What Makes Cheating Spouses Cheat

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

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Have you ever wondered what makes cheating spouses cheat in the first place? They certainly didn't get married with the intention of being unfaithful to their spouse, so why did they do it?

Many "infidelity experts" on the internet these days are offering solutions on how to find PROOF that will expose your spouse or catch them "in the act". But instead of putting 100% of your effort in finding solid proof, your energy would be better spent understanding what went wrong in your marriage.

It's fairly common for "chronic" cheating spouses to give up on a relationship the moment things start to become a little difficult.

Rather than admitting and accepting that there's a problem in their marriage, they look for someone else to fulfill their needs. These "needs" could be anything from a physical connection to strictly intellectual relations leading to an emotional affair.

Affairs take place because one spouse's needs are no longer being met by their partner. Cheating spouses are then drawn to someone else who WILL (temporarily) meet those needs.

What increases the chance of an affair taking place is when a man marries a woman who idealizes love and spends her whole life going in and out of marriages in search of her "perfect soul mate".

Soul mates may exist in romance movies but in real life, it takes work to create a lasting relationship.

Like it or not, marriage is WORKÂ…but it doesn't have to be "hard" work.

If you want win your spouse over after an affair, you need to know how to meet his/her needs.

Every couple goes into marriage with expectations of each other that are NEVER CLEARLY DISCUSSED simply because they don't REALLY understand, nor can they clearly explain what their own expectations areÂ…let alone their spouses!

Cheating spouses cheat because they're in search of unmet, yet unspoken deep emotional needs. It's as simple as thisÂ…..

If YOU aren't meeting your spouse's needs, they will find SOMEONE ELSE who WILL!

This fact is also one of the reasons why most affairs don't last. Let me explainÂ…

When your spouse met this other man/woman, they THOUGHT that this other person was meeting their needs, but what was really happening is they were blinded by the "Romance" stage of a relationship.

You and your spouse went through this stage also. If you think back to the beginning of your relationship, you may not have noticed at the time, but the two of you were on your BEST behavior.

Looking back, it might even seem like your spouse was a different person back then.

The reason?

There is actually a chemical released in your brain that makes you feel "infatuated" with this other person. It would even be safe to say that cheating spouses can't think straight when they're caught up in this "biological phenomenon".

This is also why some couples make irrational decisions early in their relationship, like going off to Las Vegas and getting married on a whim. Down the road, after the Romance stage of their relationship is over, many of these couples eventually get divorced.

So if you're worried that your cheating spouse is "in love" with this other person, chances are, the affair is VERY short livedÂ…which means you STILL have a chance to win over your spouse!

You owe it to yourself (and your children if you have them) to give your marriage a second chance. In fact, here's a statistic that might give you some inspirationÂ….

A study from the Institute for American Values found that "almost eight out of 10 couples who avoided divorce were happily married five years later."

If you can just get over this affair, this obstacle in your marriage, and start meeting each other's needs, I promise you, your marriage will be much stronger and more fulfilling than it wasÂ…even BEFORE the affair took place.
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Marriage in Trouble � Get Help

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

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Many things can impact a relationship and cause marriage trouble. In this article I would like to discuss just two of them.

One. Money and family financial problems can really beat up and bruise not only a marriage but an entire family. Money problems add stress to every situation and can define a marriage in trouble. Kids will be kids and they will want things. Balance is always the best as you shouldn’t buy your kids everything but some things. If the finances are in trouble and you can barely afford the basics Â… it can really put a burden on the whole family. Money problems are one of the primary reasons for arguing and fighting in marriages.

One recommendation is that you should talk openly and honestly with your spouse and kids about money. Also, we aren’t taught how to handle money in schools .. so maybe start educating your self on money and finances. There are lots of emotions around money such as its dirty or shameful or the other spectrum is that some believe money is everything. Love doesn’t come from possessions and open discussion can help your marriage and your kids understand balance in life.

A few tips for you. Don’t keep money secrets. Discuss the past money baggage. Be open and honest about money and talk about some dreams that involve money such travel or the purchase of that dream home. Maybe have a joint bank account but also allow each spouse to have there own account for some independence. Don’t be afraid to discuss the tough topics. Working with each other can really bind your relationship to stronger and stronger levels.

Teaching yourself and your kids about money is just like learning how to cook, craft or fix a car. Practice and education.

Two. Having a baby can really cause marriage trouble. Baby’s are a miracle of life but lets be honest Â… a baby can be exhausting to everyone’s energy reserve and can put everyone on edge. Babies take time, energy and a lot of money. These are a sure way to put a strain on marriage.

New parents must first recognize that this will be hard and then work to not get resentful of the other partner. Make your spouse a priority even when you have a baby. The baby’s happiness and success in life will be in large part due to how successful you are as a married couple first. If you truly want to make raising your baby a priority .. start with keeping a strong relationship with your spouse.

A few quick ideas. Consider adding a romantic event every two weeks to your schedule. Spend time with each other after the baby falls asleep. Share the daily chores and jobs. Work to be kind and not snap at each other even though you are both exhausted.

If you are interested in learning more Â… I have some free articles, a free mini-course and much more at www.savemarriagecourse.com/marriage-in-trouble.
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Saving Your Relationship without Loosing Your Pride

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You want him back but you don’t want to look pathetic? Though you have eaten all the chocolates in the world because you feel sad, pride is still a bitter pill to swallow. You would not want to see yourself, crawling back to your partner on your knees and begging him to come back to you. Nobody wants a desperate person. Winning love back is not impossible. you just need the perfect plan! Here are some ways on how to save your relationship without losing your pride:
  • Do not even attempt to make the first move!  Even though you are so tempted to get back to your ex, stop yourself from showing signs of wanting reconciliation or making the first move. Unless it was your fault, do not start typing his phone number on your mobile phone screen. If the both of your parted ways, try not to get in touch with your ex first. If he is the one who made the first move, just follow the lead and show some signs that there is still hope for the both of you to be together again.A little break from your ex will give you both time to reflect and some time for the real feelings to settle in. Most importantly, it will not make you look like you are desperate to be back with your ex soon after you broke up.
  • Don’t play hard to get. He already made the first move, step forward as well. Don’t ignore his emails and text message. You can answer it with friendly, non-committal replies. You can answer his calls as well. During this time, it is quite acceptable if you call, email or text him first. But just remember not to overdo it. Perhaps, say hello and a friendly, "how is your day?" would do.
    • Be subtle. So you want to remind him of the good times you have in the past, do it in a not-so-obvious way. When you and him are already engage in a long conversation, slowly talk your way in remembering the old days. Casually, remind him of what it used to be and just nonchalantly throw in a few ‘I miss those’ phrases. But please remember do not overexert your effort.
    • Make him a little jealous. He’s not the only one who wants you! Make him realize that you can actually live without him and that somehow you’ve moved on. You can try going out with other men too but do not force yourself to do this. Still, let him know that though you can definitely live without him, you will be happier if you are back in his arms again. Make him realize that he was so stupid to give you up, but of course, never brag this to his face.
      Don’t let your pain show. You were miserable and hurt when he left, but he doesn’t really need to know it. Though the pain can break your soul into tiny pieces and you heard your heart fell apart, try your best not to show it. Letting him know that you want him could boost his ego and could be misinterpreted. Just play it cool and don’t overdo it.
Rekindle the dying flame and save your relationship! Click here to find out about how you bring your partner back in your arms and have the perfect relationship you once lost!
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Feeling Hopeless Over A Falling Apart Relationship?

