How To Write Irresistible Attract Ads!

Friday, May 10, 2013

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What is the Secrets to Writing good ads??

The first thing is to understnad the psychology of relationship dynamics. You may think that people are basically the same. This is far from true. We are like computers , We come from the factory with many combination of hardware & software. Your hardware is akin to your temperment and communication mode . Your software is what you acquire during your life experiences. It detiemes you values belifs & values lifestyle and interests.

Detain combination of hardware and software in differnt people will connect better than others. It is important to know what your tempermnt is and the type of temperment that is best suited for you and how to attract that person.

Communication Mode is something that can make or break a couple's love for each other. We see 1000'.s couples a years at our Life Managemnt Centre. Most of them have problems in thier relationship because they are on differnt communciation channel. We have 4 channels that we can experience and give love out on and in many troubled relationdhips people are on differing channels. When you write your ad you want to attract the type of person who is on the same channel or channels you are on.

However with temperment it is impoirtant to attract soomeone who will blend with you. This usually means someone different than your own temperment. Studies have shown that your opposite or inverse make good life long partners. There are expception to this rule but generally you would be wise to follow it.

The other aresas that are important to understrnad are Values and Lifestyle interests. We can break down values into two sections. One is societal values wherein there are 6 grouping and 2 Personal Values which include ends values which are usally vague emotional states we try to acheive ( ie love happiness, wealth, respect etc.,) and menas values which are life style interest for example : Playing tennis , family, camping social activites , dancing, reading etc.

Ideally you want to end up with someone who have similar Lifestyle/Societal values and complatable personal and interest values.

So let's quickly review We want to meet someone who is on the same communication channels we are on and who have opposite or inverse temperment and personality, charatceristics and who have similar and compatible lifestyles, personal and sociatasl values. We then have to write our ad that will cause a trigger response in someone who have the unique mixed of qualities that will be perfect for you.
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