How to Save Money by Using a Coffee Service

Friday, August 30, 2013

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There are many excellent reasons why a company would choose to provide coffee for its employees, customers and clients, but can you really save money using a coffee service? When you count in all of the costs associated with providing coffee for your business, you may be pleasantly surprised to find out just how cost-effective it can be to use a coffee service for your office coffee needs. Take a look at some of the obvious, and not so obvious, cost benefits of using a coffee service as opposed to providing the same coffee and machine on your own.

The Cost of the Coffee Machine

When considering the cost of the coffee machine, be sure to evaluate your office’s needs in terms of cups of coffee served per day. If you’re making more than two or three pots of coffee a day for your office or company, chances are that a coffee maker designed for use in a home kitchen just won’t do. While you may not need a coffee machine designed for restaurant or coffee shop use, you do need one that will handle higher traffic than the typical kitchen coffee maker or you’ll be replacing the coffee machine every few months. A coffee maker that can handle the typical office or business traffic will easily cost you upwards of $150-$200, while a top-of-the-line coffee machine or a coffee vending machine can easily run into the thousands of dollars.

By contrast, most office coffee service companies provide a high quality, professional coffee maker for free as long as you contract to buy a minimum amount of coffee and supplies through their service.

The Cost of Coffee through an Office Coffee Service

Office coffee service companies tend to buy their materials from coffee suppliers in large quantities. These companies are usually able to get a discounted price for the coffee that they buy. In general, you won’t pay more for coffee bought through an office coffee service than you would if you bought the coffee at your local supermarket or through a coffee subscription service. There are, however, many other ways that you’ll see savings when you buy coffee through a coffee service.

- Coffee ordered from a coffee service is delivered directly to your office on a pre-determined schedule. That means that no one has to spend time shopping for coffee and no one has to run out in the middle of the day to buy coffee because you’ve run out.

- Generally, the coffee service will deliver coffee packaged in pre-measured pouches just right for making one pot of coffee. That helps you control the amount of coffee that’s used per pot, potentially saving you money on every pot of coffee.

- If you choose a single serve coffee system, your potential savings are even greater. Because your employees will be making coffee to order, one cup at a time, you won’t be pouring old coffee down the drain because it’s become undrinkable.

In addition to the savings you’ll get by choosing a coffee service, you’ll also be serving better coffee. You won’t be brewing up ground coffee that’s gone stale in the can or the bag because your coffee will be in vacuum packed pouches or cups until just before you brew it.

Save Money on Supplies and Equipment through an Office Coffee Service

Your coffee supplier will also offer a range of coffee making equipment and supplies to mix with your coffee. That means that you won’t be paying supermarket prices for cream, milk, sugar and creamer for office use. Similar to the coffee, you’ll be able to purchase office coffee supplies through your coffee service in individual serving packets, which is both more sanitary and more economical. You won’t be throwing away cream or milk that’s gone bad in the refrigerator, or running down to the store to pick up another quart of milk before a big meeting.

Those supplies also include napkins, coffee cups and stirrers. Disposable coffee supplies are optional, of course, but could be an enormous boon if you regularly serve coffee to clients or customers.

Save Money on Repairs, Service and Replacement

One expense that’s not often counted when you’re calculating the cost of providing coffee at the office is the cost of maintenance. A coffee machine requires regular maintenance and cleaning in order to continue making good coffee. A broken coffee carafe often means buying a new coffee maker because it can be difficult to replace the carafe with the right size.

When you use an office coffee service, your service provider takes on the responsibility for maintaining and servicing your machine on a regular schedule. If your coffee machine malfunctions, the coffee service will replace or repair it, often within 24 hours so that you’re not left without a functioning coffee machine for your employees and customers. Depending on your contract with the coffee service, those replacements may be at no cost to you, or at a very nominal cost.

An office coffee service isn’t right for every office, but if your company provides coffee for employees or for customers and clients, it’s an option well worth exploring. If you’re considering using an office coffee service, the points above can help you make a realistic analysis of your possible savings.

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10 Tips To Help You Save Home Energy

Thursday, August 29, 2013

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Before you spend money on the latest energy-efficient gizmo that’s supposed to save you money let’s look at some energy saving ideas that will really help you save home energy. The strategies that we will look at maximize the effort you put in and the reduction in your home energy consumption.

First sit down and think about all the different ways your family uses energy around the house. Now put an approximate type and cost of energy used. You may have trouble breaking down the cost but try to do it. Now all you have to do is find ways to save on your resources at the same time cut your costs. You may have to think creatively but it can be done.

So here are some tips to get you started:

- Turn the lights off when you’re not using them. This is really simple and easy to do. Do you really need your bedroom light on when you’re in the living room? Do you leave lights on when you leave the house? Do you even need more than one light on in a room for what you are doing? Believe it or not it makes a big difference.

- Turn all electronics and other appliances off when you’re not using them. No one can do everything at the same time. Can you really listen to a radio watch television and use your computer all at the same time?

- Set your thermostat down a couple of degrees in winter or up in summer, to conserve energy. And dress appropriately indoors for the time of year it is. For instance in winter, put on a sweater or some extra clothing, or may snuggle under a blanket to stay warm. In the summer, wear less and stay cooler naturally.

- Only turn an appliance on when you have a full load. This is true especially for the washing machine, dryer and even the dishwasher. It is amazing how much extra energy is used doing multiple small loads in comparison to one full load.

- Do regular maintenance on your appliances. Keeping them clean means they don’t have to work as hard. Changing filters again reduces the energy needed to accomplish a task. Regular care will also mean any maintenance bills that you might come up against may well be cheaper.

- Be careful how you use your water. Like when brushing your teeth or washing your hands, use only the water you need. Don't let the water run the entire time. Also, try and use less water if you take a bath, or control your shower times.

- Simply let your hair air dry, instead of using a blow drier every day.

- Lower the temperature on your water heater to 120 degrees F.

Don’t forget the bigger projects as well.

- Seal the cracks around your doors and windows. You are paying for your hot air that escapes through cracks all around your house. You need to make sure you are doing all you can to keep the warm air you‘re paying for inside your house.

- You also need to check your house's insulation. Though this has been done by many homeowners nevertheless you still need to do it before you pass it over. It is probably the biggest thing in reducing heating costs.

Now some of these things may seem trivial to you but let me assure you that even the small things add up over time. And really most of them you won’t even notice the difference to your life except your bills.

These tips and suggestions will make your home more affordable, and take some strain off of our world's resources. Just think if all of us would just made a few of these changes to how we do things on a daily basis it would make a huge difference.
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How Do You Use Body Language to Flirt? - Unlocking Body Language in Flirting

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

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A person who knows how to keep an even voice tone, and be aware of their body movements is more appealing to people than a person who only knows cheesy pick-up lines and crowd pleasers. A confident person has an air about them that shows through when they speak and move. It does not always come naturally, but whether learned or inherited, it speaks volumes about a person to others.

The art of flirting is articulated in the actions of a person. And communication without speaking is more important than words. Flirting motions are not seen consciously as the message it gets across to the person it is meant for.

This type of unspoken interaction makes it possible for strangers across a crowded room to feel comfortable with each other. When they come together to actually speak there is an unspoken feeling of knowing between them. They become more at ease as they talk with each other, and become even more comfortable with each other.

Our body language shows our interest in a variety of ways. These actions are sub-conscious when we are around people that we admire. For instance, when having an intimate conversation with another person, we typically look at each other's eyes.

We are not aware that we shift our vision from one eye to the other, and to the bridge of the nose. This is the triangular formation of vision. As a person is more attracted to the other person, this triangular formation tends to move downwards. This is really a human nature movement, while some think it is rude, it is just a part of getting to know the other.

When people are with people that are just acquaintances, they tend to look at their eyes, but when you have an attraction to another person, you will end up looking at the entire person and not just the eyes. If you are looking at the person's mouth it may suggest you have an interest in a kiss.

If you would like to to learn more about how to use your body language to flirt and be to attract ANY type of woman, no matter how beautiful she is, then waste no more time and visit my website to get your hands on my FREE reports that will has helped thousands of men attract beautiful women with relative ease.

