Attraction Secrets Of Women Revealed

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

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Its no secret that there are glaring differences between men and women. But the most important difference is how men and women think and perceive the world around them.

Men are logical by nature. They tend to see things in a very pragmatic fashion. Even to the men who'd consider themselves "dreamers" or the "creative type," logic plays a big part in how they make their decisions.

Women are more emotional. They allow their emotions to guide them along their path in the decision making process. This is not to say girls can't be logical, but that they are more inclined to "go with their gut" when their emotions are telling them to do something.

Indeed - this is how nature intended things to be. If women were ruled by logic, they would have a hard time caring for their children, since women have to be empathetic to their baby's needs.

By the same token, nature intended men to be logical, since this is the best way for men to protect and provide for their families.

Unfortuneately, though these differences serve a purpose, they also make it more difficult for the two sexes to really understand each other.

Because men are logical, they just assume women think the same way they do! After all, everyone always thinks others - no matter how different they may be - perceives the world in the same way they do.

But this just isn't the case. Because men are logical in nature, they will try and force that logic onto the women they like - usually with poor results.

Take for instance, the notion of the "Pity Kiss."

This is one of those things that girls talk about with each other, and guys have no idea exists. And it all stems from the differences between the logic and the emotional.

Let's pretend for a moment that a guy is out with a girl, and he is simply misreading the situation. The girl is just not attracted to him at all, yet he still decides to go in for a kiss, oblivious to this that she isn't into him.

Naturally, the girl will try and politely keep from having to go through with the kiss. When this happens, the guy's logic center will kick in, and he will try to convince the girl to kiss him!

You'll hear lines like:

"Wow, I thought you liked me. I thought you were different from all the other girls, but I guess I was wrong about you."

"Why don't you want to kiss me? Are you just using me? We're such a good fit!"

"This never happens to me. Why did you go out with me if you don't like me?"

Obviously, there's a million of these types of arguments, and usually the guys will keep at it until the girl caves in and kisses him.

But this is actually the WORST thing that could happen!

The guy may think he's won because he got the kiss, but in reality, he's lost, because the woman gave him a "Pity Kiss" just to shut him up and get away from him without coming off as mean. Now, the woman feels like she was guilted into kissing him, and she'll harbor resentment over it.

This is the type of stuff women will talk about at length to their friends, and NEVER bring up to a guy they like.

But it's important for men to know about the things women talk about - because the best way to attract a woman is to UNDERSTAND how they operate.

And they operate on EMOTION.

In order to really connect with a woman, a man has got to learn to appeal to her emotions and not her logic.

You have to understand that if a woman doesn't want to kiss you - even if you are a great guy and would logically make a great match - it's because you haven't made her experience the emotions she needs to feel to actually WANT to kiss you.

It's this ignoring of emotion and reliance on logic that's the major reason why so many men get rejected by women!

And women will complain: "What's wrong with men? Why don't they understand how to make us happy?"

The simple fact is this: emotions will always rule when it comes to love. This is the secret girls know that guys don't. And the guy that understands this secret, is the guy who will inevitably get the girl.

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