number

When run time errors take place on your system it degrades the system and your screen becomes blue or black. When you try to open Outlook, word, PowerPoint or other office application, you might get the message 'Runtime error 52: Bad file name or number' ... Read >

How to fix it When Encountering Runtime Error 52

As being a Windows user you might have faced Run time Error 52 when you try to open any particular application. When run time errors take place on your system it degrades the system and your screen becomes blue or black. When you try to open Outlook, word... Read >

How to repair runtime error 76 on your pc

Runtime Error 76 shows because most programs are created in several components with lots of small files making up each component. When a program is installed in the Windows platform, each component will be assigned a specific address and Windows then save... Read >

Fix Runtime Error 13 With Registry Cleaner

Have you ever frustrated to runtime error 13? It is very annoying to see pop up error messages on the screen. Do you know how to fix runtime error 13? Now read this article. If you're using Windows-based computers, runtime errors are the most common er... Read >

Rundll32.exe error is not difficult to fix

There are many different problems that you might run into on your computer, but one of the most unfortunate of them is the problem that comes up with a message that says "rundll32.exe is not a valid win32 application." While this isn't the worst thing tha... Read >

How to fix notepad.exe error efficiently?

If you are seeing the most frustrating notepad.exe application error on your computer screen, remember this is a very critical error which is a result of corrupted registry in your computer system. The registry is an essential component for all versions o... Read >

How to fix Msvcr71.dll error in minutes

MSVCR71.DLL error is one of the most common system errors that any PC user will come across. MSVCR71.DLL errors always happen when there is a battle in the path of your operating system. When you try to open some files, applications or just start up your ... Read >
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8 Ways to Help You Save Your Home From Foreclosure

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

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If you are reading this you are probably one of the millions of homeowners that are genuinely concerned they might lose their home. You are not alone, there are more americans in or facing the possibility of foreclosure than at any time in our countries history. This obviously is a very stressful and confusing time and can even seem hopeless to a lot of homeowners. There are actually more options available to the homeowner now than ever before. Here are some tips that will help you learn the steps you need to take and how to determine which option is best for you and your individual circumstances.

1. Talk to your lender: The most important thing you must do when you find yourself in a financial hardship is to communicate with your lender. Let your lender know what your situation is and that your home is of the upmost importance to you and you are doing every-thing in your power to correct the situation. Then follow that up by asking if they have any ideas or recommendations. This will let you avoid the biggest mistake that people commit, which is to ignore or not respond to notices and inquiries from their lender. By being proactive it tells your lender that you are committed to your home and to responsibly examine all of the possible options available to correct the situation.

2. Know your time frame: Knowing the amount of time that you have is crucial in helping you determine what options are available. Primarily there are two factors that you need to research. One is to learn what your lenders policies are, as to at what point do they initiate foreclosure proceedings. Secondly knowing what your rights are in accordance with the laws in your state. No matter what stage of the foreclosure process you are in there are programs available to help you save your home.

3. Assess your financial condition: In order to decide what strategy to choose it is imperative that you do an in depth evaluation of your monthly budget. Make a list of all your monthly financial obligations. Then make a list of your monthly expenses. Things like food, gas, cleaners, clothing expenses, and any other necessities that you have. Then total up all of your monthly income and subtract your bills and necessities from your income and this leaves you and your lender with the amount of your monthly disposable income. This is the amount from which your lender will be able to calculate the amount you can afford in a mortgage payment.

4. Do your research: Because of the epidemic of foreclosures there are more avenues of resolution for homeowners than ever before. So doing your research to find out what is the best option for your individual circumstances is paramount. This information will also help you to decide whether you will be able to do it on your own or if you will need to retain professional assistance. There are a lot of manuals and training information available on the internet. Be sure to find the most up to date information because it changes rapidly.

5. Prepare a hardship letter: Prepare a hardship letter which explains how and why and what hardships have occurred for you to arrive at the situation you are currently in. You also want to include what you have done and what has changed to correct the problem. You can find all the forms that you need on the internet. The hardship letter should be filled out in depth so your lender can better understand what caused your delinquency and what steps you have taken to insure that it will not reoccur.