Monday, July 29, 2013

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Is your relationship falling apart? Is it getting worse, and you feel hopeless? Has panic gripped you, and you're grasping for anything to help you? The confusion, pain, and anger you experience when your relationship is falling apart, is one of the most devastating things to endure. There is help to make it healthy, and you don't have to feel hopeless! It can be fixed!

Everyone will have problems in their relationship, whether minor or major. In your case, it's major, you feel hopeless, and don't know what to do. Your sense of urgency has brought you here for your falling apart relationship.Take a deep breath it can be fixed!

Here are some facts what falling apart relationships lead to. It's estimated that 50% of men under the age of 45 will divorce in their first time of marriage. For women, it is about 44% to 52% under the age of 45 who will divorce in their first time of marriage. For men, and women between the ages of 45 to 55, it is about 40% who will divorce. The lowest divorce rates are for men and women at 60 years of age, until death, at about 32%. Not good odds, are they? Don't be a statistic!

How many people have you heard say that their relationship was over? You felt for them, you cried with them, and hoped that something like this won't happen to you. But it did! There are 5 extremely important areas that you need to focus on to help your falling apart relationship heal. Series of events led up to it.

1. Are you in love, or just love?

There are many ways to describe love, but concerning a relationship, It's about being in love! When you first fell in love, did it take your breath away, make your heart beat faster? Did your knees knock, and left you shaky all over? Life gets in the way with the business of making a living, taking care of family, and so on, and it has contributed to diminishing the magic of being in love! Re-kindle that magic!

2. Be committed to make your relationship work!

Are both of you committed to stop your relationship from falling apart? If only one of you is willing to rebuild it, the odds are that it is bound to fail. Both of you will have to sit down, and discuss your willingness to make your falling apart relationship work. There will be problems, and both of you will need to be willing to work on them, and see them through.

3. Learn how to communicate with each other again!

How many couples do you know who were madly in love in the beginning of their relationship? They talked about everything under the sun, and were excited with each others conversation. Then time past, and you saw them again, both of them so quiet, you could hear a pin drop and hit the floor! Has your relationship reached that point? Communication won't be easy, because the relationship is already in trouble, but you keep trying. It will get better!

4. Be willing to work on trust issues!

For a relationship to work, it has to be built on a foundation of trust! I don't know what kind of events went on in your home that led up to it falling apart, but if trust has been compromised, it will be a difficult issue to work on. Nobody is perfect, and we all make mistakes! It's when you do it again, that it isn't a mistake anymore, but an intention.

5. Rebuilding your relationship will take time.

Working on a relationship that is falling apart will take time. You have to be patient! It will not heal over night! Keep in mind, that the damage is done, and you don't want to put a band-aid over a gaping wound!

Relationships that fall apart are difficult, and unfortunately, too many people give up. They end their relationships when there was a chance it could have been saved! Yours can be! You don't have to feel hopeless!

Don't wait on this! Your falling apart relationship will not heal by itself! You don't have to feel confused or lost of what to do. Click the link below, and don't hesitate!


My name is Jesus Uman, and I work in the Human Services field. I am a counselor who has seen too many relationships that could have been saved. I have worked with people from all walks of life, from individuals who come from well to do families, to individuals that were on the lower end of the social economic ladder, and relationship issues trouble everyone from time to time. I have the resources to help you! Why continue thinking what to do, when you can get help right away! Again, give yourself a break, and click the link below!

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Marriage Infidelity - Can You Ever Get Over Cheating When Married?

Sunday, July 28, 2013

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Marriage infidelity is one of the most severe crisis a person can face in life. The mental anguish can be overwhelming, and usually thrusts the marriage into distress.

Maybe the two of you are just plain incompatible and you should not even try to save your marriage. But before you throw it all away, let us take a more in-depth look.

Since you are reading this you are at least suspecting that there is something in your marriage worth saving. Could be that you are the cheater and did not think through the outcome at the time.

Or you could be on the receiving end of the cheating relationship, still love your spouse and are trying to figure out what it all means. If so then my advice is to strap on your seat belt real tight because this could be a pretty rough ride.

Here are some points to consider when trying to decipher marital infidelity:
1.) Are we talking about a "serial cheater"?

If the person who cheated seems to make a habit out of doing this then maybe they just are not fit to be married. Why would you want to be involved in a relationship, let alone a marriage, with this type of "flawed" individual?

2.) What was the attraction to the affair?

You may be able to discuss this with your spouse to find out what the attraction was for the marital infidelity. Was this other person just so darn good looking they could not be resisted?

Usually when a spouse cheats it is not about the other person being younger or better looking than their partner, but instead a matter of the other person providing the emotional connection that we all seek.

Finding this out could be a milestone in rebuilding your marriage if that is what you both agree to do.

3.) Are you able to "get over it"?

It is very important that if you both decide to save your marriage and move past the infidelity then you cannot let the spouse who was cheated on keep this incident in their "quiver" to be thrown out every time there is an argument.

If reconciliation is desired, the offending cheater must ask forgiveness and the spouse offended must offer forgiveness that is complete; meaning you cannot keep holding this against them.

I am not saying "forgive and forget", because I believe that can border on foolishness. But I will say that you must forgive and move forward.

That said, it will be difficult for the cheater to regain the trust of his partner in marriage. Trust can take a lifetime to gain but only an instant to lose.

Do you really want your marriage to recover from this marital infidelity?. This will not be a short, easy path.

Find the guidance you will need, whether you are the one who cheated or the spouse trying to get over it at http://www.RelationshipAdviceHelp.com. We are there to help.

Mr. Scott has enjoyed assisting people with relationship and marriage issues for many years now. Please note that he may occasionally receive some form of compensation when recommending other experts services or products.
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Affair Surviving - How To Stop The Tormenting Images

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Affair surviving is a journey which no one should have to live through. Being betrayed, humiliated and lied to by the one person you thought you could trust is devastating and life shattering.

When a painful or tragic event has taken place, envisioning negative images is a natural process for the mind to engage in. The mind will start processing these thoughts over and over again. One tormenting scene will play itself out and then lead to another. Then the first scene will come about all over again!

If you are affair surviving and dealing with tormenting images of your spouse with another lover, you are not alone. Between 2 to 6 men out of every 10 males you meet will have had an affair. And women are not that far behind. Between 1 and 5 women out of every 10 females will engage in an affair. The reason I share this information is not to depress you. But to reassure you that there are many solutions and methods that have been established in dealing with your tormenting thoughts.

So what steps can you take to deal with the tormenting images that seemingly haunt you every second of the day?

1. The first step in stopping your tormenting thoughts is to realize you are thinking negative. That may sound obvious, but once you start becoming aware of it, you’ll be surprised how fast you can change your thought patterns.