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Infidelity Excuse: I Fell Out of Love...and just love being in love

Monday, August 26, 2013

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I find this dilemma rather common for younger couples, probably mid or late 30s and younger.

Usually one reports, “falling out of love” and is truly disturbed by this shift. He/she (and this is not merely a female problem!) wants to “recapture” those feelings.

This person has found a “significant other” who has stirred those dormant feelings and this person once again “feels in love.”

They are determined not to “settle” for a less than an ideal relationship, which means, of course, feeling the love feelings.

Here are some Key Points for this kind of affair. (The 6 others are outlined in my E-book.)

1. Unfortunately, our culture (movies, songs, romance novels, soap operas, romance comedies) teaches us that this is how it’s supposed to be. “Falling in love” is the norm – the implication being, that if it doesn’t happen, or if it goes away, something is wrong – with you, your spouse or the marriage. A good relationship must first unlearn a great deal.

2. The person who was driven to find “that loving feeling” (reminds me of a songÂ…) usually experiences a high degree of guilt and conflict. He/she is often married to a “good” person and the desire to “find that loving feeling” seems selfish (which it is) and immature (which it is). Intuitively (and this person usually has a great deal of intuition and sensitivity) it is known at another level that he/she is not on the right path.

3. This person usually has a need for drama and excitement. Life easily becomes a soap opera. Emotional juice from the fall-out of emotionally intense relationships reigns rather than living life from the core of who one is.

4. There is little understanding, or perhaps healthy models, of the shifts needed as a relationship matures. For example, “falling out of love” usually happens when the attractors become the distracters. For example: His love for fun and spontaneity, which drew her initially to him, becomes irresponsibility. Her stability and calm, which drew him initially to her, become control.

5. The person “looking for love” is actually looking for the ideal, someone out there, who will project back to him/her that he/she is OK. No, more than OK, close to perfect.

6. This person needs to be adored, or think another adores him/her, because there is a lack of inner strength and solid identity. The other becomes my world, because I lack a world. Being “in love” is the panacea for my emptiness.

7. Sexual intercourse does not need to be a part of these relationships. Sexual activity may indeed END the relationship or at least move it to the point where the attractors become, again, the distracters. The idealized images may be held together by long phone calls, gifts, holding, love letters, e-mails, etc.

8. This type of affair often occurs when there is a “lull” in the marriage relationship. The responsibility of raising children, starting and maintaining a career, paying bills, etc. become the focal point for the couple. Romance becomes a foreign word. People are especially vulnerable for this type of affair after the children are in school and/or the oldest child reaches early adolescence. (There are good reasons for this, from a family systems perspective, but I won’t get into that here.)

Tip: If your spouse is struggling with this type of relationship, make sure you hold and care for your self. Your spouse does not have the capacity to do this for you (or anyone) at this point. Yes, you are ok. Her/his affair says less about you and much more about the emptiness within her/him. It is time for you to know you better. Model for him/her what it means to be a person with a core, with integrity, with boundaries, with values, with meaning, with purpose and actively figure out what your needs are, and get them met. Maybe she will ask questions. Maybe she will not. Maybe soon. Maybe later.

For more information on the different kinds of affairs, what causes them, the probabilities of them ending a marriage and what you can do about it, visit my site.
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Kickstart Your Sex Life Today!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

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Has your sex life been a bit neglected lately? Its not like you don't care but well, it's just finding the time and energy. It seems impossible some days because there's work and cleaning and working out and grocery shopping and cooking dinner, laundry, kids, family commitments, friends, ironing! When you do get horizontal you pass out within minutes. Or you're not in the mood. Or you just can't be bothered. Soon enough a month has passed and you can't remember the last time you had sex. And when was the last time you kissed your partner and I mean really kissed them, not just a polite peck?

Or maybe you've just fallen into a rut. You have sex in the same place at roughly the same time each week and do the same things. Routine is good for things like brushing your teeth but it shouldn't come into your sex life when variety and excitement are crucial elements in making it fulfilling.

If this sounds like you and you want to kickstart your sex life back into well, life, then read on.

1. Be spontaneous

The element of surprise can be very seductive. Take a shower together, surprise your partner with a long passionate kiss when they are expecting to just graze lips, buy some new lingerie and wear it.

2. Get healthy

Eating well and regular exercise put you in better touch with your body and that inner healthy glow not only makes you look more attractive but gives you heaps of energy and makes you feel more vibrant and alive.

3. Be affectionate

If you haven't had sex for awhile then it may be better to build up slowly to get back into the groove. Instead of trying to go from a standing start to racing speed, ease your way back into the physical by touching when you can and by being considerate with each other. Touch when you talk. Stop to kiss when you walk past each other in the hallway. Trail your finger along their shoulder as they sit reading a magazine. Snuggle on the couch in front of your favorite movie.

4. Be sensual

Give your partner a peppermint foot bath when they get home from a busy day. Massage their hands, scalp, back - wherever takes your fancy (if you don't know how to massage, don't think about it, just do what feels good). Or try a lighter touch by using a feather or silk scarve to trail along the length of your partner.

5. Be encouraging when your partner does something you like

Even if you've been together a long time your partner doesn't always know what you like and even if they do it doesn't hurt to tell them once in awhile. Say what you like and why you like it, if they have more information you never know what they may come up with to please you.

6. Read your partner an erotic bedtime story

The mind is crucial in any attempt to resuscitate your sex life. It needs to be turned on first and the body will follow. There is some great erotic fiction around or you could try Nancy Friday for stories about other people's sexual fantasies.

7. Have fun

When was the last time you laughed together? Put on your favourite track and dance. Or buy the music that was popular when you first got together and play that for a trip down memory lane over dinner. Take a midnight dip.

8. Write a sexy letter

If you can't tell your partner what you really want them to do to you, then writing it down is a great alternative. It lets you be as specific as you like without feeling like your face is going to turn tomato red and gives your partner time to process what you've said and get into the mood (if you need help putting your letter together try visiting for easy-to-us love templates).

9. Experiment

Learn a new technique together. Try a romantic weekend away. Or you could try a sex toy from one of the many on offer. If you always have sex lying down then try standing or sitting. If you're always on top then try switching things around.

10. Focus on the now

When you do get down to it, it is crucial that you focus on exactly what it is you are doing. To do this you must stop the chatter within your own head. Don't worry that you forgot to pick up the drycleaning, or how you need to call your mother about her birthday, or the fact that you're out of cereal. Leave all that stuff to later. Much later. Chances are it won't seem nearly so important once you're done.
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Some Tips For Seeking Good Russian Brides

Saturday, August 24, 2013

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There are many things you must consider when you are trying to find women who will make great Russian brides. You want them to like you, but first you have to know where to find them. All of these will be addressed in this article. Keep reading to get your free tips.

One of the first things that you can do to find your Russian bride is to learn where to go. However, you do have to be careful. Due to how much you are going to pay and things of that nature, you should know about your options. There is the idea that you can go to one of the many sites that are on the internet where women are looking for men. You can post a personal ad. Then, there are some who go about and hire a service to match them with someone.

Even though these Russian women want to marry, you want to make sure that they are marrying for the right reasons. Some are only out there to get all the luxuries of becoming a legal citizen and might turn on you once they have what they want. So, be mindful of this.

When you are looking for a Russian bride, there are many who have different personalities. Do you want one who is family oriented and follows traditions? Do you want someone who hates the Russian life and is ready to conform? All of these need to be thought about before finding your bride.

You might find with some marriage finding services, they run scams. They might even over charge you. We have found some where the women were forced into this. You want to make sure that you are getting a woman who really wants to be with you and so forth. This can be very hard and so you need to see how they run.

You want to treat your bride like any woman you have been with. This means that you date them like you should, but be mindful that the email they give you might not be theirs. You should make sure that you can reach them anytime. You should get to know them and not view them as an easy marriage.