6. Open negotiations with your lender: Contact your lender armed with your budget analysis showing how much disposable income you have available after you meet all of your financial obligations. Also, you will need your completed hardship letter. Share these with your contact and evaluate how willing your lender is to enter into a negotiation with you to resolve the situation. They have multiple ways to help with the delinquent amount. They can set up a payment plan or add the amount onto the principal amount. They can do a loan modification or lower your interest rate.

7. Pay what you can: Many homeowners think if they can't make a complete payment they can't make any payment. This is counterproductive on several levels. One is that the amount you are delinquent will grow more rapidly. This also accelerates the time frame on how long you have before the foreclosure process begins. By making payments of as much as possible it shows the lender your commitment to meet your obligation and can delay the notification of foreclosure. It also reduces the amount that you have to reconcile if your mortgage is reinstated or at the point of resolution of the foreclosure.

8. Always respond on time: At all stages of this process it is extremely important to respond to all requests for information promptly and accurately. Most importantly, it is crucial to your ongoing relationship with your lender to follow through with providing them at the agreed time, all requested information and materials. Failure to do so will inevitably stall, hamper, or end a negotiation faster than anything else.

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How To Save On Your Holiday?

Sunday, September 15, 2013

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1. Book Early

Holiday industry is like any other business affected by the basic economics factors of supply and demand.

2. Buy a Holiday Package

If you are booking a flight and a car, or flight and accommodation, by packaging the two deals together, an agent can often offer a much better deal than if you were to book separately, even online.

3. Travel at unsociable times

4. Surf for a deal

It's one of the things the internet does best. Compare the flights, create your own holidays and book online.

5. Check back later

Travel agents and internet users can reserve flights and holidays for several days without purchasing them. So if at first you find a deal is unavailable at the price you want to pay, you have a choice: pay the higher price or wait a few days to see if the places become available again.

6. Sign up for special offers by email

Any airline or travel agent worth its reputation has a service that allows you to hear about the deals first. Choose a few of your favorites and sign up. You could access big savings for a few minutes' effort.

7. Think about cheap hotel chains

In France there are tons of them dotted all over the country with rooms for three people from less than £20 a night. They're close enough to all the major tourist areas to make it a real viable option for the cost-conscious people.

8. Do your own research online

You don't have to pay a fortune or spend years traveling the globe for the hidden gems. Just log on one or more of the travel websites and read the views of previous guests. Remember: cheap doesn't have to mean nasty.

9. Collect newspaper tokens

Many newspapers have a travel club or offer travel discounts that involve collecting tokens. Some of them offer a fantastic opportunity to save money on your holiday. Others don't, so always read the small print.

10. Check the latest exchange rates

Fluctuations in the value of the pound can mean the difference between being able to afford a holiday.

11. Visit cheap countries

Sounds obvious but take Greece - once a cheap option for a holiday. less reliable.

12. The packed lunch trick

If you're flying, you can pay several pounds for an in-flight sandwich and drink or you can take your own. With some of these low-cost deals, the cost of your food can be more expensive than the cost of your flights. There's a principle at stake here more than just a free lunch.

13. Don't fly on Fridays or Saturdays

If you want to get away for a week at half-term but during the summer or Easter if you can fly on weekdays you can save a lot of money.

14. Track down local restaurants

In Venice, in general, the closer a restaurant is to St Mark's Square the more touristy and expensive it is. Remember, wherever you go local people eat out too. Avoid the tourist traps and you'll be better fed and richer.

15. Make friends

Cultivate friendships with people who live in places you would like to visit. There are many websites for international friendship. You could have a free place to stay, free touring information, practice a new language and maybe even have a new partner.
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How To Save A Marriage That Has Experienced Emotional Adultery

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If you have experienced the pain of emotional adultery, you are not alone. Because "emotional adultery" can be hard to define, and even harder to prove, it may be difficult to work through. But don't despair, there is hope in saving your marriage. Working through the hard feelings of an infidelity can cause a husband and wife to cleave together and rebuild a relationship that is even deeper and more meaningful than before.

