How Accurate Are Those "Are You Really In Love" Quizzes?

Sunday, December 15, 2013

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One of the best ways to find out whether you are in love or not is through quizzes. But you must make sure that you choose the right one. If you are going to choose one of those short tests available in popular magazines you will end up more confused than before starting it. Therefore,  here you can find helpful guidelines for finding the right quiz.

What kind of Information Reveals the Quiz

Your "gut instincts" must never be ignored no matter the situation. For example, if you get the feeling that something is wrong, the best solution is to solve the problem even if there is no obvious danger.

One of the biggest problems involves the capacity to distinguish love and infatuation when you have to deal with important problems. These are two powerful emotions which cannot be "trusted" entirely and might sometimes lead to a bad relationship for you.

Therefore, some specific questions found in a quiz are extremely helpful when it comes to separate feelings and find out if you are really in love. You will not have to waste so much energy anymore and the quiz will even help you to avoid an unpleasant and tricky relationship.

What Questions Should the Quiz Contain?

If you really want to benefit from the accurate results of an "are you really in love" quiz available today, you definitely need to know how to distinguish the right one from the others. Most often, by a simple glance over the questions in the quiz you will be able to make an idea about how accurate the quiz is. By looking at the questions you can easily make an idea about the questions' content.

The quiz questions should help you separate infatuation that could evolve into a deeper, stronger true love from some feelings that are not meant to lead to anything relevant. The questions in the test should also be related to your feelings, how love makes you feel, what kind of emotions are involved in your relationship and in what amount you sacrifice for your relationship partner. These questions are extremely helpful when it comes to differentiate between love, infatuation and lust.

Where you can Start Searching for Quality Quizzes?

As stated before, magazines are not the best place to find quality quizzes. You cannot be sure of the writer's experience in relationships, only if the writer's bio is mentioned. Taking this into consideration, it is far better to look for quality quizzes in books and websites of relationship experts.

A few well structured and accurate quizzes can help you determine whether your actual relationship has a real future or not. By finding in time if your relationship is on its right track or not, can save a lot of heartache on the long run. You just have to make sure that you find the right quiz based on a reliable source, be honest in your answer, and face the results of an "are you really in love" quiz with an open mind.

You can find additional info at the following links:

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