When you start with these tips, then you will find what you are looking for. You can have a Russian bride that will treat you well. It is a common thing now days so choose your woman carefully as there are many to choose from.
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Can I Make My Wife Love Me Again? - 4 Steps To Win Her Love Back

Friday, August 23, 2013

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"Can I make my wife love me again?" This is a common question once a husband determines his marriage is suffering and his wife does not love him anymore. She loved you once, though, so with the right help you can make it happen again.

Winning her love back may be harder than getting her to love you the first time because now you have "history". You have one advantage, though, and you should use it. You know your wife better than ever before.

For the best possibility of success in saving your marriage and making your wife love you again you need to follow a clear game plan and be willing to work for the prize you seek.

Since a step by step approach is the most straightforward, let us begin with these four steps:

The first step is to identify the problem. What has happened to the relationship to put a chill in the relationship and harden your wife's heart toward you?

Do not feel bad or stupid if you do not know, many men are clueless when it comes to what they have done wrong. In fact, some of what you did wrong may only exist in her mind, but nevertheless, it is real to her.

Take responsibility for what you have done wrong and what you could have done better. No one is perfect and there is no shame in having faults.

Next, you need to talk to your wife. This could be the hardest part. Set aside some quiet time in a quiet place to discuss this with her. You may impress her if you bring a notepad and pen to take notes on what you need to change.

Avoid arguing and confrontation; simply ask and listen. Hopefully she will tell you what is wrong and why she does not love you anymore. If she admits she still does love you, then you have your answer to the question "can I make my wife love me again".

One key here is do not promise what you cannot deliver. She will remember what you said (her version, anyway) without a note pad. So be realistic.

The third step is to work on solutions to the problems. After identifying what needs to be done, begin working on it; with her if that is what the problem calls for. She will likely be quite impressed by your efforts to win her love back; most people are flattered by the attention.

Keep in mind that marriage is always a work in progress; never think that you are "done" making her love you.

The final step is to follow up on the progress you make. Have little discussions with your wife as you feel you are making progress in the marriage and make sure she sees it the same way. Make adjustments accordingly.

Maybe something new has developed or maybe something she was not comfortable talking about before she will open up with. Be patient and understanding.

Always look at things from your wife's point of view, which will be very different from your own. You are not trying to win your love, but hers!

Is this the final solution to the question "Can I make my wife love me again?" No, not at all. It is the outline of a road map for you to follow, and the quicker you get on the road the sooner you will be enjoying her love again.

I can imagine you would like more specifics on this, a more detailed map if you will. Get the "GPS" of winning her love back at

Mr. Scott has enjoyed assisting people with relationship and marriage issues for many years now. Please note that he may occasionally receive some form of compensation when recommending other experts services or products.

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How to Save Yourself from Negative Influences

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Watching the news can be hazardous to your health.

It's a fact, especially when you're watching events related to terrorism, kidnapping, murder, accidents, or calamities. These incidents make you worry and will leave you feeling weak and insecure. Imagine the uncomfortable feeling of becoming a victim someday. This will have a negative effect on your outlook in life.

Your surroundings have a big impact on you. How can you think and grow rich if you're bombarded with messages that relates "how difficult life has become" or "how poor most of us has turned out to be?"

You can't change your environment, but you certainly can control your mind. This is where visualization comes into play. Use your imagination, just as you would when you're still a little child. Imagine your home as a palace, your simple meal as fine dining gourmet, and your nearby park as your favorite vacation spot. Just imagine. Unconsciously, your thoughts will transform the images into their physical components.

If the media can indirectly influence you just by reporting what's happening around, imagine what impact everyday people have on you. These are the people that you see and meet everyday. These are also the same people who are expressing their own views of what is right and what is wrong.

When we grow up in a negative environment, we tend to acquire the traits and characteristics of people around us.

Many gangsters have been brought up by folks who have either misguided them or have taught them the wrong things in life. Through the years, they have instilled within themselves the vices of people around them.

Here's another case.

Pick a nice person, throw him in a group of bad-mouthed individuals who incorporates swear words in their everyday language. Sooner or later, you'll notice that nice person speaking in the same manner as the group.

This just goes to say that anyone who joins in the company of a like-minded group will have a big chance of being influenced by the personality of that group. So what can you do if you're surrounded by people who deviates from your way of thinking?

You can't just avoid them. They'll think of you as a snob. Don't change the way you treat them, but simply learn how to shield out pessimistic comments or suggestions. Sometimes, they will dictate you to do what you are against to do. Be firm with what you believe in. Do not let them affect your decisions. You know that you can do what they thought would be impossible. If you have to suffer the ridicule, so be it. You will have the last laugh anyway. Moreover, you should be with people who have the same principles and ideologies as you do. You will be more encouraged to continue your dreams if you have a support group or mentor who will prod you to pursue your goals despite the setbacks.

When I was starting my internet endeavors, no one (and I mean not even one) of my relatives and friends believed me. But I did not let their discouragement stop me from becoming successful.

I remained firm in my quest to make a living online. I made friends with respected internet marketers who shared the same vision as mine. They have also experienced the same treatment from non-believers; but they have proven that what the mind can conceive, it can achieve. Through their help, I was able to put aside my doubts and achieve my goals.

You have the power to make your dreams a reality. Now show the world what stuff you are made of.
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Learn Photoshop Now .. The Save for Web feature

Thursday, August 22, 2013

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As of version 5 and later, Photoshop includes a very helpful "Save for Web" command. This element enables you to save a copy of your image that is optimized for internet use. "Optimized" means that the image file will be as small as possible, and that the image will use only Web-safe colors. The "Save for Web" option can save images in GIF, JPEG, or PNG format.

Using Save for Web When your image is ready to be put onto your web page, select "Save for Web"... from the File menu. The "Save for Web" dialog appears:

This is where you tell Photoshop how you'd like to optimise your image for the Web. You can select the file format to produce (GIF, JPEG or PNG), what size palette you'd like to use, how to cut down the colours to fit the chosen palette size, how much to dither the optimised image (if at all) and how much to sacrifice image quality to produce a smaller file size.

Image views You will see four tabs above the image view pane on the left side of the screen. These options allow you to view the original image, the optimized version (this is the default), the original and optimized versions side-by-side ("2-Up") and the original, optimized and two variations on the optimization all together ("4-Up"). You can use the Zoom tool to zoom in and out of the image; the Hand tool to move the view around; and the Eyedropper tool to select a color from the image which can be used by various color options on the right of the dialog.

Presets There are many options in the Save for Web dialog, and the choices can be quite confusing! Fortunately, there are a list of presets you can choose from to make it easier. Click the Settings: drop-down list (just below the Cancel button) to bring up the list of presets:

Three basic image formats exists in the presets - GIF, JPEG and PNG. The rule of thumb is to use JPEG's for photos and GIF's for all else. For a full guide on choosing the right image format, see Understanding image formats.

Optimizing GIFs If you're making a GIF, you will want to start off with a preset such as GIF 32 Dithered, which works well for most GIFs. You can then fine-tune the optimization to fit your needs. Some of the important optimization options are discussed below.

Color reduction method This drop-down box is located below the Image Format box. The commonly used options here include:

Perceptual: Creates the reduced colour palette favouring colours that the human eye is more sensitive to. Selective: Like Perceptual, but better for Web work. The favoured (and default) option. Adaptive: Creates the palette by taking an even sampling of colours from the image's colour spectrum. Generally not quite as good as Selective. Web: Use if you need a complete Web-safe colour palette (Netscape 216-colour palette). These days, this usually isn't that important as most displays support at least 16 million colours. Dithering method This is the drop-down box below the "colour reduction method" box. Dithering involves adding patterned or random dots to the image to make it appear to contain more colours than are actually in the palette, allowing you to use a smaller palette size. The options are:

No Dither: No dithering is applied to the image. This is good if the dithering effect looks bad, but can produce severe "banding" of colors. Diffusion: Uses error diffusion dithering, which looks similar to Noise dithering and produces a random-looking pattern of dots. This method can produce seams when using ImageReady slices. Pattern: Uses a pattern for dithering, rather than random dots. Can work well for some images, but sometimes produces a rather unnatural look to the image. Noise: Similar to Diffusion, but does not create seams at the edges of slices in ImageReady. Transparency If your image does not have its Background layer turned on this checkbox will be available. It denotes that you wish for parts of the saved GIF to be translucent. If you uncheck this box, the transparent areas will instead be filled with the Matte color (or white if no matte is selected).