Healing after emotional adultery

It's important to recognize upfront that the healing involved will be a process. Allow yourself to grieve the loss of trust and confidence that you had in your spouse as a result of their emotional infidelity while recognizing that forgiveness will eventually be necessary for your marriage and, most importantly, for you. While you should never accept blame for the wrong that was committed, it helps to remember that we are all imperfect people prone to selfishness. Every one of us is capable of hurting the ones we love. Whether your spouse admits it, or is hardened by pride, odds are they are feeling guilt inside for the hurt they've caused you.

Restoration after emotional adultery

If you and your spouse are in agreement, seeking the help of a counselor is ideal. A marriage counselor can be a wonderful asset in helping you both learn to communicate. Establishing boundaries may be another important part of the process. While it will obviously be necessary to end the adulterous relationship with the "other person," it may also be helpful in rebuilding trust to set some concrete boundaries regarding relationships with the opposite sex in general, such as no lunch dates in your absence, no private meetings, etc.

While an infidelity of any type is never excusable, often it can be found that somewhere along the line a breakdown in communication occurred preceding the emotional adultery. Learning to communicate better, being assertive about your need for time together and for regular intimacy can all go a long way to empower both parties in a marriage. Learning to improve your relationship can serve as a safeguard against future emotional infidelity and other marital problems.
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How To Make $125 A Day Recycling Wood Pallets

Saturday, September 14, 2013

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This report will walk you step-by-step into the the profitable business of wood pallet recycling. After your finished reading this article you'll be ready and able to start your own pallet recycling business.

Anyone can run this type of business and it's easy to get started. You can easily make $125 a day and there is virtually no expensive equipment to buy and you can get started with little to no money.

SUPPLIES NEEDED: There is only a few things you'll need to get started in this business. A pick-up truck, a pair of work gloves, an electric drill, a hammer and some nails.

You might want to build up the sides of your pick-up truck, so you can haul more pallets per load. Keep in mind when your out collecting pallets you'll want to make as few trips as possible, which will help keep your gas expenses low and it save you time and that puts more money in your pocket.

FINDING WOOD PALLETS: Finding wood pallets to recycle in your area is much easier than you might think. Everywhere you go like department stores, malls, factories and any business that produces or sells large volumes of products you'll find pallets lying around.

When you find pallets simply go into the business and talk to the manager or owner and tell them that you will remove their wood pallets for free. They should be happy to give them to you, as most companies have to pay to have their pallets hauled off.

Explain to the manager or owner that you will stop by and pick up their pallets on a regular basis and by doing this you'll be establishing a route and a relationship with each company that you pick up for and this way they won't give them away to anyone else.

Once you have collected all your pallets you'll need to sort them by size, because your customers buy wood pallets by size. For example a common size is 36"x48", so place all your pallets this size in one stack and by doing this it will make it easier for you to deliver the size your customers want.

REPAIRING WOOD PALLETS: Any broken wood pallets can be quickly repaired by simply taking the worse of your broken ones apart and using the stock to repair the others. Most wood pallets are made from oak and oak that has been seasoned is very hard to nail through, so to get around this problem simply drill a small pilot hole for the nail. All broken planks on a pallet must be replaced before selling it.

SELLING YOUR WOOD PALLETS: Manufacturing companies in your area will buy your wood pallets. Simply call or visit each company and let them know you have wood pallets for sale. You can usually sell your used pallets to them for $2.50 to $3.50 each depending upon their condition and size. A busy company will order 50-100 pallets every week, so if you can get just 5 companies buying 50 pallets from you at $2.50 each, 5 days a week then you would earn $625 a week or $125 a day.

The wood pallets you can't sell to manufacturing companies can be sold to a local pallet company. You can find pallet companies listed in the phone book. Most pallet recyclers simply sell to a pallet company, because it's easier, but your profits will be less.

Once a company buys pallets from you there is no waiting to get paid. You'll get paid upon delivery. This is one of the great benefits of this business. Another benefit of the wood pallet business is that you are the boss and you choose your own work hours.

