Marriage can either be the greatest thing on earth or your worst nightmare. If you suspect that your marriage is in trouble, you’ll find several things to look for, as well as what you can do to break out of that downward spiral.
For some marriages, communication is admittedly rare, and usually involves a hurried text message or succinct voice mail. You just seem to not really talk with your partner anymore, and when you do, it’s not real substantial stuff. Life for both you and your spouse is crazy, complicated. I get that.
Whose got time for quality time with so much going on? For you, quality time may be talking to your spouse over that rare lunch break. Yet, this may be a huge clue that your marriage isn’t what it could be and may be headed for trouble.
If you both spend more time at work during the week and then with your own friends on the weekends, stop and think what’s missing. It’s your relationship. You can’t build something deep and meaningful to both of you if you’re never together.
Maybe the only thing keeping you together these days is the kids. If that's the case, you’re marriage may be headed south, and quick. Many couples stick with a poor, unsatisfying relationship just for the children. In my opinion, that’s a huge cop out that gives each partner the excuse to not work on their relationship.
While most men would prefer sex on a regular basis, consistent and quality intimacy that satisfies both partners is what’s healthy for marriage. The lack of activity in the bedroom could very well be another sign that your marriage is in trouble.
Perhaps you fantasize about that hot babe at work, or that really sweet guy at the coffee shop. Instead, your marriage may be the last thing on your mind; you’ve stopped fantasizing and gotten involved with someone besides your spouse. You’re playing with fire here: seeing another person secretly behind your spouse’s back may be exciting temporarily, but it spells disaster in the long run.
Have you recognized any of these trouble signs in your own marriage: you and your spouse no longer spend quality time together, your kids are your only real connection to each other, you communicate primarily by email, sex is a three letter word, and you’re secretly seeing other people? Once you’ve recognized that your marriage is in trouble – which is half the battle -- it’s time to take action. After all, it’s never too late to save it, if you want to.
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