Interlaced A quick note about this: if checked it does increase the file size. This checkbox controls GIF Interlacing. If enabled, the GIF will appear gradually as interlaced horizontal lines as it is loaded on the Web page, which gives viewers something to look at while the full image appears.

Lossy This slider allows you to remove some detail from the image, in order to reduce the file size further. Use only if you don't mind reducing the image quality quite severely! A value of 0 will not remove any detail; a value of 100 will remove the maximum amount of detail.

Colors This is where you choose the size of your GIF palette. A palette of 32 colours is often sufficient for web images, but if your image has a lot of detail and looks too fuzzy/blurry/banded with 32, up it to 64, 128 or 256. If your image has very few colours in to start with, or doesn't look too bad with fewer colours, select 16, 8, 4 or even 2! This will make the GIF file size smaller.

Dither If you have selected a dithering method (see above), this option lets you control how much the image is dithered - 0 means no dithering, 100 means lots of dithering.

Matte The matte is the background color you want to use for your image. If you've enabled Transparency then the foreground image will be faded at the edges to blend in with the matte color. If you choose the Matte setting of None, the GIF will have a "hard transparency" with no fading; this is great if you want to be able to use the image on any color background.

If you've disabled Transparency, the transparent areas of your image will be filled in with the matte color.

Web Snap If you want to use web-safe colors you will want to increase the Web Snap slider. Photoshop will bias your color palette more and more towards web-safe colors the higher the value of Web Snap.

Optimizing JPEGs If you're creating a JPEG you will want to start off with a preset such as JPEG Medium, which typically works well for most JPEGs. From there you can fine-tune the optimization to suit your needs. Some of the important optimization options are as follows:

Quality There are two ways to alter the compression quality: the Low/Medium/High/Maximum list (for quick access), and the Quality slider (for fine control). The lower the quality setting, the more blurry and bitty the JPEG will appear, but the smaller the resulting file size.

Progressive A progressive JPEG is similar to an interlaced GIF (see above). The image will load gradually on the Web page - a low resolution image first, then eventually the full, high-resolution image. Again, great for stopping your viewers on slow modems getting bored, but it does mean a slightly larger file size, and really old browsers don't support progressive JPEGs.

Matte If your Photoshop image has transparent areas, you can fill them with a specified matte colour with this drop-down box.

Optimising PNGs The options for optimising a PNG-24 is much the same as those for optimising a JPEG. Similarly, the options for optimising a PNG-8 are very similar to those for optimising a GIF. See the GIF and JPEG sections above for details.

If you really can't be bothered... can always allow Photoshop to optimize your image for you! Select the little arrow just to the right of the Settings... box and select Optimize to File Size...:

In the dialog window that pops up, choose Auto Select GIF/JPEG then enter your desired file size. Click OK and Photoshop will do the rest for you! If you're not pleased with the results, play with the settings as described in the sections above, or just choose a slightly larger file size and try again.

Saving the image Once you're happy with your optimized image, click OK to save it to disk. The file saved will be a copy of your original image, unless you specifically overwrite the original with the optimized file.

Discover how to Learn Photoshop Fast HERE... Free Tips Blog For Photoshop Newbies ...what are you waiting for?

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How Is it possible to get my husband back and have him love me again?

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

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It seems like my spouse and I are worlds apart. He seems distant at this moment and I’m uncertain what to do. I don’t think he loves me anymore. Is it possible to get my husband back and have him love me again?


This is a tough position to be in. And it’s difficult to be in love with someone who you think doesn’t love you back. But what should you do if the person who is supposed to love you but doesn’t turns out to be your spouse?

Sometimes couples emotionally drift apart. However, just because your relationship has hit a tough spot, doesn’t mean it can’t be overcome. It’s much easier to resolve issues in your relationship if they are somewhat minor. However, if there have been instances of abuse or cheating by your husband, you might want to re-evaluate your desire to get back together. An abusive relationship is something that shouldn’t be tolerated. If you’ve found yourself in this situation, chances are your foundation wasn’t really built on love.

If you still want to go ahead and try and save the relationship, consider seeing a marriage therapist. If your husband was abusive towards you, there are issues that need to be dealt with before the two of you can make real progress. Talk to the therapist. They’ll be able to help you sort out your feelings and figure out if going back to your husband is the best move for you.

However, if there are no serious issues between you two, find out if your husband has indeed, fallen out of love with you. You might be surprised to find that your husband still cares deeply for you, but his feelings have taken a back seat for one reason or another.

Maybe both spouses are so over worked and stressed out that by the end of the day, making time for them isn’t high on the priority list. Even the smallest details of a relationship like back tickles, foot rubs and shoulder rubs fall through the cracks when life gets too stressful. We’re not assigning blame here, so it doesn’t matter which spouse stopped doing those things first. The point is that when they stop, it sends the message that “you’re not important enough in the relationship for the little things” and so the other spouse naturally concludes that they don’t love them anymore.

Chances are this is the root of the problem. Your husband is sitting there just waiting for you to love him again, but he might not want to come and tell you outright because he doesn’t want to get rejected. So if you want to find out if this is really the case, set aside some free time for just the two of you where there are no distractions. It’s easy in this day and age to say that you don’t have any free time. And we feel like we’re being pulled in so many different directions with work and home life. But at the end of the day, it’s your marriage and your relationship with your husband that counts. You may have to put a few things on hold, but the end results will be worth it.

Have a look at your calendar to verify you’re both free and pencil in a date. It doesn’t need to be anything extravagant. Keep it simplistic and use it to reconnect with each other and re-ignite the romantic spark between you. Get acquainted with each other all over again. Spending time together without the kids or other distractions is crucial to marital success and happiness because it reminds you of the happy times you had with each other. Generally, that’s all there is to it. Spend time with each other without distractions and let your feelings for each other develop naturally.

So to answer your original question: Can I get my husband back and have him love me again, the answer is yes.

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Dealing With Infidelity - How To Stop Playing The Affair Over In My Head

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Since finding out about the affair your life has been upside down and devastating. You can't seem to be happy any more or smile as easily as you used to. As hard as you try, you just can't seem to get the image of them together out of your head. You think about this mess everyday. It never leaves your mind. You are making yourself miserable. Unfortunately, this is the fallout of dealing with infidelity in your marriage. It is not uncommon for the victim of an affair, to carry around images related to the affair in their mind.

It doesn't seem fair that your cheating spouse had the good time with his paramour, so why do you feel like you are the unworthy one? The insane movie keeps running in your head over and over again. You're saddled with a fantasy of the person you love with someone other than you. You are feeling insecure, powerless, inadequate and you can't seem to stop comparing yourself to her. You have this internal dialogue all day every day about how she must have been better than you, and that he must really enjoy her company and conversation. How in the world do you get that out of your head? Can you ever recover from those images?

In the beginning it is going to take a great deal of effort on your part to gain control over the haunting images of the affair in your mind. Here's an exercise that you can practice:

To help weaken the power of the fantasies, first find yourself a comfortable, secluded spot where you can sit quietly by yourself without any interruptions.

Then deliberately allow those images to come to you in whatever form your mind develops them.

Once the image of the affair is clear in your mind, try manipulating it in different ways such as playing it backwards in your head.

This technique may not work for everyone, if it works for you fine, if not then immediately stop doing it. This is not the whole solution, there are other ways to deal with the disturbing images.

It's not going to be easy to replace the negative movie of your spouse and his paramour with a more positive one with you in it. But at some point you will regain control of your crushed emotions. Learning how to cope with, and move beyond the thoughts and images that are torturing you is just one aspect of dealing with infidelity in your marriage.
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How To Save $500 On Gap Auto Insurance

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

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The average price for gap auto insurance sold by an auto dealership or finance company is $578.