CLOSING COMMENTS: As you can see by reading this article the pallet recycling business is pretty easy to start and that anyone can do it that's willing to do a little work. You don't need a large investment like other business start-ups require and you can start making money right away.

I wish you much success in your new wood pallet recycling business!


About the Author:

Martin Buckley has been creating ways to make extra money for over 7 years and shares his unique money making ideas on his website at:

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4 Reasons To Avoid Taking Boyfriend or Girlfriend Relationship Quizzes

Thursday, September 12, 2013

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There are a lot of quizzes on the Internet that aim to analyze your relationship. They want to tell you how compatible you are with your boyfriend, and they want to tell you how good of a boyfriend or girlfriend you have. Some quizzes will even try and tell you if your boyfriend or girlfriend is cheating on you with someone else. But these quizzes cause nothing but problems and issues in relationships, and should be avoided.

Below I will outline 4 major reasons why you should avoid these quizzes when you are in a relationship.

They Make You Paranoid

You might not realize it when you take the quize, but they can actually make you paranoid about your relationship. The main problem with these quizzes is that they will give you advice that could cause you to question the merits of your significant other, and of your relationship. And unfortunately, many of these quizzes make these assertions without any proof. The danger is that you may start to believe that your relationship is doomed simply because of some advice you recieved from an online quiz.

They're Too General

These types of quizzes are far too general. They usually ask broad questions that don't indicate a positive or negative outcome for the user. And these broad generalizations about your relationship could actually hurt something that's always been good and never really needed to be fixed in the first place.

Relationships are Unique

It is important to understand that each and every relationship is unique. The connection that you have with your boyfriend or girlfriend is a completely different connection than you have with anyone else. Relationships are unique, and should be viewed and analyzed as such. So when you rely on a quiz that is full of generalizations, you rely on something that is not taking your relationship into account. Remember, your relationship is too special and important to be lumped in with a bunch of relationship generalizations.

It Lowers Your Trust

Many people find that online relationship quizzes actually lowers their trust level in their significant other causing problems and issues to arise that wern't there to begin with. For example if you start to see quizzes that talk about cheating boyfriends or girlfriends, you may begin to question their loyalty in your own relationship. And suddenly, problems that never existed to begin with start to surface. Trust that you understand your boyfriend or girlfriend, and that they are being open and honest with you in your relationship. If you truly believe that your boyfriend or girlfriend is faithful and loyal, you will find little to no need for these types of quizzes or tests.

You may turn to boyfriend/girlfriend quizzes for advice for your relationship. These quizzes should actually be the last place that you would look for relationship advice. It is ok to be confused about your relationship; simply talk to family and friends about your relationship and how you feel about your significant other. The words of advice and encouragement that they can provide will be more thoughtful, personalized, and realistic than any advice you would receive from these types of quizzes.

There is however a time when a relationshp quiz can help you. And do you know when that is? It's any time you've broken up with someone and want to get back together but don't quite know what to look for. In these cases, a relationship quiz can be a great resouce in providing you clues and details into how your ex truly feels about you. So if you find yourself in this situation, try taking one of these quizzes because you might be closer to getting back together than you think.

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Can Prayer Save Your Marriage?

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

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You Only Have a 50% Chance of Succeeding in Marriage.

Divorce is the scourge of modern Western society. Dealing with broken marriages has become the norm for many of our modern-day children, leading to a seemingly unbreakable cycle of break-ups and divorce that carry over from generation to generation.

According to the Forest Institute of Professional Psychology in Springfield, Missouri, the divorce rates in America are as follows: 50% for first marriages, 67% for second marriages, 74% for third marriages.

What is the national divorce rate in the United States? Based on many sources and surveys, it ranges between 40% to 50%. That figure is indeed a shocking one. Only half of all marriages in the United States succeed.

The children are the hardest hit by today's society of break-ups: approximately one out of two kids will have to deal with the painful, shattering loss of a happily-married mother and father.

Marriage nowadays, at least in the United States, is basically a coin toss: either you will end up on the right side of the coin, or on the wrong side.

