What to Do When Your Spouse Wants Out And Your Marriage Is Hanging By a Thread

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

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You’re the last thing going for your marriage: your spouse wants out, he or she refuses to accompany you to counseling or even consider getting the help you need, and you see little hope of staying together.

You basically need a miracle or something supernatural if you’re going to stick together as a couple. In this article, I’ll reveal three things you can do, starting today, that may save your marriage.

When everyone around you is telling you to give up, there’s still something you can do to save your marriage. Despite your friends and family saying you’re crazy trying to make it work, you’ve still got options. Though your spouse may be totally against getting counseling to heal the rift between the two of you or doing absolutely anything at all to stay together, you’ve still got something going for you.

When all other options have failed, there’s prayer. And yes, God does care, in case you’re wondering. As a last resort, why not pray and ask God to supernaturally heal your marriage? To change your spouse’s heart to reconsider? Stranger things have happened.

Say that your partner could really care less. That’s ok, it’s not ideal, but you may still be able to work on it. After all, you can certainly change yourself, even if your partner doesn’t want to change.

Open your heart right now by considering some of the criticisms of your spouse. What has she or he said that you need to change or that drives him or her crazy? What one or two things could you concentrate on changing that could start that healing process and communicate that you’re serious about making your marriage last?

After you’ve come up with these, make a concerted daily effort to take action and make these changes, regardless of how your spouse responds, good or bad, toward you. Then you’ll need to keep it up. Things didn’t get this bad overnight, so you’ll probably have to persevere for a while before your spouse notices. Then maybe they’ll consider giving your relationship another shot.

With your spouse so dead set against making your marriage work, you’ve got a long uphill battle that’s going to be a tough climb. Whether you’re willing to admit it or not, and whether you believe in God or not, you’re going to need some help to get through it all. Family may be a difficult place to start, as they want the best for you and may tend to side with your happiness.

They may see the quickest fix being the best and advise you to give up, get out and get on with life by divorce. Your friends, alternately, could be the very thing you need, willing to support you in your quest to remain together, and be that shoulder you desperately need to cry on when things turn sour. And then there’s always God, who hates divorce, and will be there if you call on Him, in whatever way you see fit.

Praying for your spouse to reconsider, committing yourself to change, and getting the support you need are the three tactics of last resort that you can implement that may very well end up saving your marriage. Don’t give up, there’s still hope, especially if you’re willing to fight for your marriage by implementing these proven tactics, despite the despair you may see around you.

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