2. Notice what triggers these images. What feelings do you experience which are bringing these images on? Are you feeling angry, jealous or revengeful? Train yourself to become aware of what your triggers are.

3.Make a decision not to think about or dwell on the affair details. Affair surviving is about rebuilding your once happy loving marriage. Obviously, something has gone wrong in the relationship for the affair to have occurred in the first place. The affair "details" are irrelevant and a "by-product" of the relationships troubles.

4. Stop telling yourself "I can't get these images out of my mind." Guess what? If you keep repeating this to yourself, then you really won't be able to get the awful images out of your mind. Make an effort to constantly tell yourself "I don't have to think these thoughts." You may not believe it right away, but soon enough the images will appear less and less.

5.Remember, “What you think on expands.” If you choose to re-live the affair over and over again, affair surviving will get more difficult. If you ask yourself, what have we learned and how can we fix this, your perspective changes and the painful images will eventually dissipate.

6. Distract your mind and try to replace the time you spend visualizing the affair with something else. A hobby which requires some concentration is a great thing to get involved in seeing as it distracts the mind. Focusing on your children is another great way to keep your mind distracted.

7.Write down your blessing and keep it with you wherever you go. Although affair surviving is beyond difficult, realize you do have many blessings in your life to be grateful for. We often get tunnel vision when experiencing difficult times. Making an effort to start a list of things to be thankful for is crucial. When starting to experience tormenting thoughts, pull out your list and review what you have written down.

Offering advice on affair surviving is difficult. I realize when you're in the midst of going through all the difficult feelings and images, often any advice can seem trivial. Know there are plenty of helpful resources to help stop the tormenting images and get your marriage back on track. Be assured, many couples have gotten through the difficult times and have had great success in rebuilding a strong loving marriage.
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Ten Cool Options for a Las Vegas Wedding

Saturday, July 27, 2013

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If you are planning a wedding in Las Vegas, you may not be aware of all the opportunities that you have available to you. Here are ten interesting Las Vegas wedding options. Although they may not be as famous as the many wedding chapels Las Vegas has, they will certainly leave the same lasting impression.
1. Helicopter Weddings - Many Las Vegas wedding chapels, as well as Papillon Helicopter Tours, offer helicopter weddings. The ceremony can take place as you fly above the glitz and glamour of the Las Vegas Strip or you have the option of flying to the Grand Canyon and saying your nuptials there.

2. Red Rock Canyon - Many wedding locations offer wedding packages at this canyon location. Red Rock Canyon is located just west of Las Vegas and offers stunning scenery making it an ideal site for wedding ceremonies.
3. Yacht Weddings - You can have your wedding on a 60 foot private yacht as it floats around on beautiful Lake Las Vegas.
4. Gondola Weddings - Weddings can also take place on a gondola at Lake Las Vegas. The Venetian offers gondola weddings as well. They take place on a canal at the Venice themed hotel.
5. Mount Charleston - Mount Charleston is located less than an hour from the Las Vegas Strip. It is a popular Las Vegas getaway, especially in the summer months when temperatures are usually thirty degrees cooler than in the Valley. The hotel and lodge up on the mountain both offer wedding packages.
6. Lake Mead Weddings - You can get married on a two level Mississippi style paddlewheel boat while it floats around on this famous man made lake.
7. Stratosphere Roller Coaster - If you are really adventurous, say I do on this roller coaster which is located near the top of an 1100 foot tower.
8. Bonnie Springs Old Nevada - This replica of an 1880’s Old West mining town is located just west of Las Vegas, in the Red Rock Canyon area. The town includes a western style chapel where ceremonies can be performed. BBQ dinners are available for wedding receptions.
9. The famous Las Vegas sign - A few Las Vegas chapels can arrange a wedding ceremony at this famous Las Vegas landmark.
10. Hot Air Balloon Weddings - What could be more cool than becoming husband and wife as you soar above the earth in a hot air balloon?
So if you want to get married in Las Vegas, know that you are not limited to having a ceremony in a wedding chapel. Las Vegas wedding locations provide plenty of opportunities to let your imagination run wild when planning your big day.
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How to Save Your Relationship By Giving More Private Space

Friday, July 26, 2013

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Do you know that spending too much time with your partner will hurt your relationship? Most of us wouldn't believe it because we feel that spending time together allows us to know our partners better. However, we should take into account that each individual needs adequate space for self-growth.

There must be a healthy balance between ME (individual needs) and US (needs of relationship). A simple equation can explain this:

"ME + ME = US"

Too much "ME" can result in you and your partner drifting apart, while too much "US" can stifle your partner, causing resentment and undesirable conflicts.

You must learn to achieve an equilibrium of family, friends, love, work and self. So how do you nurture your individuality?

1. Go and take part in an activity which you can enjoy even if you are alone. Go and sign up for some classes in which you have interest such as dance or aerobics classes. After sometime, you will discover that you are a much happier person with more private time for yourself. This is because you have actually learned new skills and this is part of self-growth.

2. Try hanging out more frequently with your best friends. Update them on what has been going on in your life. Your partner will be able to join your social circle easier this way.

3. You can spend the weekends with your family. You can always bring your family out for a movie or lunch to have some family bonding.

Your partner and you should decide on a comfortable amount of "ME" time for each other. Some couples are perfectly fine with seeing each other at every waking moment.

To really understand the amount of "ME" time you need, try out the following tips.

1. Communicate with your partner and discuss the amount of time both of you would like to spend together each week. Reach a consensus and make sure you stick to it.

2. Acknowledge and understand your partner's commitments outside your relationship. Grant your partner more individual space if necessary. Each individual needs space and time for self-growth.

3. Build up your self-confidence and trust your partner. Do not think that giving your partner some alone time to spend equals to giving them time to mess around outside.

Once your partner and you have decided to give each other more private space, both of you should also give each other enough trust.

It might be loving to spend time together, but you need to remember that all of us need space to do our own stuff too.

You must understand that your life does not revolve around your relationship only!


Interested in finding out what and what not to do in your relationship? Download your free report while it is still available: => http://911saverelationship.com/freereport . View the original article .

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Why Husband Cheating On You? Every Married Woman Must Know

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No woman can tolerate a cheating husband on her. Though a cheating husband is so common these days. So wives are always wondering of ways to keep their husbands from cheating. They are eager to control their roving eyes. There are ways you can stop them from going astray. But for that you need to determine the reasons they do so. You need to determine what led your husband on you to take such a step. Once you find out the reasons, you can check your husband from indulging in such activities.


In a marital relationship, things become so predictable, that there is a high chance of monotony setting in. Men need thrill and excitement in their lives. It keeps their sanity intact. So if he finds the familial life boring, he may look somewhere else for excitement. Hence you should be dynamic and make your life interesting. He should find a challenge in you and a desire to chase you. This will happen when you constantly are a mystery for him. You must be a bundle of surprises for him, which he can never predict. You should plan out special dates and weekends for both of you. You need to spend some quality time with him. This will make him want you more with each passing day.