The Divorce Society Has Created an Entire New Industry for Psychologists

Our society of break-ups has led to the creation of a wealth of opportunity for psychologists and counselors who have made a killing out of simply listening to a couple’s troubles, and offering advice. Marriage counseling is the default solution many resort to in order to save the marriage.

Has counseling helped stem the tide of divorce? If we simply look at the empirical data, the answer is simply NO. Divorce rates continue at high rates, with no signs of slowing down.

There is a Better Way.

What then is the solution to this problem of divorce?

The key is something very basic, something often ignored, something branded as "unfashionable" by modern media: prayer.

Instead of spending hours with a marriage counselor - and spending hundreds of dollars in the process - why not just spend time in the chapel, soaking in the peace and silence offered by Christ? Why not just unload your difficulties and challenges in life to the best possible counselor?

Marriage, after all, is not just a simple contract between two people. It is a sacrament. It is a sacred vow undertaken by two people, together with God.

Marriage is a partnership with God. We must never forget that while reciting our wedding vows, we are not just professing our love for each other: we are inviting God to be at the center of our lives as a couple.

Keeping God at the center of our relationships is the best insurance we can get to ensure a happy marriage. God is the best counselor, the best psychologist any couple can possibly get. The added bonus? It's free!

What is the Catholic solution?

The rosary is next only to the Catholic Mass in terms of power and efficacy. To keep families together, it is imperative to spend time together every day: not just in family dinners, but more importantly, in family time spent praying the rosary.

It will take strong determination and discipline on the part of the father and the mother to instill this as a daily family habit. But if achieved, it will be well worth the effort.

Our Lord Himself has promised us: "Ask and you shall receive." If we ask Jesus to give us the gift of a happy family, He will grant it! But we ourselves must ask for it, every day, all together as a family.

If you would like to know how to pray the rosary, visit this site:
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Thoughts on Saving Your Marriage

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

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Sadly, when couples reach a point where they can no longer communicate with one another and all roads to reconciliation are closed, they tend to believe it is the end, when in fact, in most cases it is very likely a grounds for a breakthrough, and not only save their marriage, but grow together, gain stronger faith in one another and confidence in the relationship.

Coming out of such a situation in one piece will not only strengthen your relationship but the passion will be so much stronger. Passion and love are mostly based on trust and grounds of safety, and with both having the confidence and the ability to deal with issues as they come up, you can’t even begin the imagine what your relationship can reach in terms of love and affection for one another.

So, what are things you could do when facing a situation? Here are a few thoughts for your consideration:

1- Calm down, don’t rush in making decisions. One of the most important things it to do is to remind yourself constantly, that in a situation like this, you may not be thinking clearly, and rushing to any decision may not be a wise thing to do. Try to find avenues to relax, spend some time reflecting, this could either be through mediation, a relaxing hobby like fishing, a sport, or even reading a novel (make sure it isn’t related to anything negative about relationships, that’s the last thing you need).

2- Focus 80% of your energy on the solution and 20% of the problem. This really applies to anything in life, if you focus on the problem, then all you’ll be able to see is the problem, and your mind will be limited in what options it can give you. However when you see a solution in your mind while acknowledging the problem, your mind is much more useful in helping you out.

3- If your spouse isn’t cooperating, it doesn’t mean that’s it. Sometimes your spouse might have been harboring long term resentment that keeps on getting fueled by certain actions you might be completely unaware of. The key is to be patient, because it is possible to reverse the situation, as things do come through but a bit slower than expected, because your spouse needs to feel that the new you is for real, and not some temporary fix.

4- Look inside yourself. It is normal to be selfish in certain matters, but often our selfishness affects our spouse. Most times we can’t see it as emotionally draining for our partner in marriage, so we really need to reflect, ask ourselves questions, maybe we are doing something our partner has complained numerous occasions but we just failed to see it, because we were so in tuned with ourselves. The key is to identify it, and if you find yourself saying: “but I have a right to do so” or “they get to do the things they like and I don’t say anything about it” then you are asking the wrong questions. The right questions always replace “me” with “we”, when you see things from a married couple’s perspective instead of your own, everything changes. And don’t worry, your spouse is likely to meet you half way once they see a shift in you and new hope.