Q. So why would anybody in their right mind pay $500 more they should?

A. They don’t know any better.

Imagine you’re in a car dealership and you’ve just purchased a brand new car. You’re sitting there with a self satisfied smile on your face that lets everybody in the showroom know you just brought the salesman to his knees with your finely honed negotiating skills.

Next you go see the finance person to arrange a loan. This is where you’re casually informed that if you wreck your beautiful new car during the next year or two you’re going to have fork over maybe five grand because the car will be worth that much less than what you still owe the bank.

Lucky for you the finance guy has a tailored made solution to the problem. For a measly $578 one time fee you can purchase a gap policy that protects you from a potential shortfall, up to $5,000, if you owe the bank more than the car is worth when that bus hits you.

Of course you’re going to say “sure, go ahead” because you’re afraid of losing your shirt and, by the way, did I tell you the premium could be rolled right into the loan?

On one hand, you’re relieved to know the value your asset is protected, but on the other hand you’re asking yourself why it had to cost so much.

Well, it doesn’t. But who knew that there was even such a thing as gap insurance much less how much it’s supposed to cost. The problem is not with you, but with the major insurance companies and their brokers.

The reason you don’t hear anything about gap from your insurance agent is that it isn’t exactly a big money maker. With an average gap endorsement costing around $35 a year, there isn’t a lot of profit incentive to buy 30 second spots on American Idol.

Besides the price, there’s another difference between the gap insurance sold by a car dealer and the policy rider sold by a name brand gap insurance provider. When you buy gap from a major insurer you can cancel the rider as soon as the loan balance and value of your car reach parity – usually within the first two years of ownership.

With dealership gap insurance, the coverage is spread out over 60 months and cannot be canceled for a refund – whether you need it or not.
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Is Your Relationship About to Expire? Unsure of His Love For You, Pay Attention to These 3 Senses!

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When was the last time you saw desire in his eyes, felt warmth in his touch, or heard love in his voice? How long has it been since that troublesome doubt crept into your heart and perched beside your assurances, that this love was true love?

Suspicion is natural and also deceptive because it lingers in the backdrop of perfection, and at the slightest inkling of confusion or disorder it catapults to center stage. What I'm leading up to is this: relationships come with their ups and downs, and it is when a relationship falls on tough times that doubt emerges.

I'm sure you'll agree that you didn't start having discomfort in your relationship until something out of the ordinary occurred. Something that turned your day to day expectations upside down: an argument, an unfulfilled promise, a lie uncovered. Fortunately none of this means the relationship is over, only that it hit a bump in a so far bump-less road.

How can you tell if this is only a rough patch, or a sign of relationship Armageddon? Simple, I'm inviting you to take advantage of your senses to find the answers. More specifically 3 senses:

Sight: Watch for signs of avoidance. Does he avoid eye contact? Does he cross his arms when you talk to him? Is his body turned away from you during conversation?

Touch: Physical contact is a major part of a relationship, and one to take notice of in times of trouble. Does he still hold your hand? Does he still hold you close; either intimately, or just because? Do you still feel warmth and calm when he holds you?

Hear: Listening is probably the most important part of a relationship because it involves communication. Does he listen to what you say or just grin and nod? Does he actively participate in conversations about your relationships future, or does he avoid them diligently?

I'm hoping you fall into the category of "Relationship Rough Patch," but if you find that your relationship is struggling in these 3 areas then it might be time to let go. You cannot let the illusion of love fulfill your need of love.

But before I say anymore, let me say this, no one on the outside of a relationship has the right to demolish it, only those that built it can decide to tear it down or fix the foundation.

You have total control of the direction your relationship will take. You have a choice of failure, or success. I'm sure you'll agree that since your here you want your relationship to succeed. If so, then take control. Don't wait for him to make the first move. Visit and save your relationship today!

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Scarlet Letter: a Christian with AIDS

Monday, August 19, 2013

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My Christian friend from NFO, Jen, emailed me when she found out about Tony, other than being sorry to hear it: "I really hope that this may be some sort of wake up call - you're too smart to do some of the stuff you do, and you have a lot of friends who worry about you...".

She knows, because I've talked with her a lot, that I've been far from a disciplined Christian when it comes to sex outside of marriage. She's a "born-again virgin," to her credit, vowing never to have sex again until marriage - so help her God!

The wake up call if TOO LATE, in one sense. After finding out that Tony had the dreaded disease, I thought it's more likely I would have it since I've been more "risky" than him (and we're only friends), so I went and got tested to play it safe (pun intended). Well, I was devastated yesterday morning to have the nice and pretty lady tell me that she "didn't have good news."

I've been diagnosed with HIV by the Eliza test and it's been backed up/confirmed by the European blot test. My first thought was where is the highest building to jump off of, as tears filled my eyes, and then I was in that dream state where this can't be happening, this is all unreal, I'm watching a movie, how will I tell mom and Kim and Lisa and everybody, why did I have to be so stupid? Why couldn't/didn't I stop sinning and live? As Cher sings, "If I could turn back time." But the woman tried to comfort me that whereas most people used to die within 2 years, now many are living up to 10 years without any symptoms. I also don't have any symptoms now.

She gave me all the information and numbers and places like David's House and MCO to help out people like me with no insurance (and now I'll NEVER be able to get any), all the information that I never wanted to hear or have to receive (probably like you now, sorry)....

I went and told mom in person, as Bob suggested, and she told Kim who cried with me on the phone, and they're going to tell Lisa. Of course, I could live a "normal" life and outlive everybody, one never knows. All I know is I prayed to God years ago, in my beloved Israel, that I wanted to be in His Kingdom NO MATTER WHAT - even if it took AIDS to help me get and stay straight. Well, it looks like God might let my body be destroyed to save my soul; or He'll let me have it, if He doesn't heal me (and He could), to keep me celibate (since He knows I won't go out and give it to others like some wicked people I know).

Mom said, "God hasn't let you live this long to let you die now." I just hate the selfishness of sin, how I've now hurt and affected my family, and then there's the STIGMA that a struggling Christian writer would have AIDS! But God promises everything works together for good, for those of us who are called according to His wonderful Purpose.

This is only my second day of "living with AIDS" and I'm already sick and tired of thinking and/or worrying about it. Of course I had another test done right then and there just in case, however unlikely, that they switched my blood tube with someone else's. Anyway, life goes on.

Shabbat Shalom,

Your bro,

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How to Fix Your Relationship Before it Becomes Unfixable

Sunday, August 18, 2013

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Relationship repair is not easy. Part of this is because while dealing with a relationship that has gone south, one get depressed which can lead to not only anxiety but maybe something even worse, including alcohol or substance abuse. You want to fix the relationship, but it seems so complex that it leaves a lot of us just hanging our heads and giving up. It is imperative that you get help as soon as possible to help with the relationship fix, before it is too late.

The problem s many couples face, is that they try a lot of things to get back a once happy relationship, but nothing seems to work. And this turns into arguments, and feelings of futility and hopelessness. This does not have to be the cause. Just like with everything else in life, relationship repair is a learning process. That is why I suggest looking to the professionals to assist. Instead of relying on fixing the relationship by yourself, swallow your pride (obviously nothing has worked up until now or you wouldn't be reading this). There are many books out there that deal with the information and tools needed to get that relationship back to where it was.

Conflicts can com from physical or psychological problems in either person. One key issue that continues to cause problems is the difference in opinion when parenting. That certainly was the case with me. The wife and I were always on the opposite ends of the spectrum when it came to parenting. The books that are available help each person in the relationship to understand all the issues that exist and can help each person get to the bottom of what is truly causing these conflicts which can, in turn, help in repairing the relationship for good.

The key to having this all work, is both need to agree that help is needed, beyond trying to repair the relationship on their own. It is important that both are ready to work at it and learn what needs to be done to get that spark back. Understanding each other's difference and what fuels these conflicts is the crucial part for getting back on track.