Every marriage passes through a lot of bad phases. There might be a rough period in your marriage too. It will create stress and anxiety, which may drive your husband to cheat on you. It is your responsibility to try your best to keep things under control. You should try to empathize with him so that you can understand his state of mind. You should analyze each argument from the viewpoint of both of you. Though he may have faults, but you need to accept him along with that. You may have to make adjustments for that but it is the only way to save your marriage.

You need to work out a solution so that matters don’t get worse. And it is not as difficult as it seems. You just have to make your relationship strong. You must understand each other’s emotional needs then only you will be close to each other. Cheating can break a relationship and shatter the mental peace of a wife. It will lead to misunderstanding and suspicion. But you need to make your marriage work. You need to revive the passion and love that you had before. You need to take measures that will lead to your husband being loyal. Only you have the power to stop your husband from cheating on you.
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Save Your Marriage by Not Criticizing

Thursday, July 25, 2013

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No one likes for the faults to be displayed or called out in public. Your spouse is no different. Criticizing your spouse in public will not help in saving your marriage.

Reality is there is not anything that justifies criticizing your partner in public. It a deed seems serious enough to need attention immediately it probably is of a nature it should be handled in private anyway.

Airing problems in public is the fastest road to take for marriage destruction. Do not travel that road and if you are on it I highly suggest you take a detour immediately. Beware there is danger ahead.

We are not talking about constructive criticism we are talking about criticizing in a destructive manner. A word of caution is deserved here that any type of criticism should be careful thought about before giving it in public. You want to allow your partner to save face at all cost.

Some partners say critical things to their marriage partner they would have never thought about saying before marriage. I don’t believe the marriage license or even the marriage vows gave permission for one partner to embarrass the other in any way.

Some partners feel there spouse is a goo sport and can take it! Shame on them for thinking that way! The partner is simply showing a forgiving spirit but over time they probably will build up resentment and bitterness for the crude treatment. Danger ahead signs are flashing loudly here.

Be careful not to always be pointing out the faults of the other partner. Remember everyone has faults and your faults don’t look smaller by pointing out your partner’s faults. In fact often times being critical just makes your faults appear bigger.

Saving your marriage by giving honor rather than criticism in public will have a lasting benefit and actually gives a good reflection for you.
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Indifference or Love - Where Do You Fall With Your Ex

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

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What does it mean when he says, “I think we should just be friends”? The answer to that question depends on what he does after he makes that claim.

You can determine his feelings by realizing there is a spectrum of emotions; kind of like the game at the fair that shows how strong you are. However, instead of showing how strong you are, this scale shows his feelings towards you. On the bottom is indifference because that requires no effort to get to that point but on the top is a strong emotion - in this case love. In order to make that bell ring with love requires a lot of effort.

So how can you tell if your ex is putting effort towards you? It’s a matter of how he acts. Words are fruitless without a motion behind them. I can say I’m going to travel the world but until I actually do something, my words are meaningless. It’s the same with how your ex feels about you. If he still feels that he loves you, he’s going to put some effort forward to prove that love. If he says he wants to be friends but goes out of his way to make sure you’re still has happy as you were when the two of you had been dating, his actions contradict his words and he might just be confused. If he says he wants to be friends and doesn’t call you or put forth any effort to see you, his inaction shows his true feelings.

He doesn’t act differently than what he says as a torture towards you, it’s more likely he’s confused and needs a push in the right direction.

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Announcing! A Breakthrough Technique For Becoming a Dating Dynamo!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

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Dating, and meeting new people can be a very emotional, and often times frightening prospect. What if there was a simple to learn technique that could boost your confidence, polish your self-image and make you feel more at ease? If you would like to learn of such a technique, then read on!

Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT as it is more generally recognized, is in all probability the most popular of a grouping of processes jointly referred to as Energy Psychology.

Energy Psychology reaches a psycho-therapeutic conclusion, but it does so by working on an energetic level inside the body, instead of the mental functions of the mind.

Some Energy Psychology techniques utilize Chakras in their emotional release work, while others, such as EFT, utilize the body's acupuncture system. EFT does this by lightly tapping on acupuncture points to stimulate and "unblock" them, allowing an increase in the free flow of energy throughout the body. You are going to discover why this is so crucial in terms of our feelings.

The foundational principle behind EFT is what is referred to as "The Discovery Statement", and it says that the cause of all destructive emotion is a disruption to the flow of energy in our body; more specifically, a disruption of energy flow within our acupuncture system.

Our default settings are ones of well-being, freedom and relaxation. To the degree that we create and experience opposition to the flow of energy in our body, we create and receive lesser degrees of well-being and comfort.

If we are experiencing intense distress, we can know that in that moment, we are receiving massive resistance inside our energy system.

A helpful metaphor is to imagine our energy system as like the plumbing in our home. Interruption within our energy system is not unlike a "kink" in a garden hose. A small kink will cut off the flow of water but not to any great level.

If we think of ourselves in this situation, we experience this small kink as feeling less than we would like to feel, but for the most part, we can function amply. It is merely that our quality of what we are experiencing is less than what it should be.

And if we have a seriously tangled hose, we go through a good deal greater resistance and stronger, more painful feelings. What mostly influences our subjective experience of life is the measure of opposition we routinely carry around with us.

Once we free this resistance, and EFT is without doubt one of the most potent tools available now to do so, we feel better. Generally this affect is immediate.

A big percentage of EFT's popularity is how rapidly it works. A large part of its speed and potency is that it targets the body instead of the mind. Today we all know as human beings we have an almost inexhaustible capacity to bring forth all kinds of emotional turbulence in our lives.

And you are probably aware of how hard it can be to find answers to our problems when we are in the middle of them, undergoing not just the problem, but also all of the negative less than helpful feelings that accompany it.

The wonderful thing about EFT is that regardless of the specific aspects and issues that may be involved in our individual problems, in EFT terms we are only grappling with one thing - interruption of the flow of energy in our body.

If we address this interruption and resistance instead of the symptomatic associated emotions (sadness, fear, anger, etc) we free ourselves of the associated pain rather quickly and very often gain insight into the possible solution we are searching for.

Once the anguish has been discharged, or at least relieved, we are just about always capable of working out what we need to do to produce the modification that we desire, in whatever areas of our life troubles exist.

The major portion of what leads to our evident unfitness to address difficult areas in our life, is our inability to detach from the pain we are undergoing in relation to those problems.

When we go through powerful agonizing feelings (they should not be believed negative because they are providing us very useful and much needed feedback about what is going on around us) we are essentially in a fight-flight survival state of affairs. Once this happens, our higher thought function turns off to a greater or lesser extent and we, all at once, become unbelievably resource-less.

This is not a mental or emotional issue in the least, yet this is where most therapy is targeted. This is a neurological issue, as this fight-flight reaction is hard wired into our nervous system.

In EFT terms, it is an energetic issue, as the acupuncture system, or some particular pathway within it, becomes blocked leading to disrupted flow of energy and the resulting painful feelings.

So how does EFT dissolve this energy disturbance issue? The process of EFT consists of tapping a particular sequence of acupuncture points around the face, chest and hand. These specific points are situated towards the beginning or the end of the main acupuncture channels inside the body. In total EFT utilizes thirteen points in what is referred to as "The Basic Recipe".

