An emotional affair or a physical affair? It doesn't matter, it hurts just as much. If your spouse is pouring more and more emotional energy into his or her "secret friend" and less and less into your relationship, it's time to take a stand and stop this other person from draining the life from your marriage.
There is rarely a very clear answer as to why a person cheats, whether emotionally or physically. The cheater may have been nursing feelings of dissatisfaction and resentment in the marriage or he or she simply made a bad choice and crossed the line. Regardless of the reason, you can take steps to repair your marriage after an emotional affair.
The first thing you need to do is to conduct a honest examination of your marriage. Do you see signs of wear and tear? Has communication deteriorated to functional issues about the children, their schedules or the family finances and obligations? This self-examination will show you what's lacking in your relationship and where you can make improvements. Both of you need to be working toward being more communicative with each other.
Believe it or not but there is more to communication than just talking, even though talking with your spouse is important. If it is your desire to save your marriage after an emotional affair, you will need to strengthen both your verbal and non-verbal communication bonds by finding new and better ways to connect with each other on a more intimate level.
There is real hope for repairing your marriage after an emotional affair. It can be done when both partners are very committed to staying married. First, take time. This rift won't mend overnight. Secondly, make more time for personal connection. Talking, hand-holding, alone time without outside interruption are all important.
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