Most likely you and your partner are causing the core problems in your relationship yourselves because of your poor communication patterns, continuing conflicts, intermittent estrangements or even sexual problems. Since your relationship with your partner is fundamental, it will be necessary for both of you to change your underlying communication patterns.

Goal-setting is the second stage of treatment. At this stage, you and your counselor specify the behavioral changes which you believe are necessary to repair the relationship. These can include increases in empathy, the use of skilled problem-solving methods, the demonstration of appreciation and the more frequent use of forgiveness.

The last stage of this important process is implementation-putting what you have learned into action. This stage includes the creation of a fast and easy-to-use program which will get you and your partner from where you are to where you WANT to be.

Start working repairing your relationship.

Visit Repair My Relationship

Scott Boehler

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Divorce Recovery & Resistance to Change - How to Sabotage Your Divorce Recovery without Even Trying

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Recovery from divorce requires us to make changes in our lives. Lots of changes. No big surprise here. For example, divorce almost always forces us to make changes in our relationships, our finances, our living arrangements, our health-related activities, our self-development, and our recreational and social activities.

The logical prescription to speed our transition from being unhappily married to happily unmarried is straightforward: make the necessary changes ASAP! No problem. Why, then, don't we do it? Why are we universally reluctant to do the obvious and make the changes that would improve our life after divorce?

The answer? RESISTANCE TO CHANGE! Resistance to change is our reluctance to make a positive change because of personal reasons.

1. A Personal Example

What I did when my first marriage ended is an example of how resistance to change prevents us from making a swift and smooth recovery from divorce. After eight years of marriage, my wife and I agreed it was over. We had tried several things to save it - couples counseling, communication training weekends, couples retreats, individual therapy. These efforts only served to reinforce our belief that a divorce was the right thing to do. Even though a judge had not signed any paper yet, the harsh reality was the marriage was over.

2. Three Ways Resistance to Change Can Ruin Your Divorce Recovery

Three things prevented me from moving on and making my recovery from divorce.

(1) FEAR - I was afraid of an unknown future.
(2) LOSS - I did not want to lose my "perfect life fantasy" of being married "til death do us part" with a loving wife and living with two wonderful daughters.
(3) SKILLS - I did not believe I had the ability to live successfully as a single man. These three things illustrate the three causes of resistance to change, which had me firmly in its grasp.

3. Cause #1 of Resistance to Change - Fear of an Unknown Future

I could not guarantee my future would be happy. I could not guarantee that I would meet someone new. My disaster fantasy was that I would never find true love again and would live alone and lonely the rest of my life. This fear paralyzed me and prevented me from moving into the next chapter of my life.

4. Cause #2 of Resistance to Change - Distress Over Loss

Moving on meant I would lose daily access to my two daughters. It also meant I would lose the stability of a daily living routine. But most importantly, it meant I would lose the hopes, dreams, and assumptions about our family I had been collecting ever since my wife and I met.

For example, I had hoped my family would last forever. I had assumed I would be involved daily in my daughters' lives. I had dreamed of growing old with my wife. My parents were married 67 years, so why not me too? Taking the active steps to recover would force me to admit that these hopes, dreams, and assumptions were shattered. The loss seemed more than I could handle. Hence, I put off moving on and thereby delayed my recovery from divorce.

5. Cause #3 of Resistance to Change - Uncertainty over the Operational Aspects

Logic-based resistance to change reflects our reluctance to make a change because we do not understand or agree with the Who, What, When, Where, Why, and/or How of the change. My logic-based resistance was based partly in my uncertainty about some How's and Who's of dating.

I had not dated for over nine years. I was convinced I would not be able to date without thoroughly embarrassing myself. I was stuck on such issues as ' "How do you date?" "Who will I date?' "Where will I find people to date?" As long as I pretended I did not have to take control of my divorce recovery, I did not have to confront my ineptitude with dating.

6. So How Can You Use This?

One fact exists, resistance to change happens to EVERYONE. It will happen to you. Be aware of its causes and be alert to your fears, your reactions to loss, and your confusion over the operational nuts and bolts of making a recovery. It's all about taking the next step. Making the next change. You can be paralyzed by resistance to change as I was, or you can confront the resistance and dissolve it, thus enabling you to get on with the next chapter in your life.

Some questions to ask yourself that will help guide you on your recovery might include - What about the future do you fear today? What about "how things used to be" are hard for you to give up? Are you confident that you have the skills and knowledge to make your recovery?

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How could everything change so dramatically?

Saturday, August 17, 2013

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By Mort Fertel, Author & Founder of Marriage Fitness (An Alternative to Marriage Counseling)

I came across this quote today and wanted to share it with you. You may find that it relates to your marriage.

"The difficultly with marriage is that we fall in love with a personality, but we must live with a character."

- Peter Devries

We can only appreciate the profundity of this statement if we understand what is meant by CHARACTER.

"Personality" is easy to understand. Your "personality" is how people experience you. It's your public persona.

But what is "character?" And why is "character" so crucial in your marriage?

Character is who you are when no one is watching.

Let me say that again so you can read it slowly and really digest it this time.

Character is who you are when no one is watching.

You see, when you and your spouse met, you met each other's PERSONALITIES. You showed your spouse and you were shown by your spouse your public personas. I'm not saying you tricked each other. It's just your personalityÂ…how you display yourself to others.

But marriage lasts too long in too close quarters for anyone to sustain a public persona. Personalities eventually give way to an INNER SELF that gets revealed for the first time. And there you each stand, naked as if no one is watching. But someone is watching. And that's when you meet for the first timeÂ…again!

You and your spouse don't meet the person who charmed each other's friends, bought gifts for each other's parents, and always smiled from ear to ear. No, this time it's a meeting of your CHARACTERS.

In many cases, it's not only that you're meeting each other for the first time, but it's that you're meeting YOURSELVES for the first time.

Most people wouldn't be caught dead treating anyone the way they treat their spouse. Most people don't recognize their own behavior. "I'm just not myself with him/her." Well then who is that person? That's YOUÂ…it's your character. (And your spouse meets their character.)

The reason so many people fail at marriage and an attempt at marriage renewal is NOT that they don't like their spouse. It's that they don't like THEMSELVES. And while everyone else in their life is like a mirror reflecting their personality; their spouse is a mirror reflecting their character. And most people don't like what they see.

Many people would rather choose to be with someone else than remain with their spouse and have to continue to be with themselves. (Did you get that?)

Balthasar Gracian wrote in his 17th century manual on success, The Art of Worldly Wisdom, as follows: "You are as much a real person as you are deep. As with the depths of a diamond, the interior is twice as important as the surface. There are people who are all facade, like a house left unfinished when the funds run out. They have the entrance of a palace but the inner rooms of a cottage."

Marriage renewal and individual character development go hand-in-hand. If you want to improve one, work on the other too.

Would you like more counsel? Subscribe to my FREE marriage help email service. Over 75,000 each year subscribe to receive the free report "7 Secrets for Fixing Your Marriage." This advice alone will begin to change your marriage. And you'll also get 5 free marriage assessments and more information about Marriage Fitness with Mort Fertel. There are no strings attached. You can sign up for free by visiting

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I Think My Wife Is About To File For Divorce. Help!

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If you're a husband who is seeing signs and signals that indicate your wife may file for divorce, there are some important things you should be aware of.

First of all, DO NOT move out of YOUR house. DO NOT go stay with someone else for a while. DO NOT relinquish control of YOUR possessions in any way.

If your wife suggests that the two of you "take a break" and "spend some time apart", then directly and firmly let her know that SHE certainly has the right to go stay somewhere else but that you are NOT leaving your house.

Of course, it sometimes happens that a woman will have the locks changed on the house while her husband is away but more often than not, if a man tells his wife that if anyone is leaving it will be her, then, she'll be the one who does the leaving.

Now, this is important for a number of reasons...

One, when a man leaves, it gives a woman extra space and freedom to initiate the divorce. For whatever reason, it seems to be easier for a woman to file for divorce when she's separated from her husband.

Two, it sets the foundation for the woman to get custody of any children by default. If you care about your children at all, this is very important.