Points are tapped lightly for about ten repetitions, and then you move onto the next point in the succession. At the end of the Basic Recipe you assess how you are feeling to ascertain if you need to repeat the tapping sequence.

In most cases (the literature quotes 80% but most people experience a much higher percentage) there will be a spectacular decrease in the painful feelings. As astounding as this may sound very frequently you will discover the pain has left altogether.

A problem that might have been an issue for a long time may potentially be expelled in minutes, if not seconds. Phobias are a classic illustration of the astounding results achievable with EFT.

Phobias that have been with somebody all their life may be addressed and cleared very rapidly when the body is treated instead of the mind.

Does EFT work all the time? Of course not. Nothing works every time. Our understanding of the technique and how it functions as well as sciences discernment of our bodies and minds and how they function, is far from accomplished.

As the creator of EFT, Gary Craig says "We are on the ground level of a healing high-rise" There is more work and discovery yet to do.

Nevertheless, those who use this technique in a clinical surroundings, and their numbers are rising day by day, will testify to the amazing results in cases where nothing else has worked.

EFT is not a cure all and should not be viewed in this way. What it is, is an unbelievably potent easy to learn and apply self-help tool, that with a bit of practice, will allow you to choose how you feel in any situation.

If emotional freedom, higher self-esteem, and confidence in yourself and your dating life is what you desire, there is no better tool than EFT to help you achieve it.

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Save The Marriage For The Kids

Monday, July 22, 2013

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Getting separated or a divorced seems to be a quite simple process, however it leaves a high affect on private and household life of a person. The individual present process this course of might face lot of ache and stress and lose the non-public as well as social stability.

It is extremely disturbing expertise particularly for the kids of divorcing dad and mom, regardless of intercourse and age. They might get mentally disturbed and their future may get spoiled. Hence, it is often advised to avoid wasting the marriage for the children.

Normally, the world of youngsters is limited to their dad and mom and they're completely dependant on their mother and father for all their needs. What they require of their growing age is affection and protection from their parents. When their parents take the choice of separation, they emotionally could collapse and turn out to be restless.

When the problem of child custody arise in the court, it could become very tough for the kid to choose one of the dad and mom with whom he/she is supposed to reside with in future because the kid loves both the parents equally. In case of underage little one, the court takes the choice about the custody of kid which may be forceful for the child. Hence, to protect the precise of a kid to have both the dad and mom, it's essential to save the marriage for the children.

As the divorce impacts the economical status of a person, it might develop into tough for a single father or mother to take proper care of a child. Since, divorce or marriage separation will not be socially accepted in some international locations, the kid could really feel embarrassing in the society. There may be some problems in emotional bonding of kids and parents. A toddler of divorced parents might experience a sense of intense anger, insecurity and loneliness.

The implications of divorce affect nearly each facet of the kids's lives equivalent to emotions and conduct coping skills, psychological development and the father or mother-baby relationship. The children could feel helpless and lonely as a consequence of frustration which may lead to some health problems corresponding to sleep difficulties.

There could also be some destructive modifications in youngsters's conduct comparable to alcohol abuse, drug habit, violence or the makes an attempt to suicide. Different behavioral problems embrace nervous habits, faculty problems or regressive behaviors like bedwetting or use of the comfort items together with blanket or stuffed toys. Hence, before taking any harsh determination, discover out some solutions to save lots of the marriage for the children.

Once you determine that it's best to save the marriage for the children, it is best to start engaged on it. You may first find out the issues in your married life and methods to resolve them. When you come to concerning the issues, each of you need to equally take efforts to solve them and save the marriage.

You want good communication to specific your emotions and to listen to and perceive your partner. You may take the help of your family or mates and get an advice from them. If this isn't sufficient, you may go for marriage counseling which may help you to know your issues and differences and suggest some solutions.


In Researching this article I found Save Your Marriage to be a really useful site. I also refrerred to Save Your Marriage-Good Advice as this site contained some very good information.

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How to Reconnect With Your Wife and Save Your Marriage

Sunday, July 21, 2013

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Are you and your wife drifting apart? Marriages and relationships have the tendency to get stale and if you noticed that your wife is getting distant you have to do something before things get worse. Here are simple tips to bring back the fire in your marriage and reconnect with your wife.

Spend time to talk and avoid interruptions to reconnect with your wife. When at home it is very easy to focus yourself on something else like television, radio, books and take home work. Turn off the television and avoid working at home and give your wife some real quality time. You both need it everyday to make the relationship stronger. Reconnect with your wife and update her on what is happening to you when you are not together, this will make her feel very important to your life. She will not feel left out in your life.

Date your wife. Even if you've been married for years now, dating should not be a forgotten thing. Dating will help you remind her that you still love to be with her. It does not have to be an extravagant date, but something that will allow you and your wife to have a quite moment and bond together.

Experience new and old hobbies together. Doing things that you both love together will help you reconnect with your wife. If she loves photography, you could bring her to places that she could take good photos and create new memories with you. If she is interested in your sports or hobbies like golf or bowling, teach her and play together.

Be demonstrative with your feelings. If you love her then say it in words and in deeds. Most women are very vocal and demonstrative with their feelings and somehow they also want the same from their husbands. Bring her flowers, send an I love you message during the day when she is too busy running errands at home and she will love you more for it and will make her day complete. There are simple and yet heart warming acts of love that you could do everyday to reconnect with your wife.

If she lost interest in you, there are proven techniques to reconnect with your wife and bring back lost love. To find out how visit Bring Back The Love of Your Life

To know more about relationships visit All About Relationships

Gerry Restrivera writes informative articles on various subjects including How to Reconnect With Your Wife. You are allowed to publish this article in its entirety provided that author's name, bio and website links must remain intact and included with every reproduction.

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Should You Give Up Your Fight To Save Your Marriage?

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The fight to save your marriage is certainly a worthy cause. In fact, there are few causes worth fighting for more worthy than a marriage. However, deciding whether or not your specific marriage is one that's worth fighting to save is something that you and you alone can decide.

It would be nice if this fight would be one that's all sunshine and rainbows. But the truth is that ugly things happen in marriages when it starts to go downhill.

Unpleasant things are said.

Accusations are made.

Dishes are hurled.

Hearts are broken.

It's not always easy to come back from this. If you've reached the point in your marriage where the word "divorce" is coming up in conversation then it's time to really take a step back and examine whether or not divorce might be the right solution for the two of you (and your family as a whole).

Here are a few questions you might want to ask yourself before you make your final decision.

Are Your Fights Productive?

If you're fighting frequently, are those fights resolving any old, unhealed issues, or are they simply opening them up all over so the wounds never have time to heal?

Sometimes, fights can clear the air and really get things accomplished. You love your spouse. You don't want to hurt your spouse's feelings. Sometimes that leaves you bottling up how you feel in order to maintain the status quo in the relationship. Then it all comes out in one violent explosion that rattles the rafters in your house and, perhaps, the homes of a few neighbors.

