What if he Cheats Again – How many Times Should I Forgive my Cheating Husband?

Sunday, April 28, 2013

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Your husband has cheated on you. As a result you're having a difficult time with the idea of letting him "off the hook." You want to save your marriage. You haven't stopped loving your husband but you're terrified of forgiving him for cheating only to learn that in the not so distant future, he cheats on you again, right?

You spend more time asking "how many times should I forgive my cheating husband?" than you do wondering if your cheating husband deserves a second chance. This isn't good for either of you. You need to explore your options and decide the best course of action for you.

Is One Time One Too Many?

For some women, a cheating husband is something they just can't handle. It's too large of a betrayal or something that just hurts too much to confront day in and out. There's nothing wrong with that. You are the one who has to live with your decision for forgiving your husband for cheating or not forgiving him.

Even if you forgive him that doesn't mean you have to continue living with him as man and wife. You aren't obligated to stay with him after he has cheated on you unless you choose to do so. Many women simply can't get past the cheating to see a possible future. It's completely understandable and will have a lot to do with how you feel about your marriage, your husband, and the vows you took together.

Forgiveness is not a Free Pass

One thing you must understand is that forgiving him for cheating on you and even giving him a second chance is not giving him license to go out and cheat on you again. There is no reason on earth that either of you should expect him to be free to cheat again just because you've forgiven it this once.

However, this is something the two of you need to sit down and have long and strong conversations about before you decide to get back together. He needs to understand, without a doubt, that this is a second chance and he can squander it but that wouldn't be recommended.

There Won't be a Third Strike

This is a point you need to stress to your cheating husband. You may be inclined to give him a second chance. You are only offering one second chance. If he strays this time around he will not get another turn at the plate (to put it in a language he's sure to understand).

If you've forgiven him once and he's gone back and risked ruining the relationship again, it's time to take a step back and spend some serious time apart. If you decide to forgive him again, that is your choice but serious changes need to be made by both of you if this relationship is going to work.

Do you even know where to begin when it comes to efforts to get your ex back? Sometimes what you need more than anything is a roadmap that tells you where you need to go to begin your journey.

Watch this free video: http://www.magicofmakingup.com to learn the first step you need to take to get moving in the right direction to get your ex husband and your marriage back on track.

You can find additional info at the following links:
Click Here for more information
Click Here for more information


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