Three, lawyers can and WILL distort anything and everything you've ever said or done - which means if you try to be the nice guy and leave your house to give your wife her "space" until things get "worked out", and things take a turn for the worse instead of for the better, then don't be surprised if in court your separation gets morphed into something like, "This horrible abuser ABANDONED his family and left them to fend for themselves."

Now, before you start thinking to yourself that I'm some amazingly negative person with major issues and a huge chip on his shoulder, please understand that I'm merely relating facts based on what happens to thousands of men every day.

In fact, before I continue on, let me inform you that every day, false charges are filed by women against the husband they are divorcing - simply to gain the upper hand on him in the divorce and/or custody proceedings. And, these false charges are usually of a very serious nature - ranging from "alleged" physical abuse to outright claims of sexual abuse - often resulting in the woman gaining a protective order which blocks the husband from all access to his children and possessions.

Ok, let's continue... The second thing you should know is that if your wife files for divorce, EXPECT her to become vicious in all sorts of ways you would have never dreamed of - ways that hurt you and cost you. I'll give you two common examples.

One, it's typical for husbands to want JOINT custody of the children. In other words, they want their children to have equal access to both their father and their mother. And, that seems like a reasonable sort of arrangement, don't you think?

Well, court records PROVE that with very, very few exceptions, women seek SOLE custody of the children - and specifically, they mostly seek an arrangement where children have as little access or contact with their father as possible.

Two, in the context of a divorce, it's typical for husbands to want a fair and equitable distribution of the property. Again, that seems like the fair thing to do, wouldn't you agree?

But again, court records PROVE that with very few exceptions, women seek to get ALL of the major possessions of worth or value. It seems that women rationalize to themselves that their husband has some unfair advantage such that she needs EVERYTHING to continue on and he needs NOTHING because he can easily go make a new start.

The third thing you should know is that it's certainly appropriate to want to work things out between you and your wife. By all means, let her know that you would PREFER to work things out with her...that you'd PREFER to make a fresh start where you do a better job of meeting her needs and equally as important, where she does a better job of meeting your needs too.

She may or may not accept your INVITATION.

If she doesn't, LET her be an individual who is free to make her own choices and who is free to pursue whatever paths in life she chooses to pursue - even if that means one without you.

DO NOT supplicate. DO NOT beg. DO NOT pester her with "tracking" calls any time the two of you are apart. DO NOT stalk or spy. DO NOT project insecurity and paranoia. Be a man. Respect yourself. You're a survivor and a winner. You WILL be ok with or without this PARTICULAR woman.

If your wife chooses to move on without you, there are plenty of quality women in this world who would be EAGER to join paths with you.

Of course, you don't want to go overboard with this such that your wife thinks you don't have any interest in her. That obviously wouldn't help improve your marriage.

On the other hand, if she does accept your invitation, that's wonderful. Promptly and proactively seek for ways of improving your marriage relationship.

When it comes to "fixing" relationships, the pattern is that men tend to procrastinate and women tend to act. And specifically, women tend act by interviewing multiple attorneys, by making plans and arrangements - all the way down to knowing exactly where you're at and making sure any children are with her when she fires off her dirty deed of filing for divorce. The result is that men willingly put themselves in a position of HUGE disadvantage.

So, your best option is to DO something TODAY to turn your marriage around for the better.

Whatever you do, don't leave things in limbo - put time frames and constraints on things. Many a woman has strung her husband along while she's out playing the field, making alternate arrangements, and setting up a new life without him while he's at home hoping she'll come back around.

And, just so you know, when a man is passive in this way, it just proves to his wife that he's not man enough for her and that she needs to find someone else who is manlier.

Also, a word of warning...

Beware of counselors who want to pull up and "analyze" all the bad stuff that's happened in your marriage as this will only serve to emphasize the negatives that your wife is already holding in her mind and further suggest to her that leaving you is the right thing to do.

Your wife is already acknowledging internally all the bad stuff and perceived wrongs that's happened in your marriage in a strong, vivid way and anything that "strengthens" her in this state is only going to work AGAINST you.

So, if you and your wife are still in the same house and nothing has happened yet, then I URGE you to get these two books (available at right away:

"How To Turn Your Wife Into A Nymphomaniac"

"Strategies and Tactics for the Husband in a Sexless Marriage"

Not only will these two books show you what you need to do to save your marriage, they will also show you how to get the kind of marriage you want - a happy, sexual one.

Now, if you're reading this and your wife has already filed for divorce, then I have two important recommendations for you:

One, I highly recommend that you IMMEDIATELY go to and get the following book OVERNIGHTED to yourself:

The Father's Emergency Guide to Divorce-Custody Battle: A Tour Through the Predatory World of Judges, Lawyers, Psychologists & Social Workers, in the Subculture of Divorce by William Dawes

Also, if you have children, I STRONGLY recommend you get these books too:

Custody for Fathers: A Practical Guide Through the Combat Zone of a Brutal Custody Battle by Carleen Brennan

Fighting for Your Children: A Father's Guide to Custody by John Steninbreder

Fathers' Rights: Hard-Hitting & Fair Advice for Every Father Involved in a Custody Dispute by Jeffery Leving

All four of the above listed books are critically important to a man with children facing a divorce.

Perhaps most important is that they will educate a man on how to direct and drive his attorney in a way that's useful to him. Without the information contained in these books, a man's attorney will more often than not work AGAINST him more than he works FOR him. But, with the knowledge contained in these books, a man is better armed to protect himself and his interests.

The second recommendation is to realize that EVERYTHING is important in a divorce proceeding. If your attorney tells you something isn't really important then understand that HE/SHE is probably LYING to you.

For example, attorney after attorney has told husband after husband that the initial "Temporary Hearing" (the "Pendente Lite") was "no big deal" and that it wasn't important for him to be there. Well, the fact of the matter is that this is usually the MOST IMPORTANT hearing there is because key precedents are set which shape the way things are to be LONG-TERM.

Similarly, everything a man signs is important. For example, many a man has signed an unfavorable agreement in good faith based on his attorney's statement of "just until we get this worked out". Unfortunately, that unfavorable agreement became a binding and legal agreement that the man had to live with for the next 10 to 20 years - or in some cases, for the rest of his life (or his ex-wife's life).

Copyright 2009, Article by Calle Zorro of Permission is granted to reprint this article ONLY if a resource box pointing to the following website is included with it.

If you're a husband who wants a happier, more sexual marriage relationship, consider this help:

If you are a husband who is doing everything you know to do and still there is lack of intimacy in your marriage relationship, consider this help:

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Find Out How To Save %50 Or More Every Time You Get An Oil Change!

Friday, August 16, 2013

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Stop wasting money ! Find out how to save on car maintenance.

A budget is the best tool to help you get your finances under control. It allows you to see what is coming in and what is going out. This in turn allows you to think critically about what things are needful and what can be cut out and even expose obvious things that you could save money on.

With a little bit of effort little by little you can get cut off a large portion of your spending opening those funds up to fill whatever gaps may happen such as with unexpected inflation.

Saving On Gas

Perhaps you have heard of sites that tell you who has the best price for gas in town. As it turns out the difference between the highest gas price and the lowest is around $6. Now if you include driving across town you might spend a buck or two to do that in the process.

Now the most expensive price in town right now for gas as of Feb,2010 is $3.09 and the least expensive is $2.58. Say you have a 14 gallon tank that comes to $43.26 for the most expensive and the least is $36.12 and the difference comes to $7.14. In a year that would add up to $171.36 in savings if you fill up twice a month. It seems at first that you would save a lot more than that but this will become more important as we approach $5 a gallon gas. Now lets look at another car bill you can save money on.

Cheap Oil Changes

If you can find the same deal when you get an oil change the difference can be just as much usually $20 or more in savings per oil change. In my city local chains charge around $40. When searching around it turns out there is a dealership in my city charging just $15 saving me $25. The alternative to this perhaps would DIY option which takes time and effort in disposal and clean up.

In past articles the idea of how much you can save per year was not mentioned.

