How to Reboot, Revive, and Save Your Marriage After Cheating

Sunday, July 14, 2013

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Sometimes, when you're trying to save your marriage after cheating, you need to take a little extra time to reboot the relationship, revive the romance, and really fan the flames of passion between the two of you. Here are a few things you can do to make that happen.

So, how do you reboot and revive in order to save your marriage after cheating it has really thrown things for a wild loop? Think about it. Vacations from work, no matter how tiring they may be. Give you a little time away from the office (or wherever you happen to do your job) so that you can come back in a better frame of mind to get the job done. Companies offer vacations because they understand that this time away actually makes you a better employee.

Now, I'm not recommending that you take time away from your marriage in order to revive that spark in you. What I am recommending is that you take your marriage for a little time out of its own. Even if it's just a weekend away (budget and other commitments could make longer extremely difficult), you can really get a lot accomplished for your marriage if you spend that time really trying to reconnect and work things out.

The key is in getting away. If you have children, this is the time when you will want to go without the kiddos. It may be painful but your marriage may depend on a weekend away. The older the children are the less painful it is to go without them for a weekend.

But, the real key is what you need to do when you get there so that you can revive and sort of reboot your marriage.

1) Pretend its your first time alone together. For many couples it may be the first time or at the very least the first time in a long time.

2) Learn something you didn't know about your spouse. No matter how well you think you know one another the odds are good that there are still a few secrets left. Finding out those secrets can help you both heal and fall in love all over again.

3) Spend a lot of time talking. This is not the time to discuss work, kids, or family issues. Share your hopes, your dreams, your longings, and even your fantasies. This is the time to be open, honest, and really work hard to reconnect with each other as not only man and woman but also as husband and wife.

You can save your marriage after cheating and get your ex back. Sometimes you just need a little nudge in the right direction.

Watch this free video: for step by step instructions that will put you on the right path fast.

You can find additional info at the following links:
Click Here for more information
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