The fight to save your marriage is certainly a worthy cause. In fact, there are few causes worth fighting for more worthy than a marriage. However, deciding whether or not your specific marriage is one that's worth fighting to save is something that you and you alone can decide.
It would be nice if this fight would be one that's all sunshine and rainbows. But the truth is that ugly things happen in marriages when it starts to go downhill.
Unpleasant things are said.
Accusations are made.
Dishes are hurled.
Hearts are broken.
It's not always easy to come back from this. If you've reached the point in your marriage where the word "divorce" is coming up in conversation then it's time to really take a step back and examine whether or not divorce might be the right solution for the two of you (and your family as a whole).
Here are a few questions you might want to ask yourself before you make your final decision.
Are Your Fights Productive?
If you're fighting frequently, are those fights resolving any old, unhealed issues, or are they simply opening them up all over so the wounds never have time to heal?
Sometimes, fights can clear the air and really get things accomplished. You love your spouse. You don't want to hurt your spouse's feelings. Sometimes that leaves you bottling up how you feel in order to maintain the status quo in the relationship. Then it all comes out in one violent explosion that rattles the rafters in your house and, perhaps, the homes of a few neighbors.
But once you've cleared the air and said how you really feel, things are able to progress and get better between the two of you. You don't resort to name calling. You don't bring up things from the past that can't be undone. You make the fights about what is going on right here, right now. These fights can accomplish a lot and may even save your marriage.
The fights that aren't productive call names, hurl insults, bring up issues that have been apologized over time and time again, and still produce no real results. They aren't productive at all and they aren't doing your marriage any good either.
Do You Still Love Each Other?
This is a question you need to be 100 percent sure of the answer before you decide to fight to save your marriage. No matter how much anger and hostility is in the relationship, it beats the heck out of complete and utter indifference. As long as there is love on both sides of the marriage equation it's worth the fight to save your marriage if that's the road you want to take.
Why do You WANT to Save Your Marriage?
Why is the most important question you can ask at a time like this. Don't lie to yourself with the answers. Dig down deep and find the real answer that resonates best with your heart. This will be a bit of an uphill battle. There's no reason to put yourself through it without one solid, darn good, reason to do so.
Should you give up the fight to save your marriage? Never! Not unless that's the choice you want to make. If you are going to fight to make it work, then you need to watch this FREE video that will show you how to get your ex back on board and working with you to make your marriage work. Find out the opening move you can make that will have your spouse taking notice fast!
You can find additional info at the following links:
Click Here for more information
Click Here for more information
It would be nice if this fight would be one that's all sunshine and rainbows. But the truth is that ugly things happen in marriages when it starts to go downhill.
Unpleasant things are said.
Accusations are made.
Dishes are hurled.
Hearts are broken.
It's not always easy to come back from this. If you've reached the point in your marriage where the word "divorce" is coming up in conversation then it's time to really take a step back and examine whether or not divorce might be the right solution for the two of you (and your family as a whole).
Here are a few questions you might want to ask yourself before you make your final decision.
Are Your Fights Productive?
If you're fighting frequently, are those fights resolving any old, unhealed issues, or are they simply opening them up all over so the wounds never have time to heal?
Sometimes, fights can clear the air and really get things accomplished. You love your spouse. You don't want to hurt your spouse's feelings. Sometimes that leaves you bottling up how you feel in order to maintain the status quo in the relationship. Then it all comes out in one violent explosion that rattles the rafters in your house and, perhaps, the homes of a few neighbors.
But once you've cleared the air and said how you really feel, things are able to progress and get better between the two of you. You don't resort to name calling. You don't bring up things from the past that can't be undone. You make the fights about what is going on right here, right now. These fights can accomplish a lot and may even save your marriage.
The fights that aren't productive call names, hurl insults, bring up issues that have been apologized over time and time again, and still produce no real results. They aren't productive at all and they aren't doing your marriage any good either.
Do You Still Love Each Other?
This is a question you need to be 100 percent sure of the answer before you decide to fight to save your marriage. No matter how much anger and hostility is in the relationship, it beats the heck out of complete and utter indifference. As long as there is love on both sides of the marriage equation it's worth the fight to save your marriage if that's the road you want to take.
Why do You WANT to Save Your Marriage?
Why is the most important question you can ask at a time like this. Don't lie to yourself with the answers. Dig down deep and find the real answer that resonates best with your heart. This will be a bit of an uphill battle. There's no reason to put yourself through it without one solid, darn good, reason to do so.
Should you give up the fight to save your marriage? Never! Not unless that's the choice you want to make. If you are going to fight to make it work, then you need to watch this FREE video that will show you how to get your ex back on board and working with you to make your marriage work. Find out the opening move you can make that will have your spouse taking notice fast!
You can find additional info at the following links:
Click Here for more information
Click Here for more information
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