The best action to take, is all possible actions, not one of two, because you never know what could work for you. Also watch for what is working and what isn’t, and make sure you are doing more of what works. With the right intentions and a bit of courage, you and your spouse will get through this difficulty and experience the warmth of the sun on the bright side.
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What Husbands can't resist review

Monday, September 9, 2013

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Review of What husbands can't resist

Did you know that marriages nowadays possess a fifty-fifty chance of surviving? You can still transform those figures around in your marriage by taking a look at guide, known as "What Husbands can't Resist". It is the guide your husband wants you to read so that you learn exactly what makes him tick. These are issues your husband wants you to understand yet cannot tell you himself because your husband just does not understand how. Wives require these highly effective techniques in order to help make the relationship strong and healthy. It helps a husband feel like he did the right thing in getting married to a lady and would do it once again.

Click Here for a more complete What Husband's Can't Resist Review.

Penned by a counselor of 17 yrs, the program asks the tough questions regarding your marriage, such as "does he still love me?" or maybe "is he seeing another woman?" If you are stressing concerning these things, you are not concentrating on building a happy marriage. You cannot truly make your own spouse into a far better husband and you're possibly fed up with that if you are reading this review. According to What Husband's Can't Resist, you can cease the worry and learn how to understand how he thinks. You need to seize the power to alter the marriage into a commitment which will last and right into a satisfying encounter.

Click Here to Visit What Husband's Can't Resist.

When you are the female your husband chose to marry, you could have every thing available to become the one to direct the course of your matrimonial life. It's all up to you, regardless of what your husband thinks. You will get straight into his heart and make your self practically irresistible to him, by simply uncovering the tips within program. It's a lot easier than you think and you have the power it takes to complete whatever you want in the relationship. What Husband's Can't Resist seems to have the strategies of men locked down to ensure that wives can learn about what it takes to manage men, particularly those they adore.

Even if a man doesn't act like it, he would really love you to definitely get access to what's inside your man and to uncover those ideas he really desires. The trick is that he does not want to have to tell you. Enter What Husband's Can't Resist, which can tell you almost everything you need to learn about him and what it takes to make him enthralled by you. He won't even know what happened to him-he'll just be madly in love with you and he will not understand why. For the very best within your relationship, try this e-book and you'll begin to see the difference it might make in your life.

Other recommended links.

what husbands cant resist

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How to Decide to Reconcile or Move On

Thursday, September 5, 2013

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Should I Reconcile? You are older and wiser now, with an experience or two, and a decision to make. Your desire to reconcile is often a desire to live the dream. To revive your passions and the hopes you lived in the beginning. To return to 'Go' and start over with a new role of the dice.

Perhaps reconciliation is not your own desire, but forced upon you like a load of dirty laundry. Forced upon you by silent and sullen children. Forced upon you by a repentant spouse, full of promises and needs greater than your own. Forced upon you by family, religion, and tradition of the day.

Should I reconcile? Should I accept the hurt, the pain, and call it a day? Can I face the unknown, or is there more comfort in this familiar but battered arena? Yes, you are older and wiser now, with a decision to make.

How to Decide

Take a blank piece of paper, any paper, and if you are inclined you can create a spreadsheet or flow chart, it matters not the medium. Across the top draw a single line, and down the centre draw another line. At the top on one side write the word STAY. The other side gets MOVE ON.

There is no secret or trick to this; simply write down every reason or excuse for saving or ending your marriage. This writer remembers being asked to make a list of all the possible uses for the lowly paper clip. Writing down one use leads to another and another, the list reached 50 ideas within two minuets. At another table their list numbered 110. The point my friend is to just jot down, pro and con. Your list might take a life of its own, growing hour by hour, day by day.

At least three things will happen.

- You will come to a decision.

- You will have clearer understanding of the issues.

