Is Your Relationship About to Expire? Unsure of His Love For You, Pay Attention to These 3 Senses!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

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When was the last time you saw desire in his eyes, felt warmth in his touch, or heard love in his voice? How long has it been since that troublesome doubt crept into your heart and perched beside your assurances, that this love was true love?

Suspicion is natural and also deceptive because it lingers in the backdrop of perfection, and at the slightest inkling of confusion or disorder it catapults to center stage. What I'm leading up to is this: relationships come with their ups and downs, and it is when a relationship falls on tough times that doubt emerges.

I'm sure you'll agree that you didn't start having discomfort in your relationship until something out of the ordinary occurred. Something that turned your day to day expectations upside down: an argument, an unfulfilled promise, a lie uncovered. Fortunately none of this means the relationship is over, only that it hit a bump in a so far bump-less road.

How can you tell if this is only a rough patch, or a sign of relationship Armageddon? Simple, I'm inviting you to take advantage of your senses to find the answers. More specifically 3 senses:

Sight: Watch for signs of avoidance. Does he avoid eye contact? Does he cross his arms when you talk to him? Is his body turned away from you during conversation?

Touch: Physical contact is a major part of a relationship, and one to take notice of in times of trouble. Does he still hold your hand? Does he still hold you close; either intimately, or just because? Do you still feel warmth and calm when he holds you?

Hear: Listening is probably the most important part of a relationship because it involves communication. Does he listen to what you say or just grin and nod? Does he actively participate in conversations about your relationships future, or does he avoid them diligently?

I'm hoping you fall into the category of "Relationship Rough Patch," but if you find that your relationship is struggling in these 3 areas then it might be time to let go. You cannot let the illusion of love fulfill your need of love.

But before I say anymore, let me say this, no one on the outside of a relationship has the right to demolish it, only those that built it can decide to tear it down or fix the foundation.

You have total control of the direction your relationship will take. You have a choice of failure, or success. I'm sure you'll agree that since your here you want your relationship to succeed. If so, then take control. Don't wait for him to make the first move. Visit and save your relationship today!

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