But once you've cleared the air and said how you really feel, things are able to progress and get better between the two of you. You don't resort to name calling. You don't bring up things from the past that can't be undone. You make the fights about what is going on right here, right now. These fights can accomplish a lot and may even save your marriage.

The fights that aren't productive call names, hurl insults, bring up issues that have been apologized over time and time again, and still produce no real results. They aren't productive at all and they aren't doing your marriage any good either.

Do You Still Love Each Other?

This is a question you need to be 100 percent sure of the answer before you decide to fight to save your marriage. No matter how much anger and hostility is in the relationship, it beats the heck out of complete and utter indifference. As long as there is love on both sides of the marriage equation it's worth the fight to save your marriage if that's the road you want to take.

Why do You WANT to Save Your Marriage?

Why is the most important question you can ask at a time like this. Don't lie to yourself with the answers. Dig down deep and find the real answer that resonates best with your heart. This will be a bit of an uphill battle. There's no reason to put yourself through it without one solid, darn good, reason to do so.

Should you give up the fight to save your marriage? Never! Not unless that's the choice you want to make. If you are going to fight to make it work, then you need to watch this FREE video that will show you how to get your ex back on board and working with you to make your marriage work. Find out the opening move you can make that will have your spouse taking notice fast!

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Where You Can Save Money With Your Sewing

Saturday, July 20, 2013

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Everyone likes to save money. With your sewing, it is easier to do than you might think. AndÂ…think about this, the more you save, the more you will have put aside when you want that special fabric or that new sewing machine.

Here are a few ideas to help you save money with your sewing that you may not have thought of.

Save buttons, zippers etc from clothing that has worn out. Keep a sectioned container and store these items, you will be surprised how often you can recycle.

Always check the remnant table when in your fabric store, you will find some great bargains. Often times you can combine like colors in prints, stripes and plain fabrics into an outfit, and all from the remnant table.

With the cute tops around, like the camisole styles, they take little fabric so the remnant table is often a great place to find fabric for these.

You often see the plain color singlet style tops on sale, these can be made individual for just you, with beads, appliqués, braiding, cording, embroidery, once again, your imagination can have a party.

End of season pattern sales are a great place to stock up on patterns, they can go at very reasonable prices, great savings.

If you buy end of season fabrics when they are on sale, you will have them to start your next wardrobe for next season. You will be a “season ahead” so to speak.

Check out the Manchester stores and soft furnishings. I use a lot of soft furnishing fabric, mainly because they are different and you rarely see them made up into fashion garments.

When flat sheets are on sale, they usually are really fantastic prices, they can make up into wonderful curtains, or join two to make a duvet/quilt cover, sew around the edges, leave one end open, add buttons and buttonholes and Â….viola!!! a new quilt cover and matching curtains. They can also be made into a couch throws. Your imagination will have a wonderful time with what you can do

When interior design shops have to replace their sample ranges, many of these samples are just the right size for throw cushions and other craft items. It only takes a question and they can only say “yes or no”. If they say yes, you are a winner. If they say no, then ask the next design shop you find.

Check out the shops that have a rewards system. If you join as a member, when you have spent a certain amount you qualify for a discount on your purchases. See if you have one with this offer near you and take advantage of it. If there isn’t one, why not suggest it to your favorite supplier.

I hope these tips have given you some ideas, so start saving money with your sewing, it’s all in the planning.

© CTBaird 2006 SewMoreForU
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How To Recover From Infidelity In Marriage To Rebuild Your Relationship With Your Spouse

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There is no doubt that infidelity in marriage is one of the biggest kicks in the gut that anyone can receive. Learning that your spouse cheated on you can destroy your faith in them and rock your feelings of stability and safety in the marriage. Being betrayed and deceived by the person you trusted more than anyone else is deeply depressing. Assuming your cheating spouse is willing, the challenge now is working together to build your marriage to something better than you ever had before.

Is this relationship salvageable?

Obviously if you want your marriage to work after infidelity you must both want it big time, if only one wants it say goodbye, because you'll be banging your head against a brick wall. You need to sit down and have a serious discussion with your spouse and decide that saving your marriage is something that you both want to do. Be honest with yourself and your spouse and ask them to do likewise. Are you willing to work on your marriage? But more importantly, you need to know if your cheating spouse is willing and able to work on the marriage as well. If he or she isn't willing to work with you, and also make the effort to repair the damage done to you and your relationship, then there really isn't much point in trying to rebuild your marriage.

Give me details

Now that you and your spouse have made a commitment to save your marriage, you both need to decide whether you are going to talk about the painful details of the affair and how to handle them if you do. For some spouses who are cheated on it may be essential to discuss the details before they can move forward, while for others the best course may be to not discuss specific intimate details of the affair at all. You have to decide for yourself how much you need to know to heal. Learning all the gory details can either help or hinder your ability to heal. Also, you may end up wishing there were things you didn't know.

Building a better-than-ever relationship with your spouse after being cheated on is never easy. It takes time, and work, but life can come back into focus and you can move forward past the infidelity in marriage and create a brand new foundation for your marriage.
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How Can Separation Save Your Marriage?

Thursday, July 18, 2013

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Sometimes, married life may become extremely stressful and the couple may find it miserable to live together. When this happens, some couples wish to have a trial separation which may help to work through the difference between both the partners. In some cases, separation is prohibited by cultural or religious rules and they prefer to live apart though legally remaining married. The question is that can separation save a marriage and does it really work?

Generally, separation is not the first step to save a marriage. Many couples first try to participate in marital counseling which may help to work through the differences. Some couples seek out an advice from the friends, family or religious leaders. Many people are successful in resolving their marital problems after participating in couple retreats or marriage seminars.

Along with these options or after trying these options, the couples choose a trial separation. Now, you will wonder can separation save a marriage; is it an appropriate way to save a marriage? Yes, it may be helpful as it gives an opportunity to both the partners to experience the feelings of being separated before taking any final decision. The major advantage of trial separation is that it is reversible.

An absence of daily bickering and conflicts may be effective answers to the question can separation save a marriage. Due to a lack of proximity, there is absolutely no chance for conflicts. Both the partners get enough time to think over their marital problems. Most of the marital problems originate from fear, ego or stubbornness. Resolution is possible as long as one partner wishes to keep trying.

The main purpose of trial separation is to develop the skills of resolving the problems before moving back together and working on improving the relationships. For a couple, a planned separation can be a good time to think, to analyze, to reflect, to calm down and cool off. It helps to make thoughtful decisions and thus work to save a marriage.

In some cases, separation may be unplanned and there may be no plans for marriage counseling, no tentative time-line for separation and no guidelines agreed about seeing others. Hence, before you think about separation, talk with each other about the individual goals of separation. Both should be ready for seeking individual and joint counseling during the separation period.

The answer to the question 'can separation save a marriage' lies within the person himself/herself; you need to realize how important your spouse is in your life and how life may be without him/her.
Save a Marriage

Watch a 9 minute video that shows you what you should do and exactly what mistakes you should avoid when trying to save your marriage.

