No one likes for the faults to be displayed or called out in public. Your spouse is no different. Criticizing your spouse in public will not help in saving your marriage.
Reality is there is not anything that justifies criticizing your partner in public. It a deed seems serious enough to need attention immediately it probably is of a nature it should be handled in private anyway.
Airing problems in public is the fastest road to take for marriage destruction. Do not travel that road and if you are on it I highly suggest you take a detour immediately. Beware there is danger ahead.
We are not talking about constructive criticism we are talking about criticizing in a destructive manner. A word of caution is deserved here that any type of criticism should be careful thought about before giving it in public. You want to allow your partner to save face at all cost.
Some partners say critical things to their marriage partner they would have never thought about saying before marriage. I don’t believe the marriage license or even the marriage vows gave permission for one partner to embarrass the other in any way.
Some partners feel there spouse is a goo sport and can take it! Shame on them for thinking that way! The partner is simply showing a forgiving spirit but over time they probably will build up resentment and bitterness for the crude treatment. Danger ahead signs are flashing loudly here.
Be careful not to always be pointing out the faults of the other partner. Remember everyone has faults and your faults don’t look smaller by pointing out your partner’s faults. In fact often times being critical just makes your faults appear bigger.
Saving your marriage by giving honor rather than criticism in public will have a lasting benefit and actually gives a good reflection for you.
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