Why Should I Forgive My Wife for Cheating?

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

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I bet you didn't know that there are several reason you should forgive your wife for cheating. Most of them are not reasons that immediately come to mind as you are sifting through all the reasons "I should forgive my wife for cheating." But, they are all excellent reasons to consider forgiving the woman you love most in the world.

Forgiveness is Divine

There is a type of release that can be found only by forgiving someone who has wronged you. There are few wrongs in the world that cut as deeply and as completely as a cheating wife.

Forgiving that particular wrong actually takes you somewhere outside the hurt and anger and allows you to really move forward without being held back by the negative emotions associated with a lack of forgiveness.

The world is so much easier to endure when your thoughts are positive. Oddly enough, those positive thoughts are contagious. Not only do you make your world better through forgiveness but also the worlds of the people you touch on a daily basis as well.

The Real Benefits are Yours

Another reason to forgive your cheating wife is that you know, in the end, that you are the one who will benefit most by your forgiveness. It's hard to hang on to bitterness. It does a real number on your personality too.

You've seen people who cling to bitterness and aren't willing to offer forgiveness. It's not a pretty sight. You don't want to become that old shriveled up shell of a person. You want your life to be filled with meaning and joy.

You can't hold on to joy if you have both hands filled with all manner of negative emotions. It's time to drop the anger, the hurt, and smoldering resentment you are carrying around over your wife's cheating and let something that will make you healthier and happier take it's place - forgiveness.

Love can Conquer Many Things

The final reason you should forgive your wife for cheating is that in the end you know you love her. You aren't ready to turn your back on the marriage, home, and life the two of you were building together but you know you can't hold on to that without first forgiving her for cheating on you.

You know that love is the cornerstone or foundation of your marriage and you're ready to put it to the test by offering forgiveness of something you may have previously thought unforgivable. Now is the time to let go of bad and remember all the good, the love, and the wonder the two of you share together.

Don't get caught up in thinking it's too late to save your marriage. You can get your ex back if you're willing to forgive and move forward.

Watch this free video: http://www.magicofmakingup.com to find out what your first move, in a series of steps in the right direction, needs to be.

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