Save a Marriage

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10 Reasons Why You Should Stay Married

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While no one wants their marriage to fail, did you know that there are actually quantifiable reasons for staying with your spouse? In case you need help deciding whether to stay married or not, here are the facts:

#1 Married people are happier

In recent studies, scientists founds that married couples suffer from less depression than their unmarried counterparts. And this even takes into consideration those couples that are living together and not married. Being in a committed relationship with each other is not enough, but showing that commitment to friends, family, and the wedding DJ seems to make the bond all the more important.

#2 Married couples are more productive

While the case could be made that two people can always get more done than one, married couples seem to enjoy exploring their interests more than singles and unmarried couples. Maybe it’s because you’ve set up long term goals and thinking that guides you through the day to day, or maybe it could be because you’re both challenging each other to be better – in either case, married couples just seem to get more done.

#3 Married couples learn better

Studies have shown that married couples tend to retain new knowledge longer than single or married couples. It would seem that the calmer state of the brain is more conducive to learning. And since you have someone to remind you of what you’ve forgotten, it’s a lot easier to keep those important facts in your head.

#4 Married couples are less stressed

When you have someone that is constantly supporting you and cares about how you’re doing, this support system helps to buoy you in times of stress. Being able to laugh with each other and help each other helps the stressful times seem all the less, well, stressful.

#5 Married couples are healthier overall

Because of the reduced stress and increased support system, married couples tend to have fewer health problems than their married counterparts. They have fewer colds and other minor illnesses. Without the constant strain of a commitment that’s sort of hazy, married couples can fight off germs and bacteria.

#6 Married couples live longer

With the increased health and ability to ward off stress, married couples tend to live longer than their unmarried counterparts. Married couples are more long term thinking and this allows them to have a more positive outlook on life and whatever is thrown at them. Even couples with long term illnesses or other stressors seem to be able to live longer than is normal.

#7 Married couples are richer

Of course, having two people in any relationship will make a couple richer, but married couples are more diligent about planning for long term goals which can lead to more stable financial results. They invest together, plan together, work together to create a retirement that will allow them to enjoy each other’s company long into the twilight of their lives.

#8 Married couples fight smarter

No couple is without fights or disagreements, but married couples have a more relaxed approach about getting past arguments and getting over them. The long term commitment allows them to realize that not everything is as important ‘right now’ as it seems, and that most problems can blow over without too much incident.

#9 Married couples have better sex

While stereotypes might have you believe otherwise, married couples truly do have a more varied an enjoyable sex life. They tend to experiment to keep things exciting and they are focused more on the pleasure of their partner than of themselves.

#10 Married couples are more fit

Married couples have a built in workout partner and someone who will help them watch what they eat. This support system leads to an overall better outlook on fitness and health, which leads to a fitter lifestyle. Though slips in eating and exercise can affect both partners, it’s much more likely that married couples will get back up from their discretions and find the support to regain control of their health.

Being married isn’t just the dream of the white wedding; it’s what happens after the guests leave and the wrapping paper has been thrown away.

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The Steps for Getting Over an Emotional Affair

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

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There's no doubt that emotional affairs can be detrimental to a marriage. And, without a doubt, getting over an emotional affair and rebuilding the trust in your relationship will take plenty of hard work.

Therefore, hopefully you will find the next lot of tips helpful for saving your relationship.

Communicating to One Another

After finding out about the emotional affair many questions may have surfaced like why did they begin having this emotional affair in the first place?, when did it all start? and will your partner leave you?

However, due to whatever reasons, often having feelings of guilt they may not wish to go into the details regarding the affair.

So, the first step in getting over an emotional affair is addressing these feelings and finding out the root cause of the problem. One thing you may wish to try is in a calm manner inform them that you would like to overcome this together.

Even then don’t expect instant answers to your questions. It may take hours or days before your partner is able to speak to you openly.

As you speak to them, use the word “we” rather than “I”. And, make it clear to them that you want to save your marriage without trying to pass judgement or looking down on your partner.

A Marriage Requires Investing In

If the relationship lacked time for one another try and spend more time with them and the kids to see if you can recreate the intimate moments you once shared as a couple.

It will help you to build and nurture a true partnership. One important thing to understand is that most people who've had an emotional affair are trying to escape from the hardships of their lives. Therefore, with some help and support to deal with the underlying issues getting over an emotional affair can be achieved.

Helping them to be Realistic

Often this is seen as a fantasy world, where they didn’t have to worry about money, debts, the house, the family, and everything else.

Where the other person may not have been aware of any of their failures or shortcomings they might have had this could have helped them to feel less stressed as well. That's why you should help your partner realize that expecting to live out such a life is not being realistic.

Tell him or her that if you take all the issues of your normal life to your fantasy life, things may not seem so perfect.
It's only really the false belief of life being hunky dory that will help keep an emotional affair alive. Destroying that illusion can help your partner in getting over an emotional affair.

Be committed to supporting one another especially when you're facing problems. Forming a strong relationship will require some serious team work.

Regaining Trust

Another important part of getting over an emotional affair is being able to rebuild trust with them again which can at first seem insurmountable. It may also seem only natural to constantly question whatever your spouse does.

So, positive communication is the key here. You can start this by saying to them that you're really hurt and don't understand how this happened. Rather than telling them directly that they hurt you.
This will make it known your feelings to your partner and give them the opportunity to change without needing to fight you.

Remember to feel open to sharing your problems and having respect for one another's wishes. Also, keep in mind that getting over an emotional affair is a long process that doesn't happen overnight. So, follow some of the above tips to get your relationship back on track.

To learn more about this take a look at this sarah paul review on how to catch a cheating spouse.

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Fun and Inexpensive Dating Tips

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Traditionally, the world of dating is an expensive one. When we think of taking someone out on a date (especially men), dollar signs flash over our head and we start planning on how to afford it. This isn’t a problem if money is no concern, but what if you’re tight on cash but still want to show that special someone just how much you appreciate them and enjoy their company? There are actually a lot of wonderful solutions, non-conventional dating ideas that can really be a blast. They’re cheap, and more importantly, involve the two of you enjoying each other’s company, so that they’re much more personal.

Picnics are not only cheap, but probably one of the most romantic date ideas out there. – A warm, sunny day (Or even a cold one, with a fluffy sweater and a nice coat to bundle in!), beautiful scenery, and good food make the perfect dating set-up. Unfortunately, they’re a bit cliché. So what can you do to mix your picnic up a little bit? Well, along with your food, bring along an art pad. Try sketching each other, starting out with your very best attempt at realism, and when you’ve shown each other your artistic abilities (Or lack thereof), you can go on to making goofy doodles and funny scribblings! This kind of little, spontaneous activity can spawn some of the most wonderful memories.

Few things say romance likes many of the unknown gems that lie in the small towns of our great nation. Most little towns have old houses that have a long historical tradition, rich gardens, haunted locations, small museums dedicated to the town’s proud history, or other little jewels that often go unnoticed and aren’t advertised. With a little digging online, however, you can find these places, and they provide wonderful opportunities for a fun, romantic date. They’re cheap, too – most little out-of-the-way attractions like these charge less than five dollars! Get your partner and together you can plan your own adventure into a little town.

