EFT Instead Of Viagra?

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

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Dating, and meeting new people can be a very emotional, and often times frightening prospect. What if there was a simple to learn technique that could boost your confidence, polish your self-image and make you feel more at ease? If you would like to learn of such a technique, then read on!

Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT as it is more generally recognized, is in all probability the most popular of a grouping of processes jointly referred to as Energy Psychology.

Energy Psychology reaches a psycho-therapeutic conclusion, but it does so by working on an energetic level inside the body, instead of the mental functions of the mind.

Some Energy Psychology techniques utilize Chakras in their emotional release work, while others, such as EFT, utilize the body's acupuncture system. EFT does this by lightly tapping on acupuncture points to stimulate and "unblock" them, allowing an increase in the free flow of energy throughout the body. You are going to discover why this is so crucial in terms of our feelings.

The foundational principle behind EFT is what is referred to as "The Discovery Statement", and it says that the cause of all destructive emotion is a disruption to the flow of energy in our body; more specifically, a disruption of energy flow within our acupuncture system.

Our default settings are ones of well-being, freedom and relaxation. To the degree that we create and experience opposition to the flow of energy in our body, we create and receive lesser degrees of well-being and comfort.

If we are experiencing intense distress, we can know that in that moment, we are receiving massive resistance inside our energy system.

A helpful metaphor is to imagine our energy system as like the plumbing in our home. Interruption within our energy system is not unlike a "kink" in a garden hose. A small kink will cut off the flow of water but not to any great level.

If we think of ourselves in this situation, we experience this small kink as feeling less than we would like to feel, but for the most part, we can function amply. It is merely that our quality of what we are experiencing is less than what it should be.

And if we have a seriously tangled hose, we go through a good deal greater resistance and stronger, more painful feelings. What mostly influences our subjective experience of life is the measure of opposition we routinely carry around with us.

Once we free this resistance, and EFT is without doubt one of the most potent tools available now to do so, we feel better. Generally this affect is immediate.

A big percentage of EFT's popularity is how rapidly it works. A large part of its speed and potency is that it targets the body instead of the mind. Today we all know as human beings we have an almost inexhaustible capacity to bring forth all kinds of emotional turbulence in our lives.

And you are probably aware of how hard it can be to find answers to our problems when we are in the middle of them, undergoing not just the problem, but also all of the negative less than helpful feelings that accompany it.

The wonderful thing about EFT is that regardless of the specific aspects and issues that may be involved in our individual problems, in EFT terms we are only grappling with one thing - interruption of the flow of energy in our body.

If we address this interruption and resistance instead of the symptomatic associated emotions (sadness, fear, anger, etc) we free ourselves of the associated pain rather quickly and very often gain insight into the possible solution we are searching for.

Once the anguish has been discharged, or at least relieved, we are just about always capable of working out what we need to do to produce the modification that we desire, in whatever areas of our life troubles exist.

The major portion of what leads to our evident unfitness to address difficult areas in our life, is our inability to detach from the pain we are undergoing in relation to those problems.

When we go through powerful agonising feelings (they should not be believed negative because they are providing us very useful and much needed feedback about what is going on around us) we are essentially in a fight-flight survival state of affairs. Once this happens, our higher thought function turns off to a greater or lesser extent and we, all at once, become unbelievably resource-less.

This is not a mental or emotional issue in the least, yet this is where most therapy is targeted. This is a neurological issue, as this fight-flight reaction is hard wired into our nervous system.

In EFT terms, it is an energetic issue, as the acupuncture system, or some particular pathway within it, becomes blocked leading to disrupted flow of energy and the resulting painful feelings.

So how does EFT dissolve this energy disturbance issue? The process of EFT consists of tapping a particular sequence of acupuncture points around the face, chest and hand. These specific points are situated towards the beginning or the end of the main acupuncture channels inside the body. In total EFT utilizes thirteen points in what is referred to as "The Basic Recipe".

Points are tapped lightly for about ten repetitions, and then you move onto the next point in the succession. At the end of the Basic Recipe you assess how you are feeling to ascertain if you need to repeat the tapping sequence.

In most cases (the literature quotes 80% but most people experience a much higher percentage) there will be a spectacular decrease in the painful feelings. As astounding as this may sound very frequently you will discover the pain has left altogether.

A problem that might have been an issue for a long time may potentially be expelled in minutes, if not seconds. Phobias are a classic illustration of the astounding results achievable with EFT.

Phobias that have been with somebody all their life may be addressed and cleared very rapidly when the body is treated instead of the mind.

Does EFT work all the time? Of course not. Nothing works every time. Our understanding of the technique and how it functions as well as sciences discernment of our bodies and minds and how they function, is far from accomplished.

As the creator of EFT, Gary Craig says "We are on the ground level of a healing high-rise" There is more work and discovery yet to do.

Nevertheless, those who use this technique in a clinical surroundings, and their numbers are rising day by day, will testify to the amazing results in cases where nothing else has worked.

EFT is not a cure all and should not be viewed in this way. What it is, is an unbelievably potent easy to learn and apply self-help tool, that with a bit of practice, will allow you to choose how you feel in any situation.

If emotional freedom, higher self-esteem, and confidence in yourself and your dating life is what you desire, there is no better tool than EFT to help you achieve it.

You can find additional info at the following links:
Click Here for more information
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