- You have the beginings of a course of action

Staying means taking action and making one more commitment to your marriage. That commitment is not yours alone. You both have issues to resolve. It is not prudent to take the easy road by ducking the issues. Face them head on. Pay the price in the currency of hard work and honest communication, without it couples often fall back into old habits. A recommendable course of action is joint marriage counselling, and in many cases joint financial counselling.

Moving on means acceptance, and closes the option of going back into the marriage. While it may be sad, it also frees you to look to your future without the complications of all the "what if's". Moving on can be like passing Go and collecting your $200, knowing the next trip around the block might be better than the last.

The published author is a parent, sailor, lover and divorce consultant. You can find a boat-load of divorce and separation information at

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Fixing A Failed Marriage – 7 Ways To Make Your Marriage Work

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

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If you are in a really tough spot with your marriage and you don't know where to turn there are two ways that you can go with it. Firstly you can throw in the towel and call it a day, or secondly you can fight to save it. Sadly most people take the first option. Not because they think that it is an easy way out, but because they do not know how to turn the situation around and put it right. So if you are really are interested in fixing a failed marriage then here are 7 ways that you can start to turn your marriage around.

When communicating within a marital conflict it is all too easy to want to get your feelings and needs across to your partner, especially if you feel they are being neglected. When faced with this situation we suddenly lose the will to listen and it becomes all about the first person. In order to start to fix your marital difficulties it is very important to really listen to your partner's needs and feelings so that they can tell you how they are feeling without fear of interruption or retaliation. After all, how can you put things right without fully listening?

It is ok listening to your partner, but it is more important to truly understand what they are telling you and their reasons behind it. If you can understand how and why your spouse feel the way that they do, then this will go some way to making a positive impact upon your marriage crisis.

It is very difficult to stay positive when your world is crumbling all around you. However if you can stay positive and above all calm, then this will rub off on your partner, as any positive action on your part evokes a positive reaction and response on their part.

Devote Time
Although there are things that you can put in place immediately to start to get your marriage back on track, it will take time to fix. If you need to work through problems together then you need to be there. This may mean taking time off work so that you can devote that time and concentrate on fixing your failed marriage. These times need to be uninterrupted by the daily constraints of work and other commitments so that neither partner feels rushed or distracted.

Stay Calm
As with being positive, it is important to stay calm! This is because when you are calm you tend to think with your head, and are not ruled by irrational thoughts and decisions. Also if you are calm, chances are that your spouse will be too. Therefore it is much easier to work through issues and problems when you are both in this state.

Making plans and Goals
Although it may not seem like a good idea at the moment, it is important to make plans for the long term future. By doing this you will show your partner that you are not only committed to them, but it will send a clear message to them that you can and will get through this difficult time.

It is really important to respect your partner's feelings and needs even if you do not whole heartedly agree with them at the time. If they need time to think, then give then that time. If they need to take time out for a while, then grant them that time. If you can respect your partner, then chances are they will think much more highly of you

These are just some of the ways that you can use when fixing a failed marriage. However this is merely just the tip of the iceberg. For more essential marriage saving advice that you cannot afford too miss you need to visit

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Online Dating - �Why Do People Jump From Site To Site?�

Monday, September 2, 2013

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The idea of online dating is fascinating. I remember first feeling that Internet dating sites were a strange way for people to meet. After much evaluation I found them to indeed be the newest method for dating. Serious people wanting to avoid the meet market/bar scene were here in droves. For many, me included, this eliminated the stigma, which had attached to online dating.

I decided to put up a profile and see what would happen. It was overwhelming at first. I received so many emails. Then I wondered, are there criteria for responding to these emails? Was I obligated to respond to every email? What is the correct way to say “no thank you”? Was I to give out my number on a first request? Could I wait before going out on a first date? I realized there are no special rules. It's all about being comfortable. As time when on I relaxed into the online dating scene and became very confident talking to and meeting new people. Obviously, there is a productive way to online date.

What would make online dating work? I began focused research and quickly discovered many people got bored with most sites and jump to another site. If the new site were much of the same it wouldn't be long before they jumped again. I asked, "Why?” I always received the same answers, “the site is boring, all the same features and not much fun”. In conclusion most felt online dating was "almost like a job”. This made me think.