Mad Lib Movie Night is a great twist on a classic budget dating experience. For this, all you need is a movie, preferably an old B-rated sci-fi flick, chick-flick, or previously taped soap opera episode. At the beginning of the movie, each person is assigned to be one of the major characters, and each one has his or her own notebook with a pencil. Turn the television on mute, and play a scene. During this, each person needs to write down what their character may be saying. You can take a funny twist on it and make it absurd, but it should pertain enough to the premise of the situation that it will make sense when both people put their parts together. When the scene is finished, rewind back to the beginning, keep the television on mute, and this time each person reads aloud the lines as their character would say them! One of the things that this date does so well is brings two people closer – you’ll notice after a few scenes that you can somewhat predict what your partner will write, and can make the lines even more witty.

The thrift store isn’t exactly the kind of place most people think of when they hear “romantic date occasion,” but you’d be surprised. This date will test how well you know your partner. Find a local thrift store, and once you’re inside, split up. It’s now each person’s job to look through all of the items in the store to find the one perfect something for their partner. Both people should try to avoid the other, and neither should see what the other is looking at. When you’re done searching the store and have found the perfect something, go buy it for them (it won’t be expensive.) Then, exchange them on your way out the door! The gift can be romantic, embarrassing, or funny.

Cooking is another activity that can be a wonderful opportunity for you and your date to spend some low-key, quality time with each other. Choose something simple that both of you like, and then the two of you can set to making it, talking and having fun as you work alongside each other. If you’ve got cooking talent, put it to use! Don’t be afraid to experiment a little bit and try new things. In the end, you will hopefully have a delicious something that the two of you can share together. It can be a full meal, or something much simpler like a dessert or snack, but the two of you will be enjoying something that you both made together.

Truly romantic dates don’t have to be spent at five star restaurants, and often the most memorable moments are ones that are more casual, goofy, or simple pure fun. The point of these dates is that you are enjoying the time together with each other and the ability to interact with each other, and that it’s something that can be done on literally any budget. So open your minds, clear out some time on your calendar, and plan a fun, romantic date for just the two of you where you can get to know each other better and create life-long memories.

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Make Amends not Excuses – Save Your Marriage after an Affair

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

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If you've been caught cheating you need to save your excuses and start working on making amends instead. Saving your marriage after an affair won't be an easy job but the rewards can be amazing.
Where should you begin in your efforts to put your marriage back on the straight and narrow?

1)Apologize. Not just any apology will do. This needs to be a heart felt, dig down deep apology. There is nothing you can say that will make the affair alright in your eyes or the eyes of the spouse you've cheated on. An apology doesn't excuse, shouldn't make excuses, and shouldn't even really attempt to explain. You simply need to let your spouse know that you realize the depth of the betrayal and hurt you've caused and that you're willing to do whatever it takes to make things better (notice I said better and not right) between the two of you.

2)Have patience. Patience isn't easy. There is a reason it's considered to be one of the virtues. Few people have it but in this situation you are going to need to stretch the limits of your patience so that you can give your spouse the time he or she needs to gain perspective and sort out the emotions that may be threatening to take control. Give your spouse a little time and space to come to terms with what happened and what it can mean for your marriage. The bottom line is that you should not expect good results overnight.

3)Exercise caution. Be careful with your words, thoughts, and deeds for the time being. This is good advice in any situation in life. Thoughts have a nasty habit of becoming words and deeds before you know what's come over you. Get a grip on all of them and a favorable outcome is much more likely. Remember that words, once said, can never be fully taken back. Don't say things you don't mean out of hurt, anger, or fear. They could destroy any hope you had of making your marriage work.

4)Be honest. The questions will come. Whether they come now or later you need to expect them and have an honest answer in mind. You don't have to give full disclosure but whatever you tell your spouse absolutely must be the truth if you want to have any hope at all of saving your marriage. Honesty is almost always the best policy. When you're trying to re-establish trust in a relationship it's the only policy.

Need a little help in your effort to save your marriage or get your ex back? You've come to the right place. Put step one from this free video: http://www.magicofmakingup.com to work for you and watch how quickly all the other pieces begin falling into place.

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Attraction Secrets Of Women Revealed

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Its no secret that there are glaring differences between men and women. But the most important difference is how men and women think and perceive the world around them.

Men are logical by nature. They tend to see things in a very pragmatic fashion. Even to the men who'd consider themselves "dreamers" or the "creative type," logic plays a big part in how they make their decisions.

Women are more emotional. They allow their emotions to guide them along their path in the decision making process. This is not to say girls can't be logical, but that they are more inclined to "go with their gut" when their emotions are telling them to do something.

Indeed - this is how nature intended things to be. If women were ruled by logic, they would have a hard time caring for their children, since women have to be empathetic to their baby's needs.

By the same token, nature intended men to be logical, since this is the best way for men to protect and provide for their families.

Unfortuneately, though these differences serve a purpose, they also make it more difficult for the two sexes to really understand each other.

Because men are logical, they just assume women think the same way they do! After all, everyone always thinks others - no matter how different they may be - perceives the world in the same way they do.

But this just isn't the case. Because men are logical in nature, they will try and force that logic onto the women they like - usually with poor results.

Take for instance, the notion of the "Pity Kiss."

This is one of those things that girls talk about with each other, and guys have no idea exists. And it all stems from the differences between the logic and the emotional.

Let's pretend for a moment that a guy is out with a girl, and he is simply misreading the situation. The girl is just not attracted to him at all, yet he still decides to go in for a kiss, oblivious to this that she isn't into him.

Naturally, the girl will try and politely keep from having to go through with the kiss. When this happens, the guy's logic center will kick in, and he will try to convince the girl to kiss him!

You'll hear lines like:

"Wow, I thought you liked me. I thought you were different from all the other girls, but I guess I was wrong about you."

"Why don't you want to kiss me? Are you just using me? We're such a good fit!"

"This never happens to me. Why did you go out with me if you don't like me?"

Obviously, there's a million of these types of arguments, and usually the guys will keep at it until the girl caves in and kisses him.

But this is actually the WORST thing that could happen!

The guy may think he's won because he got the kiss, but in reality, he's lost, because the woman gave him a "Pity Kiss" just to shut him up and get away from him without coming off as mean. Now, the woman feels like she was guilted into kissing him, and she'll harbor resentment over it.

This is the type of stuff women will talk about at length to their friends, and NEVER bring up to a guy they like.

But it's important for men to know about the things women talk about - because the best way to attract a woman is to UNDERSTAND how they operate.

And they operate on EMOTION.

In order to really connect with a woman, a man has got to learn to appeal to her emotions and not her logic.

You have to understand that if a woman doesn't want to kiss you - even if you are a great guy and would logically make a great match - it's because you haven't made her experience the emotions she needs to feel to actually WANT to kiss you.

It's this ignoring of emotion and reliance on logic that's the major reason why so many men get rejected by women!

And women will complain: "What's wrong with men? Why don't they understand how to make us happy?"

The simple fact is this: emotions will always rule when it comes to love. This is the secret girls know that guys don't. And the guy that understands this secret, is the guy who will inevitably get the girl.

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