The figures turn out approximately like this:

Money saved using gas prices is about $171.36 a year.

Money saved using oil change prices $80 a year.

Total: $251.36

Not bad!

Surely you can think of tons of other ways to do the same thing on other bills saving you all kinds of money. Be encouraged to know your money can go a lot farther than you might have thought.

I understand you can also Google grocery game. You may have heard about people who go to the store ring up $200 of groceries and only end up actually paying only a few cents!

If any of you have tried that and had it work please let me know. It is good to always be on the look out for new ways to conserve money.

This article is brought to you by cheap oil changes where you can get prices for an oil change in your area and choose the best price. Often you can save 50% or more. If your area is not found please contact the webmaster and a price map will be generated for you.

That’s all for now happy bargain hunting. .o/
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Three Secrets to Save Your Relationship

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A lot of couples believe that the secret to relationship success is some complex mystery that they have failed to discover or apply. I’m not sure how complex the concept of ‘compatibility’ sounds to you, but it is an essential requirement. However, even if you were once compatible, you may now find yourself struggling to save your relationship. So, there must be something more?

There is. What generally happens is that when couples are in a long-term relationship, somewhere along the way they give up two very essential and simple ingredients of a successful relationship: communication and respect. Has the same happened to you? Read on, and find out how to revive your relationship.


How you talk to your partner is not just a very relevant communication issue, but also shows how much you respect them. You could unleash your irritation and say very brusquely, “you forgot to buy the shampoo yesterday”, or you could say more calmly and politely, “Peter, you forgot the shampoo, would you mind getting it today?” The first way sounds like an accusation, and it is a horrible way to start your day together. The choice is straightforward - you either unload your feeling of frustration about your partner’s forgetfulness on him, or be more calm and accepting about this little flaw in him, and try to work around it. You know which of these ways will help you bring about a positive change and save your relationship. It is remarkable how much accumulated positive energy mere politeness in mundane, day-to-day issues can create.

Quit The Blame Game

How else will you revive your relationship? You have to recognize the fact that both of you have joint responsibility for your relationship, for better or for worse. Even if a particular problem originates with one person, it is the other person who is responsible for either reacting negatively and angrily, or more calmly and positively. If you can simply abandon the phrase, ‘the problem with you is thatÂ…’, it will be a huge step forward.

The Communication Game

Good communication means that you share with each other how you are feeling about things. However, the problem with your relationship is that you either don’t talk about your feelings at all, or you get into a fight about them! it is generally different with men and women. Women complain that their partners don’t talk, and men complain that the women want to talk endlessly. Here is a little game that you can play, which should work for both of you and help you communicate better and save your relationship.

Give your partner 10 minutes to express how they are feeling about the relationship without interruption. Let them express themselves. Then it is your turn to do the same. When both of you have spoken calmly and without interruptions, you have a further 10 minutes to interact and discus ways in which you can sort out your problems. If you mutually agree to continue the conversation, do it for no more than another 20-30 minutes. At the end of the half hour or hour, you will find that you have actually made more headway than hours of fights and arguments. It could be a big step forward in your effort to revive your relationship.

With these simple steps involving good communication and respect for each other, you should be able to save your relationship.

You are free to publish this article without any change in the content electronically, in print, in your e-book, or on your web site, free of charge, as long as the author resource details are included.

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Steps to Marriage Separation Reconciliation - The Four R's

Thursday, August 15, 2013

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If you and your spouse are going through a marital crisis and have separated, don't despair. It is still possible to save your marriage. The steps to marriage separation reconciliation are based on the four R's: Repentance, Restructuring, Reporting, and Restoration.


To repent is to feel regret or remorse for the misdeeds one has done. In order to reconcile a marriage, each party must be willing to recognize their fault in the dissolution of the marriage, whether it be large or small, whether it be a result of being on the offensive or defensive line. None are perfect and all have flaws. You must then be willing to take the necessary actions to rectify or at least prevent the same mistakes from occurring in the future.


Restructuring is the action plan you and your spouse will use to rebuild the marriage. The ability to communicate is vital in this step. Each party needs to be able to express what their needs and wants are and the other needs to listen, not only with their ears, but with their heart as well. Whether perceived wrongs or what you thought you were doing right is accurate or not is of no consequence; you must be able to empathize with your spouse's feelings. Once everything has been aired, the two of you can then work together to find practical and constructive ways to resolve the issues.


Reporting is simply accountability. Accountability in a relationship is not to make you feel like big brother is always watching over you, but it is to build the trust and communication bonds between a couple. Being accountable to your spouse is not about being selfish, it is the act of putting their needs and desires first. Marriage is a two-way street in which you give and take, and when you give selflessly you are more apt to receive the same in return. Accountability just provides the honesty, openness, and assurance needed to rebuild the relationship and open the path to restoration.


Restoration is the actual step of repairing or renewing your marriage. If you have moved through the other three steps to marriage separation reconciliation, then restoration should be much easier and the marriage may actually be better than in the beginning. You have begun a new relationship with your spouse in which you have better communication, more honesty, and a desire to please your mate.

If the communication lines are too far gone at this point, consider receiving outside guidance. Almost all marriages should and can be saved. If you have the desire to save your marriage, it can be done. can offer you the guidance needed to work through the steps to marriage separation reconciliation. (Note: This is Part 1 of a five-part series.)

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Time To Consider A Trial Separation To Save Your Marriage?

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

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A trial separation may allow the partner who wants the divorce to experience some of the feelings of being separated without making a final decision to divorce. The main benefit of a trial separation, of course, is that it's easily reversible. You can try it for a while, go through therapy, and after that reconcile, or else you can try separation for a while, decide you like it - and therefore proceed with divorce.

There are two ways you and your spouse can separate: Either with an informal separation or by a formal officially authorized separation.

An informal separation is basically whatever the two of you decide it to be. Typically, one of you stays in the residence you had previously shared, and the other moves into some other quarters. At this stage you normally wouldn't make any formal property division, but you would come to an agreement, informally, on some kind of working agreement about possession of things like cars, the bank accounts, the credit cards, and the stereo.

A formal legal separation is more lasting, more complicated, and more expensive. It's also much less common. It's nearly as expensive as a divorce - sometimes more so, because it's less unusual - so you may have to pay your lawyer to figure out how to do everything. And often people who get a formal legal separation wind up having to go through all the pain, time, and expense again later to get an actual divorce.

So why, I hear you ask, would anyone go through a formal legal separation? Maybe for the reason that some states require that a couple seeking a divorce have been separated for some space of time. Also, some couples need to remain officially married, perhaps so one can continue to be insured for medical or other purposes by the other's company. Official legal separation makes this possible.

Occasionally, there is no question that the pair is moving in the direction of divorce, but know it will take some time to work everything out. If their incomes are substantially diverse, it may be worth approving on a written separation agreement; that way the person paying any maintenance can deduct it on his or her tax return. The paying spouse might be able to reimburse the receiving spouse more than enough to pay the tax on the alimony, and still come out ahead. Sometimes one of the spouses has a religious objection to divorce. A formal separation will allow the spouses to remain officially married even as they live separate lives.

Outside that, there may not be much of a reason to go through the time, torture, and expense of a formal legal separation. Better perhaps to agree to reach a working arrangement for an informal separation. You can then follow it up directly with either reconciliation or divorce.

So, can separation save a marriage - that is the question. A number of people emphatically resist separation, thus adding even more stress into an already tense marriage. Perhaps separation may be the best option for some marriages, despite the threatening shadow of divorce, as living together is clearly is not working. However, can you make it work from a distance? A trial separation will go a long way in helping you decide the answer.

Why? Because couples who separate tend to find that without the constant day by day conflict and squabbling the lack of proximity to their spouse provides time to think, and solve problems. Marital problems are often hard to resolve as they often get hindered by egos, fear and stubbornness. Resolution can flourish as long as at least one partner is willing to keep trying; if the urge to always be right and not back down remains then it probably means that the separation will end in divorce.

It is therefore strongly recommended that you at least give trial separation a try. If only for the sake of trying to save your marriage.

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