What if someone were to make a site that offered more features than any other site and put the fun back into dating? After long hours of creative work and scrutinizing how people best interact online I think I've come up with the absolute remedy to the online dating blues. will launch in March 2008. It will offer more features than any other site putting the fun back into dating.

There are so many facets to the site you'll have to explore it to discover which parts work best for you. Hope to see you there.

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How Can I Save Our Relationship?

Sunday, September 1, 2013

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Is it possible to save a relationship and is it worth saving? Many couples go through times when they begin to feel that their partners aren’t there for them. They’re too busy with work or looking after the children. All their energy seems to be focused away from you. In time, communication between the two of you may break down. So, how can you save your relationship?

Firstly, you both need to decide whether the relationship is worth saving. It takes hard work to save a relationship but only when both parties involved have made their choice. More often than not, there is little that can be done for a relationship if one of you is willing to make it work. Saving a relationship starts with the commitment of both of you.

Once you’ve both committed yourselves to saving your relationship, the next step is to identify the problems within the relationship. The can be a big problem for some as many people believe that what happens as a result of these problems is where the actual problems lie. Take an affair for example. Many people think this is the problem; when in fact, the problem lies in what caused the affair to happen. This being a lack of intimacy in the relationship that ultimately led to a straying spouse.

If the lack of intimacy isn’t dealt with, the only thing stopping someone from having another affair is guilt. This is why it’s important to work on the core issues in order to save your relationship. Once these have been identified, you can begin to talk them over with your partner.

Make your own feelings known to your partner an in turn listen to their feelings and concerns. When you’re verbalizing your problems, gently take hold of your partner’s hand as a signal that you want to reconnect with them. If they start talking of things they might have done to hurt you, they’re not doing so to hurt you now, but rather because they want to save the relationship as much as you.

Once the problems in your relationship have been identified and discussed, you both need to create a plan of action and follow it through. If one of the main problems was that you didn’t spend any time with each other, try to find one night a week for yourselves. Find new ways to spend time with each other. Remember to follow it through. Realize that saving a relationship is an ongoing process. There will be good times ahead, as well as tough times too.

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Make Your Husband Fall In Love With You - 4 Things You Should Do

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What if your husband comes and tells you one day that he doesn’t love you anymore? Can there be anything more distressing than this? What if your marriage is going through a bad phase and your husband’s love seems to be fading day by day. You should never take these alarming symptoms casually.

The fact that the numbers of divorces are increasing with each second is very disturbing. Divorce may not be the correct solution every time. There are cases where saving the marriages would have been a better option. The love doesn’t die so easily. You should definitely try to make your husband fall in love with you once more.

Here are four (4) things you should do:

1. Give him some time

It is a woman’s nature to try to solve a problem as soon as possible. But it doesn’t apply at the time of marital discord. If there is some friction between the two of you, don’t rush things. Give your husband some time to think about the matter. Have patience and give him space. If you start nagging him at that time, you will commit the biggest blunder. Respect your husband’s need and give him some mental peace to take remedial measures. That is sure to make him realize that you are very important for him and things will get better and you will be able to make your husband once again.

2. Take a look back

Conflict always has some root cause. It is your responsibility to find out from where did things started taking a bad shape. Once you find out the cause of all the troubles, you can easily work out a solution and find the way back to the blissful marital life you used to have.

3. Be ready to make some compromises

Both of you will have to adjust and compromise a bit. If you want to save your marriage and make your relationship survive, you must be flexible and sort out the differences.

4. Avoid negativity

To make your relationship work and to find the way back to happiness, you must have optimism. It is very difficult for pessimistic people, who are apprehensive about their relationship in future, to harmonize their relationship once again.

A marriage is a sacred bond and you should try your best to make it work. Even if it reaches the stage where you decide to get a divorce, you must reconsider and think about the good times you have spent together.

A conflict can never be big enough to break a marital relationship. Make your husband fall in love with you once again and forever.
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